2nd bim - 1st text: Daily Routine: Personal Report,
Textual Genre
Personal Report about daily routines
Drill in U form:
Q&A - Modelling and 5 students
( Review Last Q and present New Q)
Control of Cellphone use:
ask users first;
Do ENEM Question;
Orient Students to write new Paragraph on the cellphone
After warning timer: Ask students: Return to Line form;
Cell Phone: put away on the locker;
review Drill
(Last, Present, Next);
1st - How has been your daily routine? (balance:interests and obligations or duty)
2nd - Which would be a interestion / inspiring representation of teens' Daily Routine? [knowledges, values]
3rd - Why have you followed this daily routine? (interests, beliefs)
4th - How should your family/ religion/ School/ government help you to achieve these goals? (worldview, ideology)
5 Which could be consequences of following this daily Routine? (intentions)
Questions for Drill and Text
1st - How has been your daily routine? (balance:interests and obligations or duty)
meaning of: doing so many things at the same time: "Synonyms:
[managing lots of activities simultaneously ]
juggling tasks [, responsability, commitments]
handling a lot at once,
wearing many hats,
balancing several plates.
"Balls in the Air" is an idiom used to describe a situation where a person is managing or juggling multiple tasks, responsibilities, or commitments simultaneously."
2nd - Which would be a interestion / inspiring representation of teens' Daily Routine? [knowledges, values]
book (bible)
3rd - Why has you followed this daily routine? (interests, beliefs)
short-term reason
middle-term reason
long-term reason
4th - How should your family/ religion/ School/ government help you to achieve these goals? (worldview, ideology)
5 Which could be consequences of following this daily Routine? (intentions)
short-term goal
middle-term goal
long-term goal
Capa nas regras Abnt -
Folha de rosto
Questões + mapa mental
Produção de texto
374∆24 - Portfolio - 2nd bim. 1st grade by vanres2023