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373∆24 Brasil and the world in crisis (draft)

    Temas: Brasil and the world in crisis  ( draft ) Sumário: Miríade e Distopia   (2004-2024)  Em construção: Coletânea de Poesias -   draf...

quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2024

666-2023 #escuridão na #cidade - 09/03/2023

no início de 2023

enquanto assistia 

à exasperadora narrativa


sobre a #crisedosmisseis em #cuba

entre #usa e #URSS no ano de #1962

as duas horas e quinze minutos

para a #meianoite 



quase 62 anos 

depois da crise

#smarttv e geladeira desligaram

as #luzesdacidade apagaram-se

logo após 

interromper-se em

retumbante fracasso

a primeira 


#indireta entre 

#jfk  #kruschev


a vista

corte para #2023

o boletim anual 

dos cientistas atômicos

em 23 de janeiro de 2023

coloca     o    ponteiro 

do     doomsday   clock

relógio do juízo f i n a l

em    90     s e g u n d o s

para  a  m e i a - n o i t e

nunca estivemos

tão próximos 

da meia-noite

corte para 

2   0   2   4

desde então 

nas águas gélidas do inverno no mar negro

#storm_shadows da grã bretanha 

lançados por migs ucranianos 

afundam   navio   russo 

carregado de 

drones iranianos 

e misséis norte coreanos

a partir do irã

   nação majoritariamente xiita

        quase nuclearizada

    a guarda revolucionária islâmica



 para a rússia 


[e, alegam quase todos os informados, armamentos] 

para milícias

do eixo da resistência 

 lança mísseis com precisão 

em série 

no mesmo dia


 a mais de 1000 km

contra alvos 

do mossad no kurdistão iraquiano

do estado islâmico na síria 

do baloquistão no paquistão 

irã que fora alvo 

em 3 de janeiro de 2024

                    de ataque terrorista 

em kermal no sul do irã 

por filial 

do estado islâmico

para a província de khorasan

 atuante no af-pak 

        durante memorial 

ao General Soleimani

   antigo líder da força quds 

da guarda revolucionária iraniana 

morto no iraque em 2020

em uma operação especial

 autorizada por Donald Trump

e não querendo ficar para trás na corrida para ver quem consegue colocar ainda mais fogo no território anteriormente chamado  oriente médio

o nuclearizado e majoritariamente sunita paquistão 

em retaliação a ataque do irã

                 aos separatistas iranianos vivendo no baluquistão paquistanês

lança mísseis no território iraniano contra separatistas paquistaneses no baluquistão iraniano 

enquanto isso, 

a síria permanece, em partes de seu território, com tropas estadunidenses russas libanesas turcas curdas israelenses iranianas iraquianas paquistanesas afegãs etc

 governo da turquia

mantém sua política 

repressiva de oposições 

nacionalistas curdas



e as milícias do eixo 

houthis  do Iêmen  

hezbollah do líbano 

resistência islâmica no iraque

hamas e jihad islâmica na palestina 

lançam foguetes

em bases e navios estadunidenses

 no mediterrâneo 

no oceano índico 

no mar vermelho

no golfo de aden 

no iraque

na síria

os houthis do Iêmen

fecham as águas do mar vermelho 

atingem com mísseis


exclusivamente navios 

conectados a Israel 


do hiper-nuclearizado

estados unidos

atingem o iêmem 

para tentar conter 

ataques dos houthis

exacerbando os conflitos


misséis houthis 

na sequência


 em retaliação 


navios mercantes 



[os nuclearizados, 

embora não admitam]

israelenses lançam 

ataques sistemáticos




toneladas de bombas 


por mais de 100 dias

todos os dias












histórias tenebrosas 

sobre 7 out

de estupros em massa de mulheres israelenses

de corte de cabeça de crianças israelenses

de bebês assados em fornos

de feto retirado do ventre

histórias de horror

divulgadas em primeira mão

por organizações ultraortodoxas

histórias de terror

até 100 dias depois

ainda não comprovadas

mesmo com a ubiquidade de mídias digitais

nem por vídeos em que apareçam tais vítimas

nem por testemunhos em primeira mão 

israelenses provocam 

até Hoje

vide última

data de atualização

m a i s  d e  3 0 0 0 0  m o r t e s

mais de 70 mil feridos 

quase 5% da população palestina

morta ferida desaparecida

mais de 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 de deslocados


israelenses atacam

hesbollah no sul do líbano 

aeroportos e residências na síria 

israelenses acusam

a áfrica do sul de antissemita

por abrir processo em haia

contra o estado israelense

por genocídio de palestinos

em meio a debates teóricos 

se a atuação israelense 

constitui ou não 


o crime dos crimes

comprovação da eliminação física de membros de povo

comprovação de intenção de eliminar membros de um povo

comprovação do esforço para colocar em prática a eliminação dos membros de um povo  

centenas de crianças palestinas

continuam a morrer 

todos os dias 

em gaza 


ou principalmente

em ditas "safe zones"



navegam temerariamente pelo 

mar   do    sul    da    china 

mar vermelho 


o nuclearizado #bharat 

enerva-se com

mísseis houthis

 atingem navio

com químicos sauditas

navegando por oceano índico


aviões militares 

chineses vendidos

para junta militar paquistanesa

no poder desde que 

         apoiada pelos EUA 

golpeou presidente

aliado da rússia 


e a rússia

mais hipernuclearizada

de todas as nações nuclearizadas   


a sua operação militar especial

para alegadamente




a ucrânia

por meio de

capitalismo de guerra  

produção massiva de armamentos 

600000 soldados engajados

e apoio

de drones iranianos

de mísseis norte coreanos 


e de quebra

envia navalny 

para morrer na prisão 

na sibéria


Gonzalo Lira

morre em prisão

na minha Ucrânia 

é quase 


em @queluz 

um corte 

sem luz 

aproxima-se 23 de janeiro de 2024

vem aí o novo boletim do juízo final

parece estar o relógio 

a cada semana 

mais próximo

da meia-noite 

How many seconds closer to midnight?



#09032023 10032023 

15jan24  18jan24



Sumário: Miríade e Distopia

(Em construção) 

#distopia #coleção


#lafaiete #sem #luz 

#brasil #br



265 > 24 Iran Agregator 

Iran's  Election

Iran's  Election

060324 Hardline majority in parliament: Iranian hardline factions are expected to retain their majority in parliament.[1] 

The majority of Tehran province’s 14 confirmed candidates were hardliners. [2] Incumbent hardline Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf was re-elected to parliament for Tehran province.[3] Parliamentarians will vote for the next parliament speaker after run-off elections conclude in late April or early May.[4] Forty-five candidates will compete in the run-off election.[5]

Iran’s March 1 Parliament elections had the 

  • lowest voter turnout 

of any election in the history of the Islamic Republic.[6] Approximately 25 million Iranians out of 61 million eligible voters voted for 290 candidates for Parliament and 88 candidates for the Assembly of Experts.[7]

  •  The Assembly of Experts

 is the body responsible for choosing the supreme leader’s successor. Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi reported an official voter turnout of 41%.[8] This figure is likely inflated, given the Iranian regime’s historical tendency to exaggerate voter turnout.[9] Iran reported a 43% voter turnout in its 2020 parliamentary election.[10]",parliamentary%20election.%5B10%5D 

264>24 India, draftnews

Indias Farmer's protests
Political Economy
020324 India’s economy grows at its fastest pace in six quarters
India's Election 

NEWS India

India, from Naked Capitalism


For a decade, earnings of regular salaried & self-employed Indians have been declining: ILO Down to Earth

India’s Income Inequality Is Now Worse Than Under British Rule, New Report Says TIME

Indian Economy Is Rigged Under Plutocratic Influence. What About Elections? The Wire

010424 Indians may already be experiencing temperatures close to limits of human survivability without even being aware Down to Earth : The basic criteria for IMD to declare a heatwave is when the temperature of a place crosses 40 degrees Celsius (°C) in the plains, 37°C in the coastal areas and 30°C in the hills. These temperature values are the thresholds set by IMD for the declaration of heatwaves in India. Apart from this, the temperature of a particular day has to be above normal by at least 4.5°C for two consecutive days for a heatwave to be declared."

"010424 Índia Elections: running the government from inside the jail!?!?

"The Constitution does not expressly bar anyone from running the government from inside the jail, but talking of Constitutional morality stops it. Democracy demands that the person, who has been elected by the public, be outside (the jail) with the public. Here (Delhi), people would not be having any access to the CM . Advocate Ashwani Dubey",01%20April%202024,%2D%20Advocate%20Ashwani%20Dubey,-08%3A52%3A32

010424:  massive rally criticized Modi’s government 

"NEW DELHI (AP) — An alliance of India’s opposition parties launched its election campaign with a massive rally Sunday that criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government of stifling opponents and undermining democracy ahead of a national election next month.

The “Save Democracy” rally in New Delhi was the first major show of strength by the opposition bloc INDIA. Modi on Sunday also launched a formal campaign for the election to be held over six weeks starting April 19.

Opposition leaders spoke to the flag-waving crowd and criticized Modi’s government for arresting several of their colleagues, including New Delhi’s top elected official Arvind Kejriwal on March 21. The leaders called the arrests undemocratic and accused Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP, of using federal agencies to undermine the opposition.

Kejriwal was arrested by the federal Enforcement Directorate on charges that his party and state ministers had accepted 1 billion rupees ($12 million) in bribes from liquor contractors nearly two years ago. The Aam Aadmi Party, or Common Man’s Party, denied the accusations and said that Kejriwal would remain as New Delhi’s chief minister while the court decides on the next step",the%20next%20step

Indias Farmer's protests
Political Economy
020324 India’s economy grows at its fastest pace in six quarters

India's Election 

180324 Electoral Bonds Blow Giant Holes in Modi’s Anti-Corruption Plank The Wire
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s big claim that no corruption charge has ever tarnished his government lies in tatters after the Supreme Court declared the electoral bonds scheme ‘illegal’ and ‘unconstitutional’.
The anti-corruption plank is dramatically slipping from under Modi’s feet as revelations about the real nature of anonymous contributions to political parties via electoral bonds, with the BJP being the largest beneficiary, are coming thick and fast.
Every official claim made before the launch of the murky scheme in 2017 stands totally discredited. Remember, the then Finance Minister Arun Jaitley boasted that established Indian corporates wanted this scheme to bring in white money into the electoral system and that they just wanted their identities protected.
This argument becomes laughable on a cursory scrutiny of the list which has largely small unknown companies, many acting as fronts of big corporates, pumping 10 to 100 times their net profit via electoral bonds.
Why would a company want to be so generous as to give 100 times its profits to a political party?

140324: regulate AI ahead of India's national elections
020324 In election boost for Modi Channel News Asia

Indias Farmer's protests

Political Economy

India’s economy grows at its fastest pace in six quarters in election boost for Modi Channel News Asia

... Modi has sharply raised government spending on infrastructure and offered incentives to boost the manufacturing of phones, electronics, drones and semiconductors to help India compete with the likes of Vietnam and Thailand.

The manufacturing sector, which for the past decade has accounted for 17 per cent of Asia's third-largest economy, expanded 11.6 per cent year-on-year in the December quarter, while investment growth was above 10 per cent for the second consecutive quarter, and the construction sector grew by more than 9 per cent.

How the Pentagon built Silicon Valley Responsible Statescraft

Climate Change Is Making the Middle East Uninhabitable Foreign Policy -Washington needs to help head off mass migration to Europe. There is not a lot that the United States can do about conflicts—such as the one in Sudan—that drive migration, but U.S. policymakers can help when it comes to the climate crisis, which will contribute to the increasing numbers of people seeking refuge in Europe. /Indeed, helping strike agreements to manage water scarcity in the Middle East is a low-cost way the United States can mitigate the perversions of European politics and help shape the global order to come.

"the best Congress that money can buy"
    desidentification with community

site: Woodrow Wilson Center

 Lenta decadência Empire Império 

news: anti-american 
news: nato
news: military exercises

news: US sanctions: Venezuela; North Korea; Iran; Russia; China; and half a hundred more

news: multipolarity
news: carry trade

US sanctions:
 steel and aluminum
electric vehicles (EV)
critical minerals
solar cells
ship-to-shore cranes
medical products

US Economy in media

US EconFin
news:  Bidenomics 
news: US GDP growth
news: US statistics

US politics:
    news: Politico
    news: The Hill

    Trump: lawfare
news: Kamala Harris nomination
news: Trump assassination attempt
news: Biden retreat from nomination

site: MedPage
news: birdflu
news: raw milk


August 2024
Climate Change Is Making the Middle East Uninhabitable Foreign Policy -Washington needs to help head off mass migration to Europe. There is not a lot that the United States can do about conflicts—such as the one in Sudan—that drive migration, but U.S. policymakers can help when it comes to the climate crisis, which will contribute to the increasing numbers of people seeking refuge in Europe. /Indeed, helping strike agreements to manage water scarcity in the Middle East is a low-cost way the United States can mitigate the perversions of European politics and help shape the global order to come.

California Democrats fear US tech firm ‘death spiral’ with more China curbs Reuters.  The letter is a sign of growing pushback against Biden's semiconductor policy among Democrats from California, home to the U.S.'s top chipmaking equipment companies LAM (LRCX.O), opens new tab, Applied Materials (AMAT.O), opens new tab and KLA (KLAC.O), opens new tabIn their August letter, Padilla and Lofgren stressed that they were not asking Biden to roll back restrictions on China, but simply opposed the imposition of rules "with questionable national-security benefits" when allies do not follow suit.
  • Secret Nuclear Strategy
    • Biden Approved Secret Nuclear Strategy Refocusing on Chinese Threat New York Times  Pentagon believes China’s stockpiles will rival the size and diversity of the United States’ and Russia’s over the next decade./ In the past, the likelihood that American adversaries could coordinate nuclear threats to outmaneuver the American nuclear arsenal seemed remote. But the emerging partnership between Russia and China, and the conventional arms North Korea and Iran are providing to Russia for the war in Ukraine have fundamentally changed Washington’s thinking.  / 
    •  China’s nuclear force - the Pentagon’s estimates that China’s nuclear force would expand to 1,000 by 2030 and 1,500 by 2035, roughly the numbers that the United States and Russia now deploy.

    • North Korea Nuclear Force - Mr. Kim has doubled down, and now has more than 60 [nuclear] weapons, officials estimate, and the fuel for many more. That expansion has changed the nature of the North Korean challenge: When the country possessed just a handful of weapons, it could be deterred by missile defenses. But its expanded arsenal is fast approaching the size of Pakistan’s and Israel’s, and it is large enough that it could, in theory, coordinate threats with Moscow and Beijing.

"The New Junta in Niger Tells the United States to Pack Up Its War and Go Home

Posted on April 3, 2024 by Yves Smith

Yves here. This post by Nick Turse tells the very sorry tale of how US pretenses at counterterrorism in the Sahel not only made matters a lot worse but are now getting US forces run out of the region, now out of Niger. That also means Niger takes over our pricey base. I wonder if we will wind up not being able to extract all our kit.",The%20New%20Junta%20in%20Niger%20Tells%20the%20United%20States%20to%20Pack,will%20wind%20up%20not%20being%20able%20to%20extract%20all%20our%20kit.,-My%20impression%20is%20that


050324 Stoller - U.S. should destruction of its own automotive industrial base in favor of China's to reduce greenhous.

050324 "You can’t buy the Seagull in the US. But I bet you wish you could.

260 > 24 - USA 2024 ELECTION Agregator

06032024 - Super Tuesday: “7 things Super Tuesday just taught us about the November election” [Politico].

06032023 Trump (R): “Trump lawfare update” [Washington Examiner]. 

04032024 Trump can remain on 2024 primary ballots, US Supreme Court rules


02032024 Elections: Was Biden for the Economy?By Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson. Originally published at Geopolitical Economy Report

261 > 24 US Economics 

070324 "The Sham “The Economy Is Awful” Story, BY DEAN BAKER

. They refuse to let the strong labor market and rapid real wage growth get in their way. 

02032024 - The Reality of Bidenomics: How Good Was Biden for the Economy?, By Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson. Originally published at Geopolitical Economy Report

120324 "O poder imperial estadunidense mostra suas garras de barbárie 

em vários momentos: se inaugura nas bombas atômicas, nas bombas de napalm no Vietnam, na crueza da tortura ensinada as ditaduras latino-americanas e, por fim, seu traço mais moderno o uso dos bloqueios econômicos e da lógica fiscal esmagando, como um torniquete de um torturador, as sociedades e os orçamentos estatais das sociedades subjugadas, sejam latino-americanas, africanas ou asiáticas e, no último período dos XX e já nos XXI, as sociedades europeias subdesenvolvidas",sociedades%20europeias%20subdesenvolvidas


050324 Stoller - U.S. should destruction of its own automotive industrial base in favor of China's to reduce greenhous.

050324 "You can’t buy the Seagull in the US. But I bet you wish you could.

260 > 24 - USA 2024 ELECTION Agregator

06032024 - Super Tuesday: “7 things Super Tuesday just taught us about the November election” [Politico].

"From Colorado to Virginia, it was clear that the GOP’s down-ballot problems will only be exacerbated by Trump’s problems in the suburbs.
In Virginia, the former president lost suburbs like Alexandria and Arlington to Haley, along with the state capital of Richmond and city of Charlottesville, home to the University of Virginia.
In Colorado, he lost Denver and Boulder. ‘He consistently loses the most educated counties in every state,’ said GOP pollster Christine Matthews. ‘In Virginia, this was definitely true, but it was true in South Carolina, too. And everywhere. … I don’t think he wins them back by talking about

  • how much Black voters love his mug shot T-shirt or
  • let Russia attack NATO allies who haven’t paid their dues.’
Trump set out to remake the GOP into more of a working-class party — and November could test whether trading white-collar voters for blue-collar ones is a winning strategy in swing states.” And: “But it was in Minnesota, which hasn’t gone for a Republican for president since Richard Nixon in 1972, where Biden saw a less surprising but more threatening setback. The ‘uncommitted’ option on the ballot there had as big a night as it did in Michigan, winning 19 percent of the vote with 89 percent counted. The state’s politically significant Somali population, concentrated around the Twin Cities, rebuked Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war…. But come this fall, Biden can hardly afford such a defection in the pivotal blue wall state.”

06032023 Trump (R): “Trump lawfare update” [Washington Examiner]. 

A useful summary, concluding “The reason for the Democratic panic is this: Some in the party think, sure, President Joe Biden is weak and his polls are terrible, but if he falters, there is always lawfare. We’ve thrown case after case against Trump. Surely one of them will work. Now, there has been a lot of movement with the big six cases. Five of them might not be resolved, or resolved in Biden’s favor, before the election. So it could be that the entire hopes of the Democratic Party and all those who seek to bring down Trump before Election Day rest with Bragg.” Bragg’s case is the Trump’s payments to a mistress: “Bragg[‘s] charges were weak. It’s really a bunch of misdemeanors that Bragg conjured into felonies through a legally questionable maneuver.” Seems like normal practice in New York.” And: “The other cases, bad as some of them are, got more respect and attention, and Bragg stepped into the background, offering to delay trying his case while the others went first. But now all those cases have encountered problems, and Bragg is steaming ahead to a March 25 trial date, less than three weeks away. It’s a bad case, but it’s a case.”

04032024 Trump can remain on 2024 primary ballots, US Supreme Court rules


02032024 Elections: Was Biden for the Economy?By Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson. Originally published at Geopolitical Economy Report

261 > 24 US Economics 

070324 "The Sham “The Economy Is Awful” Story, BY DEAN BAKER

FEBRUARY 26, 2024
Photograph Source: photosteve101 – CC BY 2.0

The media are pushing the economy is terrible story pretty much 24-7. They refuse to let the strong labor market and rapid real wage growth get in their way. They seem to want everyone to think things are really bad, in spite of a 24-month stretch of below 4.0 percent unemployment and a sharp reduction in wage inequality since the pandemic",since%20the%20pandemic

02032024 - The Reality of Bidenomics: How Good Was Biden for the Economy?, By Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson. Originally published at Geopolitical Economy Report

China vs USA Imperial trade wars

050324 Still, China’s price advantage

 [The differences in costs of BYD's EV to USA EV's is] big enough that even the extreme Trump-Biden import tax might not be enough to deter companies like BYD from entering the US market. Even with the tariffs, Chinese cars might be cheaper than their rivals. “Subsidies most likely won’t be enough; Mr. Biden will need to impose [more] trade restrictions,” climate journalist Robinson Meyer predicted recently. The Biden administration is already making noise about imposing even more draconian taxes or trade restrictions against these vehicles. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo has described Chinese-made cars as a national security threat, and recently announced an investigation into the vehicles’ data collection abilities and the possibility they could send movement data to Beijing.


050324 Stoller - If the environmental movement is arguing the U.S. should destroy its own automotive industrial base in favor of China's to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, then they will become a fringe and irrelevant group.
Why is Biden blocking the cheapest, most popular EVs in the world?
2:01 PM · Mar 4, 2024

050324 "You can’t buy the Seagull in the US. 

But I bet you wish you could.

A small hatchback around the size of a Mini Cooper, the Seagull is a fast-charging electric car and claims a range of up to 250 miles (at least according to its home country’s generous tests); BYD, its Chinese manufacturer, claims it can go from 30 percent to 80 percent charged in a half-hour using a DC plug. It’s hardly a luxury car but it’s well-equipped, with a power driver’s seat and cruise control. “If I were looking for an inexpensive commuter car … this would be perfect,” veteran car journalist John McElroy said after taking a drive.

The best part? Its base model costs about $10,700 in China. That’s about a third of the cost of the cheapest EV you can buy in the US. In South America, it’s a little pricier, but still fairly affordable, at under $24,000 for a top-trim version. Even in Europe, you can get an entry-level BYD for under €30,000.

These are absolutely screaming deals — exactly the kind of products that could turbocharge our transition away from gas and toward electric vehicles.",electric%20vehicles.

"As duas guerras em que o Ocidente se perdeu, por Rafael Poch, em Outras Palavras.
Quem diria: as potências que até há pouco dominavam o cenário mundial agora estão isoladas, eticamente batidas e inseguras no terreno militar. Como isso se deu, tão rápido? Que brechas se abriram? Por que ainda não há o quê comemorar?  ",por%20Rafael%20Poch

[26/2 22:35] Iiiiii Socio PCO: Passando apenas pra compartilhar essa frase do Cmdt. Robinson Farinazzo: "A decadência norte-americana é irreversível, com o Biden é mais rápido, porém com o Trump, é mais divertido."

[26/2 22:40] Iiiiii Socio PCO: Obviamente a frase tem um conteúdo humorístico, mas segundo ele nem Bidem, nem Trump conseguirão reverter a crise histórica dos EUA. Com o Biden, o desfecho catastrófico ocorreria mais rapidamente. Já com o Trump, ocorreria da mesma forma, apesar das tentativas da direita de mudar alguns aspectos da economia, da política interna e externa, da cultura, etc. O fim do imperialismo está cada vez mais próximo.

[27/2 04:43] Vander Resende: Não vou polemizar, mas por essas e outras, prefiro evitar esse Cmdte.

"diga-me com quem andas/ que assiste

que te direi quem és "



faZer humor com a queda do império que possivelmente levará a morte de  dezenas de milhões de pessoas ou centenas ou bilhão

demonstrar falta de noção histórica sobre como Caem os impérios

 possivelmente com biden o Império avança sua decadência lenta

 enquanto  com trump

 o império demonstra estar em oseus estertores

 com a exacerbação de um próton fascismo para fascismo

dos impérios que cairam no século xx

qual não sofreu a derrocada com um fascista/nazista no poder 

só o império soviético

pois foi um projeto de tratamento de choque ultra-neoliberal

embora possamos considerar que nao houve aunda a derrocada do império soviético

mas um pouso mais suave

ai mebos para quem vê de fora

devido a perestroika e glasnost

mas que taovez o império Russo não tem atingido ainda o seu áudio e esteja longe dos seus criadores estertoresg

pois não se fragmentou está se tornando com pudim cada vez mais forte


225 ∆ 24 BRICS 

Alternative payment system to the dollar

070324 NBD financial operations without the need for dollars.

The New Development Bank (NDB), known as the BRICS Bank, is advancing its plans to carry out financial operations without the need for the dollar.

According to Kremlin advisor Yury Ushakov, informed by the Russian news agency TASS and confirmed by Brazilian sources to Estadão (Brazilian newspaper), the bank is creating a payment system based on blockchain and other digital technologies.

This initiative reflects the long-standing aspiration of BRICS member countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa—to reduce the brutal dominance of the dollar in international transactions.

The issue has gained new urgency given the possibility of Donald Trump returning to the presidency of the United States, whose protectionist policies could intensify trade tensions, especially with China and Russia.",O%20Novo%20Banco%20de%20Desenvolvimento%20(NDB)%2C%20conhecido 

Sistema de pgto alternativo ao dólar 

070324 NBD op financeiras sem a necessidade do dólar.

O Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento (NDB), conhecido como Banco dos Brics, está avançando em seus planos de realizar operações financeiras sem a necessidade do dólar.

Segundo Yury Ushakov, assessor do Kremlin, informado pela agência de notícias russa TASS e confirmado por fontes brasileiras ao Estadão, o banco está criando um sistema de pagamento baseado em blockchain e outras tecnologias digitais.

Essa iniciativa reflete a aspiração de longa data dos países membros do Brics—Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul—de reduzir a dominância brutal do dólar nas transações internacionais.

A questão ganhou nova urgência diante da possibilidade de Donald Trump retornar à presidência dos Estados Unidos, cujas políticas protecionistas poderiam intensificar as tensões comerciais, especialmente com a China e a Rússia.",O%20Novo%20Banco%20de%20Desenvolvimento%20(NDB)%2C%20conhecido%20como%20Banco%20dos,as%20tens%C3%B5es%20comerciais%2C%20especialmente%20com%20a%20China%20e%20a%20R%C3%BAssia.,-O%20grupo%2C%20que

Sistema de pgto alternativo ao dólar 

"Rússia vai propor aos BRICS sistema próprio de pagamentos e abandonar de vez o dólar

"Durante uma reunião em São Paulo com ministros das finanças e governadores dos bancos centrais dos países do BRICS, o ministro das Finanças da Rússia, Anton Siluanov, anunciou a proposta de formação de uma estrutura bancária alternativa.

Em entrevista à Bloomberg Saudi Arabia TV, Siluanov destacou a intenção de desenvolver sistemas financeiros que operem de maneira politicamente autônoma, visando assegurar as operações comerciais entre os membros do BRICS e acabar de vez com a dependência do dólar nas transações

Siluanov ressaltou a necessidade de uma infraestrutura financeira independente para apoiar o crescente comércio entre os países do grupo, que inclui Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul.

“Para que os países BRICS se desenvolvam normalmente, precisamos pensar em criar os nossos próprios sistemas financeiros, funcionando independentemente da política e em garantir as relações comerciais entre os nossos países”, afirmou.

"A proposta russa inclui o estabelecimento de um sistema de liquidação de pagamentos baseado em tecnologias digitais e blockchain, visando oferecer uma alternativa confiável, econômica e eficiente para transações comerciais entre os países membros.

263 > 24 US deindustrialization

California Democrats fear US tech firm ‘death spiral’ with more China curbs Reuters.  The letter is a sign of growing pushback against Biden's semiconductor policy among Democrats from California, home to the U.S.'s top chipmaking equipment companies LAM (LRCX.O), opens new tab, Applied Materials (AMAT.O), opens new tab and KLA (KLAC.O), opens new tabIn their August letter, Padilla and Lofgren stressed that they were not asking Biden to roll back restrictions on China, but simply opposed the imposition of rules "with questionable national-security benefits" when allies do not follow suit.


050324 Stoller - If the environmental movement is arguing the U.S. should destroy its own automotive industrial base in favor of China's to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, then they will become a fringe and irrelevant group.
Why is Biden blocking the cheapest, most popular EVs in the world?
2:01 PM · Mar 4, 2024

050324 "You can’t buy the Seagull in the US. 

But I bet you wish you could.

A small hatchback around the size of a Mini Cooper, the Seagull is a fast-charging electric car and claims a range of up to 250 miles (at least according to its home country’s generous tests); BYD, its Chinese manufacturer, claims it can go from 30 percent to 80 percent charged in a half-hour using a DC plug. It’s hardly a luxury car but it’s well-equipped, with a power driver’s seat and cruise control. “If I were looking for an inexpensive commuter car … this would be perfect,” veteran car journalist John McElroy said after taking a drive.

The best part? Its base model costs about $10,700 in China. That’s about a third of the cost of the cheapest EV you can buy in the US. In South America, it’s a little pricier, but still fairly affordable, at under $24,000 for a top-trim version. Even in Europe, you can get an entry-level BYD for under €30,000.

These are absolutely screaming deals — exactly the kind of products that could turbocharge our transition away from gas and toward electric vehicles.",electric%20vehicles.

07032024 Pressure increases on leaders of the 08 Jan 23 coup d'etat attempt: new testimony from Mauro Cid (Bolsonaro's former aide-de-camp) is scheduled for March 11, 2024

New testimony from Mauro Cid increases pressure on those being investigated, CNN Brasil Analysis, 03/06/2024 at 08:48

By scheduling a new statement from Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cid, the Federal Police are seeking more details about the alleged coup plan to keep Bolsonaro in power. The hearing will also put pressure on other people being investigated.

Listening to Mauro Cid is seen, in the Federal Police, as an opportunity to put a new piece in the game, given the soldier's proximity to the former president and the many years of service provided to the presidency. Plea bargain is an ongoing process and this should not be Cid's last testimony in the case.

Mauro Cid's defense claims that he has nothing to hide and reiterates that the stance is collaborative, with no risk of annulment of the plea bargain because the lieutenant colonel would always be willing to collaborate.

The new testimony will aim to clarify gaps regarding messages found on Cid's cell phones and documents.

The testimony comes after the former commanders of the Army, Freire Gomes and the Air Force, Carlos Baptista, confirmed meetings with Bolsonaro to discuss the content of coup drafts.

 07032024 Aumenta pressão sobre lideranças da intentona de 08jan23: novo depoimento de Mauro Cid (ex-ajudante de ordens de Bolsonaro) está agendado para o dia 11 de março, 

Novo depoimento de Mauro Cid aumenta pressão sobre investigados, Análise CNN Brasil, 06/03/2024 às 08:48
Ao marcar um novo depoimento do tenente-coronel Mauro Cid, a Polícia Federal busca mais detalhes sobre o suposto plano de golpe para manter Bolsonaro no poder. A oitiva também vai jogar pressão sobre outros investigados. 
Ouvir Mauro Cid é visto, na PF, como uma oportunidade de colocar uma nova peça no jogo, diante da proximidade do militar com o ex-presidente e os muitos anos de serviço prestados à presidência. A delação é um processo contínuo e este não deve ser o último depoimento de Cid no caso.
A defesa de Mauro Cid alega que ele não tem nada a esconder e reitera que a postura é colaborativa, sem risco de anulação da delação porque o tenente coronel estaria disposto a sempre colaborar.
O novo depoimento terá como objetivo esclarecer lacunas sobre mensagens encontradas nos celulares e documentos de Cid.
O depoimento acontece após os ex-comandantes do Exército, Freire Gomes e da Aeronáutica, Carlos Baptista, confirmarem reuniões com Bolsonaro para discutir o teor de minutas golpistas.

262**-24 in-delicadas partidas

em cada estação 

a frequência



semana sim

outra também 

visitas a doentes 

e convalescentes

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os encontros

da família extendida

de quase 30 ti@s

e mais de 80



durante festas

aniversários e casamentos

na década de vinte

do século XXI

sem velório

raro o 





quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2024

261 > 24 US Economics 

2062024 The Reality of Bidenomics: How Good Was Biden for the Economy?, By Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson. Originally published at Geopolitical Economy Report

So Michael and I thought it would be a good time to do a 360-degree check on the US economy, and we want to do it by going through a number of major topics.
We’ll talk about 
  • employment, we’ll talk about the 
  • investment situation, the 
  • trade situation, the real story about 
  • inflation in the US, because it’s not so clear that the dragon of inflation has been slain, the problem of 
  • financial stability, and finally, of course, the issue of 
  • the budget. So these are the topics we are going to go through.
But before that, before we go through these topics, we must begin with a contrast. On the one hand, the stock market is soaring.
Crime is up. Shoplifting, robbery, phone and