segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2024

277 ∆ 24  BR defesa nacional

2023 Retrospectiva

"ministro da Defesa [Mucio, em 2023] se concentrou na 

  • recomposição de verbas para 

  • o aparelhamento das Forças Armadas e 

  • a manutenção de programas estratégicos de investimentos, como 

    • o desenvolvimento dos jatos de combate Grippen (Aeronáutica) e 

    • o Programa de Submarinos (Prosub) da Marinha. 

  • Missões de apoio às operações humanitárias e de retirada

    •  de garimpeiros da Terra Indígena Yanomami, 

    • de repatriação de brasileiros que viviam na Faixa de Gaza e na Cisjordânia, e, mais recentemente, 

    • de garantia da lei e da ordem (GLO) nas rodovias federais e em portos e aeroportos no Rio de Janeiro 

  • ajudaram a restaurar a imagem de agentes do Estado às Forças Armadas.

A interlocutores, o ministro da Defesa já admite deixar o governo no ano que vem por considerar que a missão que lhe foi dada pelo presidente Lula está cumprida",presidente%20Lula%20est%C3%A1%20cumprida

232{24 - Lyrics vs Poems: main stereotypical textual genre differences, by @vanres#2023


  • Written or spoken 
  • an imaginative or 
  • an elevated thought
  • Not set to music
  •  Meaning: 
  • can be ambiguous 
  • demands reading skills
  • and deep analyses 
  • Appreciation: 
  • analysis of the use of
    •  lexical items, 
    • rhyming scheme, 
    • wordplay 
    • the use of figurative speech
  • Written mainly to
  • communicate 
    • a melody 
    • along with the thought
  • Set to music

  • Meanings 
  • quite direct; 
  • generally unambiguous; 
  • does not demand deep analysis
  • Appreciation: 
  • music,
  • vocal tone
  • [Industrial mass culture product]



Similarities Between Song and Poem

  • Songs and poems are two forms of art and modes of expression which sometimes overlap.
  • Both songs and poems often bring out human emotions related to some kind of a situation or an instance.
  • Songs and poetry can have a rhyming scheme, which renders a melody to the verses or stanzas in recitals. 

Difference Between Song and Poem


A poem is a written or spoken piece of work specially created to communicate an imaginative or an elevated thought, while a song is written mainly to communicate a beautiful melody along with the thought.  


Songs are set to music whereas poems are not.


The meaning and the message of a poem and a song vary quite often. The meaning and message found in many modern songs are quite direct and unambiguous. In simpler terms, the listener does not happen to perceive much and analyze deeper in order to grab what the song tries to communicate. However, when it comes to poetry,  we often come across lots of figurative forms of speech used in order to communicate a particular message. In other words, a poem can be often ambiguous. It means a poem can have connotations and would not always express directly what it needs to convey. Therefore, the reader or the listener would need some skills in reading between the lines and analyzing in order to comprehend the exact message the poet expects to bring out.

Literary Appreciation

When it comes to poetry, we have to do the literary appreciation carefully with a proper analysis of the use of lexical items, which includes the rhyming scheme, the wordplay and the use of figurative speech. However, most frequently, we analyze songs and appreciate them in terms of the music and the vocal tone and colour which accompany the lyrics. Even if a song has simple lyrics, the music composition and the vocals can convert it into a masterpiece on stage.


Both songs and poetry are two arts of expression we all love. Both are two modes of expression that came into existence centuries back. The main difference between song and poem is that a poem does not involve music, whereas a song always involves music. 

adapted from: last acess: mar, 01, 2024

What’s the REAL Difference Between a Poem and a Lyric?

What makes lyric writing unique?

Many books written by commercial songwriters are quick to claim that song lyrics and poetry are different crafts. Why are they so eager to turn us away from the tradition of poetry, which can teach songwriters so much? I suspect it’s because the music industry’s job is to sell music, and compared to music sales, literary poetry just doesn’t rake in the big bucks.

The truth is that there’s only one difference between poetry and song lyrics: Lyrics are set to music. A lyric that works beautifully in a song might sound downright silly when read without music. Whether you want your lyrics to read well on the page is a personal decision.

Aside from that single difference, poets and lyricists share much in common. Both train themselves to:

Songwriting is a complex puzzle made up of all these problems and more.

Writing poetry is a way to exercise all of these skills which are so valuable to lyricists – the skills you can’t learn from your guitar, piano, or singing instructors.

Instead of dismissing poetry as too many commercial songwriting authors have, let’s choose to benefit from the centuries of insight that it offers us. Everything you learn about poetry can help you write better lyrics. Why not buy a book of poetry, or study a textbook on poetry a little every day?

I for one need all the help I can get.

276 ∆ 24 Alemanha; Traditional Left New Party -

 News: BSW- Aliance Sahra Wagenknecht

VanRes: 110324 Cheguei a usar a expressão "conservadores de esquerda" em relação ao PCO?
Atualmente, não considero adequada a expressão. 
Mas ainda preciso localizar um termo para identificar a posição política do PCO no espectro político. Curioso que Sahra Wagenknecht parece estar se identificando por esse termo: "conservadores de esquerda

110324 os potenciais eleitores orientais verificam o partido de Wagenknecht;

110324 os potenciais eleitores orientais verificam o partido de Wagenknecht; Partido Wagenknecht BSW:

 “O que o Sahra está fazendo lá?”: Como
 Social e paz, razão e justiça, direita ou esquerda? Uma imagem do ambiente da extrema-esquerda de Berlim Oriental e do sofrimento da divisão.
 Maritta Adam-Tkalec
 10 de março de 2024
Determinação da localização conservadora à esquerda
 Presumivelmente, um grande número de pessoas quer votar em algo diferente do que antes e procura uma alternativa à Alternativa para a Alemanha (AfD). Com a sua combinação de 
política social generosa e 
política regulatória rigorosa
(especialmente no que diz respeito ao controlo da migração), o BSW preenche uma lacuna. Eles são “conservadores de esquerda”, disse Wagenknecht; Na conferência do partido fundador falou-se de “razão e justiça” entre classes, partidos e Leste-Oeste.

Líder do novo partido alemão ganha espaço. Suas ideias sobre imigração e identidade são controversas. Mas ao propor que os progressistas liguem-se de novo às maiorias, e se afastem da ordem liberal em crise, ela merece ser ouvida, em OUTRASPALAVRAS, por Fernando Marcelino, Publicado 20/02/2024 às 18:28

070324 Wagenknecht: "Halve the number of refugees!"

"Sahra Wagenknecht sharply criticizes Chancellor Olaf Scholz on the issue of migration and demands clear signals from the summit with the Prime Minister. Wagenknecht told our editorial team: “The Chancellor is a total failure in refugee policy. Germany’s limit has been far exceeded.

The member of the Bundestag pointed out that last year only about every second asylum decision by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) was granted protection status. “The minimum goal of the federal and state governments must be to quickly halve the number of refugees if one in two people have no right to protection at all,” said Wagenknecht. To achieve this, incentives to come to Germany would have to be drastically reduced. She pointed to Denmark as a role model.",a%20role%20model.

22jan24 sahra Wagenknecht millionary support 

"After selling the company shares, which were worth a double-digit million sum, the IT entrepreneur Suikat went public - with a message: "Make a contribution" and "get involved" are the words he uses most often. At that time he didn't have much to do with party politics. 

Rather, he relied on private initiatives such as “Millionaires for Humanity” and founded a corporate initiative that he called “Fair Answers”"

The Chancellor of the Exchequer by Sahra Wagenknecht: Why a millionaire gets into politics
The IT entrepreneur Ralph Suikat is supposed to put the Wagenknecht party on solid financial ground. So far, the Karlsruhe resident has had nothing to do with party politics. Now he surprisingly becomes Wagenknecht's most important partner,%E2%80%9CFair%20Answers%E2%80%9D

21jan24 Germany Poll BSW at 14% 
"For the first time, the researchers also took into account the newly founded party of the former left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht in a separate survey. The “Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht” (BSW) could currently expect 14 percent of the vote in a federal election . In this case, among the parties represented in the Bundestag, the AfD and the Union parties in particular would have to accept a loss of votes.

Accordingly, the pollsters asked who they would vote for if there were a federal election next Sunday and there was a “Sahra-Wagenknecht party”. “The explicit question about the Wagenknecht party leads to higher values for the alliance than without mentioning the new group,” the report said.

When the Wagenknecht party is mentioned, the CDU/CSU reach 27 percent, the AfD 18 percent, the SPD 14 percent and the Greens 12 percent. In this case, the FDP (4) and the Left (3) would fail at the five percent hurdle.",3)%20would%20fail%20at%20the%20five%20percent%20hurdle.

domingo, 10 de março de 2024

um hospital dinamarquês
repousa em pântano

amarga arrogância
e tanta hipocrisia
com orgulhosa

uma sensitiva senhora
uma criança em elevação 
dois jovens tagarelantes
uma desfocada câmera
umas tubulações rangentes
um alagado estacionamento
um decapitado cadáver

o edifício 
está chorando 
cada vez mais alto

se aproxima a hora
do eterno retorno 
ao espiritual

a partir de "O Reino, 1994, de Lars von Trier;

275 -24 Danish memoirs

a Danish Hospital
rests in bleached 

the hospital 
was crying loud
so much hipocrisy
and bitter arrogance

a disfocused camera
a beheaded corpse
a child in the lift

a time has come
for the belated spirits

The Kingdom, 1994, by Lars von trier

03-2013 Verão (dos 25 aos 49); série: Estações, @ vanres2004

o estardalhaço dos pássaros

em fulgor de reflexos rápidos

sobre singularidade do fenômeno


um progressista impaciente

com olhar amplo demais

respiração arfante

De onde vem

Para onde vai

Como vai realizar

Quando irá

Por quê ir

em meio ao êxtase sensorial

ir-reiterável a exposição 

intensa da visão



05/01/2013 21



Outono e Primavera / Eremita e Flanneur




  o fulgor da batalha 

o estardalhaço dos sinos

Um flanneur 

   reflexões velozes 

  singularidade do fenômeno


   Leitura impaciente

A amplitude do olhar

    A lassidão dos sentidos


De onde 

Para onde

Como vem



como possibilidade:

voz oculta do espírito esgarçado

da experiência; da vida; do tempo; do espaço

 se manifesta enquanto “in-verdade” 


artesão; leitor; sujeito; performer; artista

apesar de tudo o que foi dito e vivido, ainda terá

sagacidade para confiar no seu instinto

coragem de viver 

autonomia relativa para expressar-se

sutileza de tentar perceber o mundo enquanto experiência única ; indecidível; mas devassável



  fujo do combate 

a acuidade do tiro

Um eremita

   Reflexões intensas

pluralidade do fenômeno


  Leitura lenta

   A intensidade da visão

    O vigor das sensações


05/01/2013 21:19