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Antologia: Miríade, Distopia, Utopia (2004-2024) -

     Antologia : Miríade, Distopia, Utopia  (2004-2024); @vanres1974; #anto;  {14dez24 sat 10:50} ; #antologia      Anthology: Myriad, Dysto...

Prof. Dr. Vander Resende, Doutorado em Lit Bras, pela UFMG; Mestre em Teorias Lit e Crít Cul, UFSJ

quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2021

 "O avanço do agronegócio, em meio à estagnação da renda per capita nacional, pressupôs uma ampla cobertura estatal viabilizada por

 desoneração fiscal providenciada pela Lei Kandir, que eximiu as exportações de produtos primários do pagamento do ICMS (1996),

pela isenção tributária de lucros e dividendos (1995) e pela 

seguida valorização cambial e

 prática das altas taxas de juros a enaltecer a 

conversão de empresários industriais em comerciantes, rentistas e neoextrativistas.",rentistas%20e%20neoextrativistas.

terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2021

saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose.  “Sweeteners hurt the ability of gut bacteria to keep us well: Israeli study” [Times of Israel].

Three less common sweeteners,
acesulfame potassium (Ace-K),
advantame, and
did not have this effect.


Researchers find 3 most common artificial sweeteners cause a ‘breakdown in communication’ among microbes, potentially raising risk of
diabetes and 

digestive problems

“Artificial sweeteners cause a “breakdown in communication” among gut bacteria, changing the microbiome and potentially increasing the risk of disease, Israeli scientists say. Gut bacteria keep people healthy, but to do so they need to be present in the right balance. This is maintained in part by a communication mechanism that bacteria use, called quorum sensing, which enables bacteria to detect and respond to cell population density by regulating their own genes, affecting their behavior. ‘Artificial sweeteners disrupt that communication, which indicates that artificial sweeteners may be problematic in the long run,’ said Dr. Karina Golberg, who led the peer-reviewed study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.”

the three most common sweeteners all impeded bacterial communication: saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose.


Three less common sweeteners,
acesulfame potassium (Ace-K),
advantame, and
did not have this effect.


 “Christie: 2020 Joe Biden ‘is now officially dead and buried'” [The Hill],

“‘It’s the death of 2020 Joe Biden. When he went to the Hill, 2020 Joe Biden is now officially dead and buried,’ [Chris] Christie said on ABC’s ‘This Week.’ ‘The guy who ran against the progressives, ran against Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, ran to be a uniter in this country, ran saying he was going to force compromise. And he went up to Capitol Hill, and he capitulated to the progressives, the liberals in his party.’ ‘And why should we be surprised? He couldn’t stand up to the Taliban. How could we expect him to stand up to AOC?’ he added, referring to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), before ‘This Week’ co-anchor Jonathan Karl called his comments a ‘partisan take.'”


“Progressives’ mobilization delusion” [Matt Yglesias, Slow Boring]. “One of the biggest problems with mobilization theory is that in politics (and also other spheres of life), there are a lot of opportunists. And by moving from a straightforward question like ‘is this popular?’ to something harder to measure like ‘does this mobilize voters?’ a lot of people who have specific agendas can make up hazy reasons why you need to prioritize their issues.”

 “Why Democrats’ climate goals may test their Latino appeal” [Associated Press]. “Last year, Biden won Cameron County, which encompasses Brownsville and is about 90% Hispanic. But Trump’s margin of the vote increased there by 20 percentage points over 2016. Farther north, Trump flipped oil- and gas-producing, but still heavily Hispanic, Jim Wells and Kleberg counties. ‘We are very dependent on oil and gas. That’s the reason you saw those numbers,’ said [said Mayra Flores, a 35-year-old respiratory care practitioner and organizer for Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign], who was born in Mexico, came to the United State at age 6 and picked cotton every summer growing up after age 12. ‘That’s what people do. That’s where they work.'”