in the #time of #childhood
a "#wall started to
be built"
close to 49 #year -s
and at every new #turn
in long #spiral of #life
keep trying #demolition
open some #window -s #door -s
#cut in some #places
to give #freedom
for the #flow
of #wind
taken by #gust -s of #air
#dream to #fly
! It's not easy!
each time
#hard -er
becaming denser
other parts
#high -er
I try to #leave
in #revolt
# against the
to be #inexorable
in #eternal return
the #movement
nonetheless the #deconstruction -
at least in some points
so that there are no
#transformation -s
of the #wall -s into
- #to be continued
By @vanres1974
"When did the wall start to be built"(@Isabella_Wenischenck, @iwpoesia, Instagram, 2023)
in the #time of #childhood
a "#wall started to
be built"
close to 49 years
and at every new #turn
in the long #spiral of #life
keep trying #demolition
open some #window -s #door -s
#cut in some #places
to give #freedom
for the #flow
of #wind
taken by #gust -s of #air
#dream to #fly
! It's not easy!
each time
becaming denser
other parts
I try to #leave
in #revolt
against the #appearance
to be #inexorable
in #eternal return
the #movement
the #deconstruction -
at least in some points
so that there is no #transformation
of the #wall into a
#insurmountable #dome
- #to be continued
By @vanres1974
"When did the wall start to be built"(@Isabella_Wenischenck, @iwpoesia, Instagram, 2023)