becoming a fool
expressing outrage
at so many viles injustices
or continuing to be a coward
keep apparent peace around
found countless options
but none of them
will allow me
to recover
in life
previous versions at:
indignidade @vanres1974 470p13out24 #onto [01jan25 wed 09:00] {14dec24 sat 19:10] 13oct24 #ontology;
01JAN wed #ontology in-d-ignity @vanres1974 470e13oct24 #onto [01jan25 wed 09:15] {01jan25 wed 08:52]; #ontology
apud Lukacz Destruction of Reason
Antologia: Miríade e Distopia (2004-2024) - draft
Portuguese version
470p-24 Fragmentos , 13 out 2024, edição [20 mar 2025, 5a], english, edition [mar, 28 2025]
*inspiração Salomon, apud Lukacz Destruction of Reason
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