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373∆24 Brasil and the world in crisis (draft)

    Temas: Brasil and the world in crisis  ( draft ) Sumário: Miríade e Distopia   (2004-2024)  Em construção: Coletânea de Poesias -   draf...

quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2024

 289 ∆ 24 NTRevol Nova Revolução Tecnológica - New Tech Revolution

AI ‘accelerating’ climate crisis, uses 30 times more energy than search engine: analyst

Generative artificial intelligence used 30 times more energy than a traditional search engine, warned researcher Sasha Luccioni, on a mission to raise awareness about the environmental impact of the hot new technology.

According to the International Energy Agency, the combined AI and the cryptocurrency sectors consumed nearly 460 terawatt hours of electricity in 2022 – two per cent of total global production.

“We don’t take into account water or rare materials,” she acknowledged, “but at least we know that for a specific task, we can measure energy efficiency and say that this model has an A+, and that model has a D,” she said.

Although Microsoft and Google have committed to achieving carbon neutrality by the end of the decade, the US tech giants saw their greenhouse gas emissions soar in 2023 because of AI: up 48 per cent for Google compared to 2019 and 29 per cent for Microsoft compared to 2020.

“We are accelerating the climate crisis,” said Luccioni, who called for more transparency from tech companies.

The solution, she said, could come from governments that were “flying blindly” without knowing what was “in the data sets or how the algorithms are trained.” “Once we have transparency, we can start legislating.”

It is also necessary to “explain to people what generative AI can and cannot do, and at what cost,” according to Luccioni.

In her latest study, the researcher showed that producing a high-definition image using artificial intelligence consumes as much energy as fully recharging the battery of a mobile phone.

At a time when more companies want to integrate technology further into our lives – with conversational bots and connected devices, or in online searches – Luccioni advocated “energy sobriety”.

The idea here was not to oppose AI, she emphasised, but to choose the right tools and use them judiciously.

How the Pentagon built Silicon Valley Responsible Statescraft

California Democrats fear US tech firm ‘death spiral’ with more China curbs Reuters.  The letter is a sign of growing pushback against Biden's semiconductor policy among Democrats from California, home to the U.S.'s top chipmaking equipment companies LAM (LRCX.O), opens new tab, Applied Materials (AMAT.O), opens new tab and KLA (KLAC.O), opens new tabIn their August letter, Padilla and Lofgren stressed that they were not asking Biden to roll back restrictions on China, but simply opposed the imposition of rules "with questionable national-security benefits" when allies do not follow suit.

Procurado, o Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE) informou que "muitas das críticas estão vindo de fake news, desinformações ou informações pela metade". Segundo a pasta, "o texto garante direitos que hoje os motoristas não têm, como remuneração mínima, cobertura de custos, transparência por parte das empresas, segurança financeira com a previdência garantindo direito a benefícios como aposentadoria, auxílio-doença, pensão por morte, auxílio durante licença maternidade, entre outros. Tudo isso sem deixar o motorista perder sua autonomia".
..."As críticas ao projeto do governo Lula vêm de diversos espectros políticos. Por um lado, pesquisadores, juristas e ativistas o consideram o desmantelamento dos direitos trabalhistas e afirmam que as principais propostas das empresas é que foram acatadas.
  Por outro, políticos de direita estão tomando as redes sociais com rechaços à proposta e, muitas vezes, com informações mentirosas. O ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) postou, em um story, uma matéria com o falso título de que aplicativos de delivery sairiam do país caso haja uma regulamentação.
    Ao Brasil de Fato, o iFood disse que defende publicamente a regulamentação desde 2021, pois ela poderá proporcionar "autonomia" aos trabalhadores e "segurança jurídica" para as empresas.
No último 11 de março, um protesto com centenas de entregadores e motoristas percorreu ruas de Belo Horizonte (MG) com escritos como "sem sindicato", "não ao PLP 12/2024" e "governo está atrás de tributos".,para%20as%20empresas.

"“Outra ação interessante por meio da IA é a reprodução de sabores, como as empresas que produzem alimentos que normalmente envolvem proteína animal, mas com ingredientes vegetais. A empresa chilena NotCo, fundada em 2015, utiliza a IA para elaborar fórmulas de alimentos conhecidos, baseando-se apenas em ingredientes vegetais, imitando o sabor e a textura dos alimentos a serem replicados”, analisam os autores. As empresas que abraçam efetivamente a inteligência artificial aumentam sua eficiência e criam laços mais estreitos com seus clientes, como prevê o Consumer Trends 2024, da Opinion Box"

"Mercedes [car maker] is trialing humanoid robots for ‘low skill, repetitive’ tasks / Mercedes will initially examine how well Apptronik’s Apollo robot delivers parts to human production line workers.
By Jess Weatherbed,"

140324 mau uso da inteligência artificial durante o processo eleitoral. [TSE]

100324 Protests and facial recognition

More recently, the US government has conspired with the UK to slander China by saying that they are under cyberattacks from groups of cyberintruders 'affiliated to the Chinese government' and conducted unilateral and unreasonable sanctions against China on that excuse. They are typically acting like a thief who, driven by a guilty conscience, poses as a judge to distort facts.
In the first quarter of this year, more than 2,000 cyberattacks were launched from the continental US and its military bases overseas against many countries, especially China, focusing on a large number of Communist Party and government organs, critical information infrastructures, as well as important institutions of artificial intelligence, chip R&D, clean energy, advanced manufacturing and software development. In attempts to serve their national strategy of development, consolidate their hegemony in cyberspace, and contain China’s development, the US and British governments have been blatantly conducting cyberattacks on China and stealing our data. Those moves gravely jeopardize China's sovereignty, security and development interests.

India’s Modi government rushes to regulate AI ahead of national elections
As parties deploy AI manipulation, the Indian government has asked tech firms to seek its approval before launching new tools. Critics say this could stifle
  •  innovation and 
  • free speech
Earlier, in November and December 2023, the Indian government asked Big Tech firms to take down deep fake items within 24 hours of a complaint, label manipulated media, and make proactive efforts to tackle the misinformation — though it did not mention any explicit penalties for not adhering to the directive ...

By Yashraj Sharma
Published On 13 Mar 2024
13 Mar 2024

100324 Protests and facial recognition

CDU leader Friedrich Merz spoke on Sunday of a “significant circle of supporters” for the former RAF men. In an email to his followers on Sunday, Merz wrote that unfortunately facial recognition software has only been allowed to be used to a very limited extent in Germany against the perpetrators of this scene. This also applies to modern, AI-controlled software for recognizing body movements and postures, which could also catch masked criminals.

“If the sentence is correct that we have to defend ourselves against every form of political radicalism, against right-wing radicalism as well as against left-wing radicalism, 'with all the means of the constitutional state', then these modern detection methods are part of it. Data protection must not become a means of protecting perpetrators,” emphasized Merz. (with dpa)
FromAlexander ConradCristina Marina
March 9, 2024, 6:58 p.m",58%20p.m

Veículos elétricos 

070324 "Motoristas dos EUA se arrependem de carros elétricos, diz pesquisa

Levantamento mostra que 39% dos novos proprietários cogitam troca por híbridos ou à combustão; 
  • falta de pontos de carregamento é principal motivo
  •  autonomia da bateria e
  •  a disponibilidade de carregadores em espaços públicos 
são os principais fatores de reclamação dos novos condutores;
Eric Napoli
4.mar.2024 (segunda-feira) - 19h59",segunda%2Dfeira)%20%2D%2019h59


050324 Enquete Gazeta do Povo

 O governo Lula enviou ao Congresso um projeto para regular o trabalho em aplicativos de transporte, como o Uber. A proposta determina
  •  remuneração mínima, 
  • contribuição à Previdência e 
  • criação de sindicatos. 
Qual a sua opinião?
  • Sou a favor da proposta do governo. É preciso regular o serviço
  • Sou contra a proposta do governo e qualquer regulação
  • Sou favorável a alguma regulação, mas contrário à proposta do governo

050324 Projeto sobre trabalho com aplicativos garante direitos e segurança, afirmam motoristas e empresas

Projeto assinado por Lula para motoristas que trabalham com transporte de passageiros inclui contribuição previdenciária, jornada e remuneração mínima. Proposta segue para o Congresso",para%20o%20Congresso

050324 - para melhorar as condições de trabalho, Lula diz que vai "encher o saco do iFood"

Empresa diz defender regulamentação do mercado de trabalho
5 de março de 2024, 04:12 h
"247 – O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) anunciou a intenção do governo de pressionar o aplicativo de entregas iFood para negociar melhores condições de trabalho para os motoboys que prestam serviço à empresa. Durante uma cerimônia realizada hoje, o governo apresentou um Projeto de Lei Complementar (PLC) voltado para regulamentar as categorias de motoristas por aplicativo no país. Lula destacou que o governo persistirá até que o iFood aceite discutir uma solução para a situação dos motoboys. "Eu sei que o iFood não quer negociar, mas nós vamos encher tanto o saco que eles vão ter que negociar", disse o presidente.
O iFood rebateu as declarações do governo, afirmando que participou ativamente das negociações e aceitou a última proposta feita pelo Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. A empresa enfatizou seu apoio à regulação do trabalho intermediado por plataformas e ressaltou a importância de uma regulamentação específica para os entregadores de aplicativos. No entanto, o foco atual do governo recai sobre os motoristas de aplicativo, estabelecendo diretrizes como remuneração mínima por hora trabalhada e contribuição previdenciária, segundo reportagem do Valor.",reportagem%20do%20Valor.

 Multiple costs to qualify for work leads, forced product purchases, and a high rate of blockings have stripped their earnings. Banu was one of many UC workers whose profile was blocked due to “low” ratings.

On its blog, the company said that these measures are meant to raise the operating standards for workers and improve customer experience. (There are also plans afoot for stricter rules under which workers will need to accept at least 80 percent of the jobs and only three cancellations will be allowed.)

If workers miss these criteria, they receive a warning and need to attend either online or offline sessions to retrain in services where they have received poor ratings. If their metrics don’t improve after that, their profiles are blocked. Retraining online is free, but the workers have to pay a fee, ranging between 6,000 rupees and 15,000 rupees (between about $72 and $180), if they have to train at the UC office.

Aquecimento global, NTR and Green Industry

"a naïve and dangerous overconfidence in technological solutions.
Carbon capture and
for example, currently cannot capture even a fraction of what is needed each year to meet our climate targets.
The dream that “new technology” could save us from peril was another MIT simulation scenario carried out back in the early 1970s. Yet this scenario only extends global collapse by a few years. Merely progressing the “green industry” – the new favourite slogan of business and politicians – is unfortunately not enough.
In my view it is crazy to think that uncontrolled technological “development” and exploitation driven by unbridled, increasingly unequal, capitalism will save us. It is what has plunged us into today’s crisis in the first place. After all, if you are sitting on a tree branch that you are sawing off, and the ground underneath is burning, the solution is not to switch to a better saw – it is to stop sawing.

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