020420 02mar2020
Older adults with irregular sleep patterns—meaning they have no
regular bedtime and
wakeup schedule,
or they get different amounts of sleep each night—
are nearly twice as likely to develop
cardiovascular disease
as those with more regular sleep patterns,
according to a new study funded in part by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), part of the National Institutes of Health.
The five-year study suggests that an irregular sleep pattern may be a novel and independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), and that
maintaining regular sleep patterns
could help prevent heart disease just as
physical activity,
a healthy diet,
and other lifestyle measures do, the researchers said.
"Research has linked irregular sleep schedules to a constellation of disease-causing abnormalities in body function, including changes in
blood sugar and
said Michael Twery, Ph.D., director of the NHLBI's National Center on Sleep Disorders Research.
"This study is Important because it is among the largest of its kind, and it specifically associates these irregular sleep patterns with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease."
The researchers said they are still unclear about the exact biological mechanisms behind the sleep irregularity and CVD link, but they suspect that multiple factors, including
harmful disturbances in the body's circadian rhythm
—the 24-hour internal body clock which controls the sleep-wake cycle—
may be in play.
Recent studies by the same researchers linked
irregular sleep patterns to
harmful metabolic changes associated with
diabetes, and
high cholesterol,
and they suspect similar processes might also influence
CVD risk.
In future studies, the researchers said they will look for
blood biomarkers
that may help explain the apparent link.
Larger studies with longer follow-up will also be important to confirm these findings.
A better understanding of the root causes could lead to new interventions that could help people better regulate their sleep patterns, such as
wearing devices or
using specialized mobile apps
designed to reduce irregular sleep,
the researchers said.
Medicinal interventions also may be possible, they noted.