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373∆24 Brasil and the world in crisis (draft)

    Temas: Brasil and the world in crisis  ( draft ) Sumário: Miríade e Distopia   (2004-2024)  Em construção: Coletânea de Poesias -   draf...

segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2024

276 ∆ 24 Alemanha; Traditional Left New Party -

 News: BSW- Aliance Sahra Wagenknecht

VanRes: 110324 Cheguei a usar a expressão "conservadores de esquerda" em relação ao PCO?
Atualmente, não considero adequada a expressão. 
Mas ainda preciso localizar um termo para identificar a posição política do PCO no espectro político. Curioso que Sahra Wagenknecht parece estar se identificando por esse termo: "conservadores de esquerda

110324 os potenciais eleitores orientais verificam o partido de Wagenknecht;

110324 os potenciais eleitores orientais verificam o partido de Wagenknecht; Partido Wagenknecht BSW:

 “O que o Sahra está fazendo lá?”: Como
 Social e paz, razão e justiça, direita ou esquerda? Uma imagem do ambiente da extrema-esquerda de Berlim Oriental e do sofrimento da divisão.
 Maritta Adam-Tkalec
 10 de março de 2024
Determinação da localização conservadora à esquerda
 Presumivelmente, um grande número de pessoas quer votar em algo diferente do que antes e procura uma alternativa à Alternativa para a Alemanha (AfD). Com a sua combinação de 
política social generosa e 
política regulatória rigorosa
(especialmente no que diz respeito ao controlo da migração), o BSW preenche uma lacuna. Eles são “conservadores de esquerda”, disse Wagenknecht; Na conferência do partido fundador falou-se de “razão e justiça” entre classes, partidos e Leste-Oeste.

Líder do novo partido alemão ganha espaço. Suas ideias sobre imigração e identidade são controversas. Mas ao propor que os progressistas liguem-se de novo às maiorias, e se afastem da ordem liberal em crise, ela merece ser ouvida, em OUTRASPALAVRAS, por Fernando Marcelino, Publicado 20/02/2024 às 18:28

070324 Wagenknecht: "Halve the number of refugees!"

"Sahra Wagenknecht sharply criticizes Chancellor Olaf Scholz on the issue of migration and demands clear signals from the summit with the Prime Minister. Wagenknecht told our editorial team: “The Chancellor is a total failure in refugee policy. Germany’s limit has been far exceeded.

The member of the Bundestag pointed out that last year only about every second asylum decision by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) was granted protection status. “The minimum goal of the federal and state governments must be to quickly halve the number of refugees if one in two people have no right to protection at all,” said Wagenknecht. To achieve this, incentives to come to Germany would have to be drastically reduced. She pointed to Denmark as a role model.",a%20role%20model.

22jan24 sahra Wagenknecht millionary support 

"After selling the company shares, which were worth a double-digit million sum, the IT entrepreneur Suikat went public - with a message: "Make a contribution" and "get involved" are the words he uses most often. At that time he didn't have much to do with party politics. 

Rather, he relied on private initiatives such as “Millionaires for Humanity” and founded a corporate initiative that he called “Fair Answers”"

The Chancellor of the Exchequer by Sahra Wagenknecht: Why a millionaire gets into politics
The IT entrepreneur Ralph Suikat is supposed to put the Wagenknecht party on solid financial ground. So far, the Karlsruhe resident has had nothing to do with party politics. Now he surprisingly becomes Wagenknecht's most important partner,%E2%80%9CFair%20Answers%E2%80%9D

21jan24 Germany Poll BSW at 14% 
"For the first time, the researchers also took into account the newly founded party of the former left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht in a separate survey. The “Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht” (BSW) could currently expect 14 percent of the vote in a federal election . In this case, among the parties represented in the Bundestag, the AfD and the Union parties in particular would have to accept a loss of votes.

Accordingly, the pollsters asked who they would vote for if there were a federal election next Sunday and there was a “Sahra-Wagenknecht party”. “The explicit question about the Wagenknecht party leads to higher values for the alliance than without mentioning the new group,” the report said.

When the Wagenknecht party is mentioned, the CDU/CSU reach 27 percent, the AfD 18 percent, the SPD 14 percent and the Greens 12 percent. In this case, the FDP (4) and the Left (3) would fail at the five percent hurdle.",3)%20would%20fail%20at%20the%20five%20percent%20hurdle.

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