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373∆24 Brasil and the world in crisis (draft)

    Temas: Brasil and the world in crisis  ( draft ) Sumário: Miríade e Distopia   (2004-2024)  Em construção: Coletânea de Poesias -   draf...

domingo, 29 de março de 2020

Desemprego estimulado


Inverter a espiral de desinvestimento e de desemprego avassalador: é necessário lembrar todo dia que esse desemprego foi programado.

Isso, ainda mais, depois de péssimas notícias, na área de economia, em relação ao desemprego recorde de:
- + de 11 milhões de desempregados;
- sobretudo chef@s de família;jovens;
Situação que só deve se agravar com a expansão da pandemia do Coronavirus.

Já dizia Manu d'Ávila, em 2018

''as medidas anticrise do desgoverno Temer exterminaram com o mercado de trabalho".

Eu digo, mais especificamente, que  "exterminam os trabalhadores e outros precarizados".

Já que os trabalhadores estão cada vez mais:
desalentados de procurar trabalhos.

E aqueles poucos que conseguem serviço,  encontram condições cada vez mais precarizadas com, entre outros aspectos:
- o avanço do trabalho informal;
-  a terceirização irrestrita, inclusive de atividades fins.
- uberização;

O "precariado" ( conceito de Jessé de Souza) precisa estar consciente de que seu  extermínio e degradação são  programados.

Nessa conjuntura devastadora de mais de 11% de desempregados no Brasil, como não me lembrar de que até  2013, o Brasil vivia com desemprego, pelo menos oficial, de menos de 5%.

Lembro-me ainda mais de economistas neoliberais decretarem todo dia  a necessidade de:

- aumentar o desemprego para diminuir o custo da mão de obra.

Você se lembra disso?

comente por favor:
o que pode ser feito para mudar essa desgraça?

robot advisers site crash

"The web sites of two of the country’s biggest robo-advisers -- Wealthfront Inc. and Betterment LLC -- crashed as the S&P 500 Index sank 4.1 percent. Complaints quickly spread across Reddit and other Internet sites from people who had trouble logging onto their accounts. "


Peggy Collins

Updated on June 6, 2017 3:05 PM BR (Sao Paulo)

As a society, we’ve decided we trust robots to weld our cars together but we’re not ready to let them drive. How about investing our savings? Automated financial services, known as robo-advisers, are software programs that use algorithms to do what flesh-and-blood financial advisers do, but at a far lower cost. The startups that launched the industry said the rise of robo-advisers would both disrupt the $20 trillion field and give millions of investors access to the kind of smarts only the well-to-do have been able to afford. It’s not yet clear whether robo-advisers can outperform their human counterparts on anything other than price — no small matter. Either way, the big players in the field have decided the idea has enough promise for them to try to beat the newbies at their own game.
Morgan Stanley is augmenting its 16,000 financial advisers with machine-learning algorithms that suggest trades, take over routine tasks and send reminders when your birthday is near.
Many American investors have turned to advisers who charge a flat fee, most commonly 1 percent of a client’s assets under management. In general, traditional advisers only serve customers with significant savings, often at least $250,000, or in some cases millions. Betterment has no minimum; Wealthfront’s is $500. Online, potential clients answer a few questions about things like their age, salary and financial goals. Computer algorithms then propose one of several cookie-cutter portfolios — such as 40 percent in stocks and 60 percent in bonds for someone who said their first priority is having a safety net. The services usually use a range of exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, which invest in stocks, bonds and other assets such as
natural resources and
corporate debt.
The programs periodically buy and sell securities to keep the mix matched to investors’ risk tolerance.

class of plan - 1st bim - 2nd theme - career plan

review: 1st theme (with 6wh questions)
forgetting curve - review - 1;7;30;60 days

(a) class orientation: Providing the objectives for which a specific task/lesson/series of lessons take(s) place

- a) oral drill, filling mindmap - 10 minutes
- b) written text explanation - 10 minutes
- c) reading about theme text (reading strategy) or oral presentation or ENEM Question - 10 minutes
- d) lyrics or poem (6whq) - 10 minutes

(b) class structure: Outlining the content to be covered
(c) class structure: signalling transitions between lesson parts

Oral Drill

work in pairs: ask your closest colleague:
"what is your chosen job?"
"which are +  aspects of it? (while, but,)
[work memory: < =7 items at a time]
"which are - characteristics of it ?
(while, but,)
"how much money will you get, at the beginning"  and
"who will help you get there?"
"what will you/they/it do for help you?
"how will ----- do it?"
"why will this help?"

new questions: 2 per class / asked for 5 students
review: earlier classes questions asked for 2 or 3 students, dependent of class level

scaffolding example

scaffolding - per class or per theme (??)
1st theme-
Teacher ask 5 st: "what is you chosen job?"

2nd theme
a) Teacher asks for Student one: "What is your chosen job?"
b) Student one ask students two: "What is your chosen job?" - st2 ask st3; st3 ask st4; st4 ask st5

3rd theme
a) teacher ask student 1: What is your chosen job?
b) Student 2 ask st3 about st1 chosen job: "St3, What is S1 (his/her) chosen job?"
c) teacher ask st4: What is your chosen job?
d) S5 ask st6 about st4 chosen job: "St6, What is St4 chosen job?"

Answers according to students level:
basic: keyword answer;
intermediate: longer modelled answer;
advanced: free speech possible answers

Student one: enginering/ My chosen career is ------'.
  I don't know.
           I am shy (inference).
           I don't want to participate, because...
           He or She do not know yet
           He or She did not do the exercise! (Don't want to be a snitch)  (tattletalle, snitch, informant, grass, mole, spy)

presentation and written text (intersection of 3 circles)
      -    learning ( learning, strategies and focus)
      -    job choice (career, competition and education)
      -   robots and AI ( tech revolution, robots, ethics)
       -  work and robots ( robots, work, and education)
       -  career's planning (

Written Text modeling structure:

- introduction: What
- Dev 1: Why
- Dev 2: Which were +-,
- Conclusion: intervention proposal: who could/would; what could/should/must; how could/should/must/ought;


two questions added per class (10 first minutes)

(ask to five students, mainly at the backbench)

- What is your dream job?
- Why do you want to work at this job?
- Which are some positive and some negative aspects about this job? ( so much labor)
- How much money will you probably get, annually, at the -------- of your career, according to your job? (beginning; middle; ending)
- Who can do something to improve your chances at getting this job? (you, your family, the school, the government)
- What do _____ can do?
- How do ------ can help?
- Which are another things ------- can do?
- Which effects are expected?

          class planning

a 1 - 1 lirics  per week; poem per week, ENEM question ( next week music: at facebook - students share choices with links at specific thread and the most voted will be your translated and  listened))

ENEM Question - multiple choice question per class

English Enem or 2019 Enem various subjects translated to English

A2 - 1st reading together in english, 3nd translating together, ask questions about text)

b1 – Written text

one written text each 4 classes - 1 part per class

(introduction [what; who; when; where];

dev1: why - causes [conjunctural, underlying, structural];

dev2: which - consequence [short; middle; long term];

conclusion: intervention - how to deal - (who- what - how - which effects; local - regional - global)

middle (reading activity)

c1- reading a written thematic text per class (wh q&a; causes and consequences; intervention proposal

deepening a learning strategies  (1 study/reading/written  strategy per bi-weekly subject)(pre-view tittle, source, skimming, scanning, textual genre, contradiction, incoherence, phrasal topic) - see core standards gradation)

Reading  Cartoons or graphics (main subject - specific information) - Wh-question

C2 - Oral presentation - each student different presentation - (1 coordenator-organizer):

- presenting (presentation moderator),

writing text (dissertative;)

- debating ( 2 people)

- visualizing (2 people);(6wh mind map, drawing)

performing (dance; theater)

creating (ludic activity; play) narrative; poem

verbalizing - free speech about subject; pedagogical

ENDING class (oral practice)

D1 - oral Wh questions about subject of the week (given at the last class - flipped classroom;  fill blackboard mindmap - Oral practice

a2 - drill and conversation  practice including at least two wh-question per class (pair work? )

- visualize the question while your classmates ask them?

Answers =Extending thinking time (from 3 to 5 sec)

- beginner - only key words
- intermediate - complete answer
- advanced - complete answer and related example

a3a- wh-questions alternate close and open questions -

(what [who; where;when];

why [i-u-b];

which [s-m-l]  (+|- but - adjectives);

how [l-r-g]) (who [individual, collective, institution, government], what, how, details, which effects)

about bi-weekly theme -

a3b - begin with "what" and each class add two other wh-q

10 students asked per each class (remember: 4 classes per sub-theme)

A4- next class question [what; why; which; or how] flipped classroom

End class

- question  to think while listening: what is the main subject? (without answer)

- listen to music and following worksheet

- translating together

- read together in English

- answering question

  (most listened on vagalume or spotify or billboard)


D3 - read -Last week top trending topic from Google

D 4 - 1 series or movie plot (most watched on Netflix) ( - subtitles

D5  - 1 book first paragraphs

February - (learning and writing strategies)

March - career choice ang main invention in chosen field

april -robots; artificial intelligenge s; cellphone)

2nd bimester (table of intervention)

may -  cultural diversity - graphite and cinema (stereotypes and representation)

June - (Internet and social media problems; cyberbullying; fake news; game addiction;

3rd bimester (three cicles intersection's area)

august   - water (lack, contamination: urban; agriculture and pesticides)

September - beauty patterns; food problems; suicide

September  - greatest inventions and tech revolution (greatest inventions; cars; vaccines - antivaxx; computer; cellphone

4th bimester

- Outubro até Enem

        - learning strategies review

          1 question Enem per class)


climate change (anthropogenics and consensus; causes (industrialization/); consequences; intervention)

questions for evaluating

exercise - open questions

rec. paralela - open and multiple (closed)

provao  - multiple choice

questions structure

a)  subject of the text  (specific as main)

b) causes (basic,  immediate,  or underlying) (March )

c) consequences  (long term, short, or middle) ( April)

d) how to deal (individual, collective, or institutional)  (may)

questions main subject of the text

a) specific info

b) main

c) contraction with specific info

d) not related or inferences (irrational, or illogical)

- Utilizando questões do Enem para prática
-  exercício avaliativo nos dias 5 e 6/11
- simulados e correções de últimas quatro provas do Enem.

Novembro pós-enem - Reading and study strategies - going deep


  4 texts

        Learning strategies

         Learning styles

        Evaluation strategies

        Reading strategies

         Writing strategies

oral presentation

demonstrate their learning, which can include:






debating, and

Oral presentation

         Presentation a text about learning

   Choose a theme and a textual genre

Exercício (alternativa)

-    Dois exercícios - nota média aritmética dos dois
- Dois exercícios, cada um valendo 4 ponto
- Osegundo servindo como
-           2nd chamada para quem perdeu
-            recuperação paralela para quem não conseguiu média

revisão Enem

A- Graffiti and contestation: social and class relations

B- Media and beauty patterns: anorexia and bulimia

Marketing and consumerism:

C- Social media and post-truth discourse: antivaxx

Internet forums and anti-science discourse

D- Movies and representation: racism

Cinema and gender representation

- Education: homeschooling and social segregation


o consumismo,

o desperdício e

a obsolescência programada.


cinema and representation

social medias and hate speech

graffiti and

internet e pós-verdade e discurso anticiência

         movimento antivacina


         theory of evolution and criacionism

Discurso de ódio na internet


           racismo - anti-cotas


      - alfabetização e Letramento digital: com melhorar os processos de aprendizagem

      - educação domiciliar  (homeschooling)

      - Evasão Escolar

      -  violências na escola

                  (física, psicológica,

                    bullying, intelectual )

     -  escola cívico-militar


       - redução da maioridade penal

       - weapons acess- mass shootings

       -  extremism - youth radicalization

       - epidemia das drogas

       - spread of sexually transmitted disieses


          cultural diversity and difference

          fronteirs - empire strikes back

           prostitution - trafic human


   - over-exposition - depressão -

   -  increase in suicide rates

   - deepfake - you, wherever you want

   - fakenews

    - cyberbullying

   - nudes, sexting and child pornography

   - paedophylia

“Temas ‘engajados’, que sugiram pautas associadas a movimentos sociais ou a uma visão de mundo mais progressista, como questões identitárias ou de gênero, racismo, feminismo ou pautas LGTBQ+, bem como aquelas ligadas à preservação ambiental não devem aparecer na redação”. (Marcelo Pavani, Oficina do Estudante)