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Antologia: Miríade, Distopia, Utopia (2004-2024) -

     Antologia : Miríade, Distopia, Utopia  (2004-2024); @vanres1974; #anto;  {14dez24 sat 10:50} ; #antologia      Anthology: Myriad, Dysto...

Prof. Dr. Vander Resende, Doutorado em Lit Bras, pela UFMG; Mestre em Teorias Lit e Crít Cul, UFSJ

sábado, 4 de maio de 2024

370∆24 Summary GloWar Aquecimento global global warming

 rising price low production

Doom loop insurance markets and climate risk 

A tripla desigualdade do problema climático 
weather extremes in Brasil, oct, nov 2023

Climate Change and Inequality 

Safra de açúcar e crise climática: chuvas na Índia, 
seca nos rios e igarapés do norte do Brasil, chuvas, tempestades e ciclones na região dos portos do sudeste.

Nitrites assessment risks

Possíveis soluções mitigadoras para lidar com calor extremo

Perigos do calor extremo 

lista das cidades brasileiras mais quentes
ondas de calor extremo ocorridas em 2000-2019 é mais do triplo das ocorridas no período 1980-1999.
Extreme storms - Hurricane otes 
Interventions and Louisiana and Califórnia droughts and wildfires
agricultores familiares são os mais vulneráveis aos efeitos das mudanças climáticas
Arctic heating up 4-times the overall rate of global warming.

"According to EU Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), March 2024 was the 10th straight month of record global heat at 1.68°C hotter than an average March between years 1850-1900, which is a reference period for pre-industrial.

For perspective of too much heat, if monthly all-time record heat is continued year-by-year the final result is Venus, aka: “Earth’s Twin” or “Earth’s Sister Planet.” According to NASA, Venus formed in the same inner part of the solar system as Earth out of the same materials and similar in size but, over time, with a different atmosphere. Venus has a thick carbon dioxide -CO2- atmosphere that has a powerful greenhouse effect resulting in scorching temperatures over 900°F or hot enough to melt lead.",to%20melt%20lead.

"Global rice supplies have tightened this year as the El Nino, which typically causes hotter and drier weather in Southeast Asia, reduced output in major producing and consuming countries. Prices in Asia's key export hubs have risen by as much as 45 per cent to their highest in 15 years after India, the world's top supplier, restricted exports.

Drought has delayed Indonesia's planting for the 2024 harvest, after the country's output this year dropped to 30.9 million metric tons from 31.53 million tons a year ago.",a%20year%20ago.

"The Doom Loop
Advait Arun
Insurance markets and climate risk

The bridge to Pine Island, Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.

Recent coverage of insurance markets has highlighted the industry’s involvement in the so-called “climate risk doom loop”: looming climate risks and worse disasters are raising the price of insurance for real estate and infrastructure assets, exacerbating their owners’ vulnerability to future disasters and feeding into higher insurance prices in the future―or the withdrawal of insurance coverage altogether.

Rising insurance prices and the credible threat of insurer divestment from higher-risk areas will constrain investment in both homes and businesses across vulnerable communities. Yet more people are moving into higher-risk areas, and some politicians fear backlash if they let insurance companies deny these communities coverage. In response, state leaders in California and Florida have sought to prevent divestment by directing their insurance commissioners to adjust pricing regulations, invite competition in insurance markets, or derisk insurers by imposing disaster-risk fees on all insurance purchasers regardless of risk.",regardless%20of%20risk.
"Usando projeções de aumento do nível do mar revisadas por pares e elevação local dos modelos da Climate Central, as descobertas mostram imagens atraentes que pintam um forte contraste entre o mundo como o conhecemos e nosso futuro de maré alta, se o planeta aquecer até 3 graus Celsius acima do nível pré-histórico",n%C3%ADvel%20pr%C3%A9%2Dhist%C3%B3rico

"Earth’s energy imbalance or “sunlight in” versus “sunlight out” is currently running at a frightful rate @ 1.36 W/m2 as of the 2020s decade. This is beyond troubling. It’s double the 2005-2015 rate @ 0.71 W/m2 (Source: James Hansen, Global Warming is Accelerating. Why? Will We Fly Blind? September 14, 2023). W/m2 is watts per square meter. Accordingly, there’s 
more energy coming in (absorbed sunlight)
 than energy going out (heat radiated to space) 
doubling within only one decade, which is beyond belief, assuring very challenging bad news down the line. This is an enormously dangerous climate event that’s already in process with potentially devastating earmarks.",potentially%20devastating%20earmarks.
Floods in east Africa
Kenya and Somalia have gone from droughts to floods. These satellite images show the devastation.,show%20the%20devastation.

Cidades brasileiras devem ter áreas alagadas permanentemente até 2050
Santos e Rio de Janeiro são exemplos onde o mar pode subir e deixar 5% da área destas cidades alagadas. Aquecimento global é realidade

Por Redação RBA
Publicado 28/11/2023
"Centenas de cidades correm risco de inundação permanente até 2050 em consequência do aquecimento global. O cenário é ainda mais complicado até 2100. É o que revela estudo do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (Pnud), em parceria com agências especializadas. De acordo com os cientistas, cidades como Santos, Rio de Janeiro, São Luís e Fortaleza, para falar apenas do Brasil, correm sérios riscos. No Rio, por exemplo, o mar deve subir 48 centímetros até o fim do século. Fortaleza, 50 centímetros.
Não basta apenas olhar para o fenômeno do El Niño, um dos maiores da história, que aquece as águas do Pacífico. Isto porque sua intensidade recorde é resultado das mudanças climáticas.
A culpa disso é do mesmo mecanismo que tem levado os brasileiros a experimentarem eventos extremos: o aquecimento global. De acordo com dados incipientes, 2023 deve fechar como o ano mais quente do planeta em mais de 100 mil anos.
Na prática, confirmadas as projeções, 70 milhões de pessoas deverão deixar suas casas em todo o mundo em razão da elevação dos mares. A estimativa para parte das cidades costeiras do Brasil é de que, até meados deste século, ou seja, daqui a um par de décadas, 5% de suas áreas estejam submersas.
 O estudo faz parte de uma série de levantamentos que antecedem a realização da Cúpula do Clima da ONU, a COP28, que começa neste fim de semana, em Dubai. Lá, mais uma vez, os líderes do capitalismo sentarão à mesa. O Brasil promete cobranças firmes, com a presença da ministra do Meio Ambiente, Marina Silva, ao lado do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Contudo, as expectativas para ações concretas não são as maiores, uma vez que os alertas não são recentes. Ao contrário, pelo menos desde 1992, com o Protocolo de Kyoto, o mundo já esperava a tragédia do aquecimento global que agora atinge diferentes pontos do globo.",100%20mil%20anos.

"Oil and gas giants to cash in on climate crisis they helped cause: Melting ice exposes new petroleum reservoirs in the Arctic worth $7 TRILLION - in what is being dubbed a 'modern day gold rush'
By Rob Waugh For Dailymail.Com
19:08 GMT 23 Nov 2023",23%20Nov%202023

"Climate change in the archipelago [Socotra, in Yemen] is already manifested in cyclones, the rise of average temperatures, drought escalating water shortages, uprooting rare trees, and the reduction of crop production for humans and animals, all of which the United Arab Emirates (UAE) military intervention is exacerbating.

Similarly, the UAE’s activities risk the biodiversity of sea life along the coastline and the surrounding seas of the archipelago. Oval coral stones from the coastline and red granite from the wadis (valleys) are used to construct walls around plots of land purchased on the coast by investors from the Gulf states, according to a resident. Such activities ignore the conservation zoning plan, damage the landscape, and threaten soil erosion on the coastline and wadis during the rainy season.",the%20rainy%20season.

"Mudanças climáticas: 5 mitos desmascarados pela Ciência"

Climate change and displacement: the myths and the facts
Five myths busted about the climate crisis and displacement.
By Kristy Siegfried
15 November 2023
Myth 1:
Climate change will trigger large-scale cross-border movements from the Global South to the Global North
Myth 2:
People displaced by climate change are “climate refugees”
Myth 3:
“Climate-related displacement” only refers to people fleeing extreme weather events
Myth 4:
We can predict how many people will be forcibly displaced by climate change
Myth 5:
It’s too late to act to prevent displacement related to climate change
It’s true that the climate is already changing and that the average temperature is now about 1.1°C warmer than it was in the late 1800s. 
But it is not too late to act, either to cut emissions to minimize further global heating, or to invest in adaptation that increases the resilience of vulnerable populations and reduces the risk that people will be displaced or otherwise adversely affected.
 We can help people better prepare for extreme weather and adapt to the changing climate. We can also tackle some of the other root causes of displacement that are amplified by climate change such as 
 inequality and 
Refugees and internally displaced people are among those taking action to build resilience and adapt to the impacts of climate change, for example through tree-planting projects, advocacy campaigns, disaster preparedness efforts and fighting bush fires. At this year’s UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai – COP28 – they are calling for more support for refugee-led organizations that are carrying out such interventions, and for a seat at the table to ensure decisions are not taken about them, without them.,poverty%2C%20inequality%20and%20violence.

"Climate-related all-time records

In 2023, we witnessed an extraordinary series of climate-related records being broken around the world. The rapid pace of change has surprised scientists and caused concern about the dangers of extreme weather, risky climate feedback loops, and the approach of damaging tipping points sooner than expected (Armstrong McKay et al. 2022, Ripple et al. 2023). This year, exceptional heat waves have swept across the world, leading to record high temperatures. The oceans have been historically warm, with global and North Atlantic sea surface temperatures both breaking records and unprecedented low levels of sea ice surrounding Antarctica (figure 1a–1d). In addition, June through August of this year was the warmest period ever recorded, and in early July, we witnessed Earth's highest global daily average surface temperature ever measured, possibly the warmest temperature on Earth over the past 100,000 years (figure 1e). It is a sign that we are pushing our planetary systems into dangerous instability.",et%C2%A0al.%202022

“Vivendo em território inexplorado”, diz cientista sobre mudanças climática globais , por observatório do clima.
Mais abundantes que fumaça em Manaus [,na Amazônia, o calor extremo no sudeste e os ciclones extratropicais no Sul] são os trabalhos científicos vindo à tona neste segundo semestre de 2023 mostrando como a crise climática é muito pior do que se imaginava e pode estar acelerando. 
O artigo “O estado do clima em 2023: entrando em território inexplorado”, lista alguns dos recordes de extremos climáticos do ano para sentenciar que a humanidade já entrou em território climático inexplorado. O artigo foi assinado por pesquisadores de diversos países, incluindo o brasileiro Luiz Marques e Saleemul Huq, cientista de Bangladesh pioneiro no estudo das perdas e danos climáticos, que morreu no dia 28 de outubro. 
Já o relatório “Riscos de Desastres Interconectados 2023” produzido pelo Instituto de Meio Ambiente e Segurança Humana da Universidade das Nações Unidas (UNU) destaca seis pontos de inflexão com impactos para a Terra e a população: 
extinções aceleradas, 
derretimento das geleiras montanhosas, 
futuro não securitizável,
esgotamento da água subterrânea e 
lixo espacial."
 Adaptado de:,e%20contamina%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20espacial. Último acesso: nov, 17, 2023.

"Há impactos do desmatamento na Amazônia (10.000 km2 em 2022; 9000 em 2023) na vida de muitas pessoas, não só as que estão na Amazônia, mas fora delas também” diz Mariana Napolitano, diretora de Estratégia do WWF-Brasil.

“Um desses impactos são as queimadas, a seca extrema que ocorre no bioma agora no mês de outubro e que é uma combinação dos efeitos do desmatamento com aquecimento é global”, acrescenta. Na Região Norte, a estiagem tem interrompido o transporte fluvial e atrasado a entrega de comida e remédios. Além disso, estudos mostram que os efeitos das queimadas no Pantanal e na Amazônia afetam a saúde até dos moradores de São Paulo.",de%20S%C3%A3o%20Paulo.

“Brasil vive uma onda de calor (mais uma neste ano) praticamente sem precedentes.
Por Redação RBA
Publicado 15/11/2023 - 18h29


São Paulo – O Brasil vive uma onda de calor (mais uma neste ano) praticamente sem precedentes. Sensações térmicas acima dos 55°C desde sexta-feira (11), temperatura real acima dos 45°C no Centro-Oeste e próximas disso no Oeste paulista.

 Pesa o El Niño de grandes proporções que aquece as águas do Pacífico; evento que pode ser o mais forte da história. 
Também pesa o desmatamento e a maior seca em 121 anos na Amazônia.
 Contudo, especialistas cravam que não há explicação fora do aquecimento global. Pior, não há comprometimento da comunidade internacional para resolver os problemas, como aponta relatório da ONU dessa terça-feira (14/11/2023).

Os últimos quatro meses foram os mais quentes, na média para o período, da história do Brasil. O país parece receber de forma especialmente forte os efeitos das mudanças climáticas. Além disso, vale pontuar uma temporada de ciclones acentuada com temporais no Sul, além de outros eventos, como a maior chuva já registrada na história do país, no litoral Norte de São Paulo, particularmente em São Sebastião, no início do ano.

Os climatologistas estão assustados com a realidade brasileira. “Quatro meses consecutivos de temperatura recorde no Brasil não podem ser explicados apenas por variabilidade natural do clima ou a influência do fenômeno El Niño. O que está se testemunhando no nosso país se insere em um contexto muito maior de aquecimento global em que os mesmos quatro meses também foram de temperatura recorde no planeta”, afirma informe da agência meteorológica Metsul.

Países avançam a pequenos passos para evitar a crise climática, mas precisam dar um passo gigante.
Especialistas da ONU pedem a redução de 43% na emissão dos gases até 2030 para combater o aquecimento global e suas consequências potencialmente catastróficas. 

Frear a devastação não basta. Mundo precisa aumentar áreas verdes e reduzir poluição,ag%C3%AAncia%20meteorol%C3%B3gica%20Metsul

Onda de calor: o que é e por que está cada vez mais tão frequente?
Segundo especialistas, é comum haver ondas de calor na primavera, mas elas têm sido mais intensas em razão da crise climática e do El Niño. Dados do Inpe mostram que a frequência aumentou muito.
Além de ondas de calor mais intensas, estamos vendo isso acontecer com mais frequência. Essa é a quarta vez que ela ocorre no Brasil neste ano e de forma sequencial. As anteriores foram registradas nos meses de agosto, setembro, outubro e em novembro.

O meteorologista do Climatempo Fábio Luengo explica que o planeta mais quente é que faz com que tenhamos mais sequências de dias com temperaturas acima da média – condição da onda de calor – e que isso é resultado das mudanças climáticas.

“O aquecimento global mexe com tudo e bagunça qualquer tipo de evento. Estamos tendo eventos mais extremos e mais frequentes”, explica Luengo.
Dados do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Inpe), ligado ao Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia, mostram um salto brutal entre da onda de calor nos últimos 59 anos.

De 1961 a 1990: 7 dias
1991 e 2000: 20 dias
De 2001 a 2010: 40 dias
2011 e 2020: 52 dias

Os dados indicam que houve aumento das ondas de calor ao longo dos períodos analisados, em praticamente todo o Brasil, com exceção da região Sul, uma parte do sul do estado de São Paulo e o sul do Mato Grosso do Sul.,frequ%C3%AAncia%20aumentou%20muito.

"A falta de chuvas e o calor extremo têm provocado prejuízos nas lavouras de soja em Mato Grosso, com perdas de produtividade, necessidade de replantios e comprometimento da janela de semeadura do milho. Produtores já afirmam que vão reduzir a área destinada para o cereal e há também agricultores que não vão semear a cultura na safra 2023/2024",safra%202023/2024

Brasil enfrenta sequência sem precedentes de quatro meses consecutivos de temperatura recorde no país com sucessivas ondas de calor históricas
09/11/2023 -",09/11/2023%20%2D

"A realidade do “problema climático global” é, de fato, definida por uma tripla desigualda

62c>24 Protests Around the World, draft 

    Protests Around the World (draft)

    news: protests around the world

    AlJazeera's "Protests Agregator 
    • JUNE, JULY, AUGUST 2024
      • AFRICAN SPRING ???
        •  anti-government taxes, corruption, unenployment, cost of living; 
          • Kenya; Ruto
          • Nigeria; Tinubu
          • Uganda - Museveni
          • Zimbabwe - Mnangagwa
        • Is a sub-Saharan ‘African Spring’ in the offing?
          • "Young Africans from Kenya to Nigeria and from Uganda to Zimbabwe are taking a stance against corruption and inequality, demanding better accountability from their leaders as well as inclusive, responsive, and clean governance. They desire the advancement and protection of human rights and civil rights in their countries, along with equitable access to decent jobs, housing, and financial wellness."
      • United Kingdon; 
        • protests: anti-uncontroled migration; anti-muslim; counterprotests: anti-islamophobia; anti-gaza ocuppation
      • United States; 
        • anti-gaza ocuppation
      • Israel
        • religious exemptions
          • anti-recruitment of religious yeshiva students
      • Venezuela - 
        • questioning of electioral process
      • ASIA
        • Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, India’s neighbors. 
        • "It is perhaps not a coincidence that four governments in the region that had begun to collaborate with the BRI have fallen, and that their replacements in three of them are eager for better ties with the United States.   
        • Bangladesh
          • anti-discrimination and anti-repression of previous manifestantions, oposition supression;
        • Nepal
          • parliamentary shuffle that removed the Maoists [KP Sharma Oli] from power. 
        • Gana
      • FEBRUARY/2024
        • Senegal 
      • 2023/2024

      • 2022
      • September 
      • Iran - Against Hijab law
      • Iran Mahsa Amini Death under custome policy custody
      • April 
      • Pakistan - ouster of Imran Khan
      • Sri Lanka - 

      • NOVEMBER/2020
      • Uganda 

      • 2014
      • Ukraine 

      • JUNE/2013
      • Brasil

      • 2011 Arab Spring

      • "The 2011 unrest across the Arab World  featured the use of US-backed extremist organizations. In
      •  Libya, 
      • Egypt, 
      • Tunisia, and 
      • Syria, 
      • organizations affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda were utilized

      • DECEMBER/2010
      • Tunisia

      • 2009
      • Guinea - Moussa Dadis Camara is convicted of crimes against humanity for ordering crackdown of unarmed protesters in 2009

    AlJazeera's "Protests Agregator 

    "Israel has for decades played a thoroughly useful role for autocratic regimes seeking to maintain control. Arab leaders have been able to encourage the public to direct their anger at the Zionist treatment of the Palestinians, thereby reducing the risk of protests directed at themselves.

    That broke down with the 2011 Arab Spring, when a region-wide movement of people turned out to protest against their leaders. Some regimes, including Egypt and especially Syria, attempted to maintain control through brute force, while others used a mixture of limited concession and repression. Others, such as Jordan and Morocco, were rather more concessionary at least in the short term, and one, Tunisia, saw a change of power with the end of the Ben Ali autocracy after its 23 years of control.

    After the violence of the Hamas attack on 7 October last year, public reaction across Arab states was muted, but that changed rapidly as the sheer ferocity of the Israeli assault on Gaza and the Palestinians emerged.",the%20Palestinians%20emerged.

    170324 Tel Aviv, the two separate weekly rallies — ToI
    "Converging on Begin Street
    • one calling for a hostage deal, 
    • one for new elections — 
    converged on Begin Street where some protesters blocked off the northern part of the road, lighting bonfires, deploying smoke grenades, and blowing horns, which eventually led to clashes with police.",clashes%20with%20police.

    rememoring old readings:
    07jan19 Protests: "The Spontaneous Politics of the Masses: Slavoj Žižek and the Yellow VestsBY BORIS KAGARLITSKyY, at CP
    . Most of the demands [of The yellow vests] have been realized in the past by Western capitalism, but after the victory of neoliberalism these social advances were abolished."

    120324 - Fico's veered too close to Russia
    140324 Belgium: protest against environmental rules
    140324 India's farmers: guarantee minimum crop prices, , "NEW DELHI (AP) —,Protests,-Featured%20Content

    "From Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter From a Birmingham Jail”:

    "I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action;” who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a “more convenient season.”",more%20convenient%20season.%E2%80%9D

     Israel Protests: 
    010423 West Jerusalem in the largest antigovernment demonstration since the start of the war

    "On Sunday, tens of thousands of people gathered outside the Israeli parliament building in West Jerusalem in the largest antigovernment demonstration since the start of the war.

    Protesters on Sunday demanded the government secure a ceasefire that would free the captives held by Hamas and called for early elections.",for%20early%20elections.

    07jan19 Protests: "The Spontaneous Politics of the Masses: Slavoj Žižek and the Yellow Vests
    . Most of the demands have been realized in the past by Western capitalism, but after the victory of neoliberalism these social advances were abolished.

    140324 guarantee minimum crop prices, , "NEW DELHI (AP) — Thousands of farmers protested in India’s capital on Thursday to press their demand for a new law that would guarantee minimum crop prices, after weeks of being blocked from entering the city.

    They rode crowded buses and trains instead of their tractors to New Delhi after authorities barricaded highways into the capital with cement blocks and barbed wire. Police also banned use of farm vehicles as a condition for granting permission for the rally in the city. Participants were also barred from carrying sticks or swords to avoid clashes with police.

    The protesters held placards demanding free electricity for farming. They contended that without minimum price guarantees for their crops, they would be at the mercy of the markets and that would spell disaster, especially for the more than two-thirds of them who own less than 1 hectare (2 1/2 acres) of land.",acres)%20of%20land.

    070324 "Czech farmers against the government and EU agriculture policies

     block traffic in Prague in protest against the government and EU agriculture policies
    Updated Thu, 7 March 2024 at 10:32 am"
    The Czech farmers, specifically, demand the
    •  lower taxation of farmland ownership and want the 
    • subsidies they receive from the EU to be exempt from taxes. Farmers also complain about the 
    • low prices of their products and say grain and other agriculture 
    • products coming from Ukraine and other countries harm the market.,10%3A32%20am

    Poland GN

    060324 Farmers threaten to bring Poland to a halt after police clashes, by Aleksandra Szmigiel, Kacper Pempel and Karl Badohal; March 6, 2024

    The protesters had gathered at the prime minister's office in the Polish capital, 
    • burning tyres and 
    • throwing firecrackers as 
    • they demanded a 
      • halt to 
        • cheap imports and 
        • environmental regulations they say harm their livelihoods.
    Farmers across the European Union have been calling for changes to restrictions placed on them by the bloc's Green Deal plan to tackle climate change, and for the re-imposition of customs duties on imports of agricultural products from Ukraine that were waived after Russia's invasion.

    India farmer's protests f

     < 0,8% GDP = Indian Rural [Economic] weakness 

    Indias Farmer's protests

    < 0,8% GDP = Rural [Economic] weakness 

    The farm sector, which accounts for about 15 per cent of the US$3.7 trillion economy, continued to struggle due to unfavourable monsoon rains. It contracted 0.8 per cent in the December quarter, compared with 1.6 per cent growth in the September quarter.
    Slowing rural growth dragged down farm incomes and some farmers have hit the streets demanding higher price procurement prices. 
    Rural weakness has led to slower growth for major retail companies like Hindustan Unilever and Britannia Industries

    07jan19 Protests: "The Spontaneous Politics of the Masses: Slavoj Žižek and the Yellow Vests
    . Most of the demands have been realized in the past by Western capitalism, but after the victory of neoliberalism these social advances were abolished.

     62e/24 Protests: main themes

    "The great jazz pianist Vijay Iyer: “Gen Z has agitated for action on 

    gun control, 

    climate change, 

    reproductive justice,

     trans rights, 

    voting rights, 

    racial justice,

     immigrant rights, 

    reducing police violence, 

    and stopping genocide.

     Elders have failed them at literally every turn.”"

    know more:

    62c>24 -Summary:  Protest up down north south

     370∆24 Summary GloWar Aquecimento global global warming

    369/24 cientistas enviam avisos assustadores

     369/24 GloWar: cientistas enviam avisos assustadores

    "Houve um fluxo constante nos últimos anos, incluindo o 

    “Alerta dos cientistas mundiais sobre a emergência climática” (assinado por 15 mil cientistas), 

    o “Alerta dos cientistas contra a sociedade do excesso de lixo“, 

    o “Alerta dos cientistas sobre um oceano em perigo”, 

    o “Alerta dos cientistas sobre a tecnologia”, 

    o “Alerta dos cientistas sobre a sociedade afluente“,

     “As mudanças climáticas e a ameaça à civilização” e até mesmo 

    “Os desafios para evitar um futuro macabro“.",futuro%20macabro%E2%80%9C.

    370∆24 Summary GloWar Aquecimento global global warming