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373∆24 Brasil and the world in crisis (draft)

    Temas: Brasil and the world in crisis  ( draft ) Sumário: Miríade e Distopia   (2004-2024)  Em construção: Coletânea de Poesias -   draf...

segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2024

109F∆24 Danos Moraes - Agregador

109/24 - Danos "Moraes": 86 condenados, mais 15, pelo 8Jan23: 

130324: mais 15, null 131 pessoas foram condenadas

 "STF condena mais 15 réus pelos atos golpistas de 8 de janeiro
Julgamento se encerrou nesta sexta-feira (8). Até agora, 131 pessoas foram condenadas por envolvimento nos ataques às sedes dos Três Poderes.
Por Márcio Falcão, TV Globo — Brasília

08/03/2024 14h28",03/2024%2014h28

"A tática da bancada do PL é usar o argumento da perseguição judicial a Bolsonaro diante da possibilidade de prisão dele e de aliados - algo parecido com o que petistas fizeram com o presidente Lula na época da operação Lava Jato.

As sinalizações de Lira à bancada do PL é que não é o momento de travar este debate como o objetivo principal da oposição a Lula. Por um lado, o deputado teme a contaminação da eleição para presidente da casa, em fevereiro de 2025; por outro, diz que o assunto só deve ser pautado quando alguma ação contra o ex-presidente for de fato tomada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal.",Supremo%20Tribunal%20Federal.

01mar24 FSP - 116 condenados pelo 8/1  

"STF forma maioria para punir mais 15 e totalizar 116 condenados pelo 8/1. Até o momento, 101 pessoas já foram condenadas pelos ataques, com penas que vão de 3 a 17 anos."

O ministro Alexandre de Moraes, relator do caso, propôs penas que variam de 12 a 17 anos para os 15 réus que estavam no plenário virtual. Ele votou pelas condenações por abolição violenta do Estado democrático de Direito, golpe de Estado, dano qualificado, deterioração do patrimônio tombado e associação criminosa armada —além do pagamento, de forma solidária entre os réus, de uma multa de R$ 30 milhões por danos morais coletivos.


Metrópoles "Esta é a oitava leva de julgamentos dos atos do 8/1. Com mais 12 reús condenados, a soma de decisões chega a 71 pessoas com penas que variam de 3 a 17 anos de prisão.

“Eles terão que pagar indenização com valor mínimo de R$ 30 milhões, por danos morais coletivos. O montante será quitado por todos os condenados de forma solidária."


"Moraes propôs penas de 14 a 17 anos de prisão, em regime inicial fechado, além do pagamento de multa e de indenização de R$ 30 milhões por danos morais coletivos (em conjunto com os demais condenados pelo caso)"

“Cada ação é analisada e julgada de forma individual. Todos são acusados de integrar o núcleo dos executores dos atos que levaram à invasão e depredação das sedes dos Três Poderes.

“Eles respondem pelos crimes de:

  • associação criminosa armada;

  • abolição violenta do Estado Democrático de Direito;

  • golpe de Estado;

  • dano qualificado;

  • deterioração de patrimônio tombado.

“As denúncias foram oferecidas pela Procuradoria-Geral da República (PGR).

“Ao todo, foram abertas 232 ações contra os executores do vandalismo. O STF já condenou 30 réus do grupo, a penas que chegam a 17 anos de prisão.”

G1: "STF já condenou 86 réus pelos atos golpistas de 8 de janeiro

Total de condenações leva em conta resultado do julgamento desta terça-feira (20), envolvendo mais 15 réus. Penas vão de três a 17 anos de prisão.

Por Márcio Falcão, g1 e TV Globo — Brasília

20/02/2024 23h23",02/2024%2023h23


Gazeta do Povo: "especialmente preocupante é a descrição feita pela Polícia Federal do que teria acontecido em torno da chamada “minuta do golpe”: uma proposta de decreto presidencial redigida, segundo a PF, pelo então assessor Filipe Martins e pelo advogado Amauri Saad, que previa a anulação das eleições de outubro, com realização de novo pleito, e a prisão de autoridades, incluindo dois ministros do STF – Moraes e Gilmar Mendes – e o presidente do Senado, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG)"


" se a minuta jamais se tornou um decreto, ou seja, o golpe jamais aconteceu, é preciso fazer um questionamento de suma importância. O Código Penal só trata dos crimes consumados ou tentados, o que obviamente não é o caso do golpe que teria sido tramado contra o resultado eleitoral de 2022. A tradição do Direito Penal brasileiro jamais puniu os crimes meramente cogitados, restando o caso dos chamados “atos preparatórios”. Nem aqui, no entanto, podemos afirmar que haja uma zona cinzenta. A jurisprudência tem considerado não passíveis de responsabilização crimes para os quais até houve preparação, mas que não chegaram a ser tentados. Mesmo os atos preparatórios só podem ser punidos se constituírem crimes em si mesmos – em um caso emblemático de 2021, o STJ manteve a absolvição de duas pessoas acusadas pelo crime de roubo: elas chegaram a quebrar o cadeado e o portão da casa que pretendiam roubar, mas avistaram policiais e fugiram antes de entrar no imóvel.",entrar%20no%20im%C3%B3vel

". A dúvida que fica, depois do que tem ocorrido com os réus do 8 de janeiro, é se teremos uma investigação realmente criteriosa, capaz de apurar responsabilidades objetivas, ou se estaremos diante de mais um caso de perseguição política e lawfare, usando fatos reais para condenar pessoas por crimes diversos daqueles que tenham sido realmente cometidos ou para punir quem não é golpista, mas está do lado “errado” do jogo de poder.",jogo%20de%20poder. .

saiba mais detalhes:

O Cafezinho": Braga Netto deixa bem claro que estava alinhado à conspiração golpista, e procura jogar a culpa pelo o que “está acontecendo” (ou seja, a passagem do tempo sem que um golpe se materializasse) no general Freire Gomes, a quem faz a seguinte acusação: “omissão e indecisão não cabem num combatente”.

G1: "Investigação da PF encontrou uma minuta golpista que visava prender ministros do STF e o presidente do Senado. Bolsonaro recebeu essa minuta e pediu para retirar os nomes de Gilmar e Pacheco, mas manteve a menção a novas eleições."

defesa de Bolsonaro:

Poder 360: Bolsonaro:

"A pedido do Lula, nomeei os três comandantes de Força escolhidos por ele em dezembro. Como vou nomear comandante de Força dele e dar um golpe depois?”

, falou. / O ex-presidente também disse que não tem medo de ser preso e que

“hoje tudo pode acontecer com qualquer pessoa no Brasil. Em nome de salvar a democracia estão fazendo barbaridades”."

G1: "Segundo a PF, tudo demonstrava que "atos executórios para um golpe de Estado estavam em andamento""

G1 "Conversas mostram Mauro Cid orientando manifestações e monitoramento de Moraes, diz PF; veja prints

Diálogos fazem parte do relatório da Polícia Federal que embasou operação desta quinta-feira (8[FEV24]), ... A investigação aponta que Cid participava de cinco dos seis núcleos em que o grupo se dividiu para a tentativa de golpe." ...

BBC: "Os fatos investigados configuram, em tese, os crimes de

  • organização criminosa,
  • abolição violenta do Estado Democrático de Direito e
  • golpe de Estado.

Segundo a PF, a mesma organização criminosa também é investigada por:

  • ataques virtuais a opositores;
  • ataques às vacinas contra a covid-19 e às medidas sanitárias na pandemia;
  • uso da estrutura do Estado para obtenção de vantagens (o que inclui o caso das joias).",das%20joias).[ r

BBC: De acordo com o portal UOL, o atual comandante do Exército, o general Tomás Paiva, afirmou internamente que militares da ativa na mira da operação serão afastados de suas funções",de%20suas%20fun%C3%A7%C3%B5es

saiba mais:

BBC: "8 fevereiro 2024, 08:37 A Polícia Federal (PF) deflagrou nesta quinta-feira (8/2) uma operação especial para investigar uma organização acusada de "tentativa de golpe de Estado e abolição do Estado Democrático de Direito" ...

Três deles já foram presos preventivamente:

Filipe Martins, ex-assessor para assuntos internacionais de Bolsonaro;

O coronel do Exército Marcelo Câmara, ex-assessor especial da Presidência e que era investigado no caso da suposta fraude ao cartão de vacinação do ex-presidente;

e o major do Exército Rafael Martins de Oliveira, que atuou no batalhão de Forças Especiais da corporação.

Também há um mandado de prisão contra o coronel do Exército Bernardo Romão Correa Neto, que está no momento no exterior.

Ainda foram alvo de mandados de busca e apreensão no círculo de aliados mais próximos de Bolsonaro:

general Augusto Heleno, ex-chefe do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional (GSI);

general Walter Braga Netto, ex-ministro da Defesa e da Casa Civil e vice na chapa de Bolsonaro em 2022;

Valdemar da Costa Neto, presidente do PL, pelo qual Bolsonaro disputou a reeleição;

Anderson Torres, ex-ministro da Justiça de Bolsonaro;

o general Paulo Sérgio Nogueira, ex-comandante do Exército e ex-ministro da Defesa de Bolsonaro;

e o almirante Almir Garnier Santos, ex-comandante-geral da Marinha.

Conforme noticiado por veículos de imprensa, Valdemar da Costa Neto foi preso em flagrante durante a operação por posse ilegal de arma de fogo.",arma%20de%20fogo.

    history: "1948 to 2024"
    "These humanitarian and reputational costs were deemed worth it by Bibi for the sake of security, yet now he might have actually worsened his country’s security precisely at the time when he’s on the verge of declaring victory in Gaza

    .A organização World Central Kitchen (WCK) [...] anunciou a suspensão das suas ações no território palestino."

    160324 "At least 31,553 Palestinians have been killed and 73,546 injured , by Al Jazeera 

    know more:

    010424 "Several people have been killed in an Israeli air strike that flattened the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, according to Iranian state media and Syrian authorities.

    170324 Von der Leyen: Rafah invasion must be “avoided at all costs”, Al Jazeera 

    "These humanitarian and reputational costs were deemed worth it by Bibi for the sake of security, yet now he might have actually worsened his country’s security precisely at the time when he’s on the verge of declaring victory in Gaza

    The Houthis’ opening of a second front was insufficient for stopping Israel’s campaign while Hezbollah has thus far remained reluctant to open up a third one that would risk “mutually assured destruction”. Neighboring Jordan has recently experienced an upsurge of Hamas-inspired and Muslim Brotherhood-driven unrest, but it’ll likely remain manageable due to the security forces’ years of Western training, thus meaning that another front probably won’t open up on its own in that kingdom either.

    Without Hezbollah waging total war against Israel and/or Jordan slipping into a Libyan-like conflict that spills over into the West Bank, Israel will complete its destruction of Hamas in Gaza. Such was the state of affairs up until Monday’s audacious attack, however, because now Iran feels pressured to escalate in ways that could risk opening up another front. This could happen for example if it requests Hezbollah to respond in a way that inadvertently prompts an Israeli overreaction which then leads to all-out war.

    Another possibility is that the IRGC, Hezbollah, and/or allied Iraqi militants set their Hybrid War sights on Jordan with a view of triggering its collapse in order to provoke an immediate national security crisis on Israel’s eastern borders that could draw the bulk of its forces away from Gaza in an instant. "

    know more

    "Israel assumiu, nesta terça-feira (2), a responsabilidade por um bombardeio que no dia anterior matou sete trabalhadores humanitários que distribuíam ajuda alimentar na sitiada Faixa de Gaza, dizendo ter sido um incidente "não intencional". 

    A organização World Central Kitchen (WCK) do chef hispano-americano José Andrés, para a qual trabalhavam as vítimas do bombardeio, anunciou a suspensão das suas ações no território palestino.",no%20territ%C3%B3rio%20palestino

    010523 "Several people have been killed in an Israeli air strike that flattened the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, according to Iranian state media and Syrian authorities.

    Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in the elite Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), was among at least five people killed in the attack, Iranian media reported on Monday."
    Ali Vaez, director of the International Crisis Group’s Iran Project, says Israel’s alleged attack on Iran’s consulate in Syria is “akin to targeting another country on its own soil”.

    “Overall this seems to still be a low-simmer regional war. It’s not yet an all-out regional conflict, but it does appear that Israel is trying to do everything in its power to expand the conflict,” Vaez told Al Jazeera.

    “[This] puts Israel in a win-win situation because Israel knows Iran doesn’t want to get dragged into a regional war, so if it escalates its attacks against Iranian assets and personnel in Syria, it probably will be cost free, and if Iran does respond and retaliate, then it becomes a justified pretext for expanding the war.”,reported%20on%20Monday.

     Jordanian unrest

    010523 "Latest Jordanian Unrest Hints At Hamas’ Desperation, By ANDREW KORYBKO

    APR 01, 2024

    With the Houthis’ help being appreciated but still strategically minimal in terms of what Hamas needs to happen right now, while Hezbollah is holding back and might continue to do so even if declining to open up a third front could mean Hamas’ defeat, the only recourse is to provoke unrest in Jordan. If the protests there spiral out of control and can’t be quelled by its security forces, then an emergency Israeli intervention can’t be ruled out in order to save the monarchy from an Iranian-like Islamic Revolution.

    This sequence of events is the only realistic way to distract Israel from militarily defeating Hamas, the campaign of which has reached the point where Tel Aviv is now planning for the post-war future,for%20great%20writin

    "Northern Gaza Strip: 
    The IDF continued to conduct clearing operations in and around al Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.
    Central Gaza Strip: The IDF said that its Air Force conducted a drone strike targeting a PIJ command-and-control center in the al Aqsa Hospital complex in Deir al Balah.
    Southern Gaza Strip: Israeli forces continued to conduct clearing operations in Khan Younis.
    Political Negotiations: Egyptian state media reported, citing an unspecified security source, that Israel and Hamas have resumed ceasefire negotiations.
    West Bank: Israeli forces engaged Palestinian fighters in at least seven locations in the West Bank.
    Southern Lebanon and Golan Heights: Lebanese Hezbollah conducted at least seven attacks from southern Lebanon into northern Israel.
    Iraq: The Islamic Resistance in Iraq—a coalition of Iranian-backed Iraqi militias—claimed that it launched a drone targeting an unspecified target in Eilabun, Israel",in%20Eilabun%2C%20Israel

    Wide and wild middle East

    206 ∆ 24 ISGE Agregador

    Why is the same western media obsessively reheating five month-old allegations against Hamas so reluctant to focus on Israel’s current, horrifying atrocities?
    No, not Hamas crimes. This is part of an ever-growing list of documented atrocities committed by Israel in the five months since 7 October - quite separate from the
    • carpet bombing of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza and 
    • a famine induced by Israel’s obstruction of aid. 
    A separate report by the UN last week revealed that 21 of its staff - humanitarian aid workers - had been snatched by Israel. They were then tortured to extract confessions, most likely false, of involvement in Hamas’ 7 October attack. Their torture included 
    • beatings,
    • waterboarding and 
    • threats to family members.

    170324 Von der Leyen: Rafah invasion must be “avoided at all costs”, Al Jazeera 
    "EU President Ursula von der Leyen’s says Israel’s planned Rafah invasion must be “avoided at all costs”, while Netanyahu insists to German chancellor that operation will go forward"

    "Police clash with protesters in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem at weekly Saturday night rallies, ToI, Times of Israel
    Protesters in both cities block major roads after speeches by hostages’ families; demonstrators in capital scuffle with police for first time since Oct. 7
    •  [hostage negotiations
    • new Elections]

    160324 "At least 31,553 Palestinians have been killed and 73,546 injured , by Al Jazeera 
     in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The death toll in Israel from Hamas’s October 7 attack stands at 1,139 with dozens taken captive." 
    "Northern Gaza Strip: Palestinian fighters clashed with Israeli forces in Zahra, south of Gaza City.

    Negotiations: Hamas submitted a ceasefire proposal and a hostage-for-prisoner exchange to international mediators.

    Yemen: Houthi fighters conducted at least three attacks targeting civilian and military vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

    Syria: Israel likely conducted a drone strike targeting a truck transporting weapons for Iranian-backed militias near Albu Kamal, Syria.

    Iran: The G7 countries warned Iran that it should not transfer missiles to Russia.

    West Bank: Tens of thousands of Palestinian worshippers gathered peacefully at the al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem for Ramadan prayers, despite repeated Hamas calls to “defend” the mosque.",to%20%E2%80%9Cdefend%E2%80%9D%20the%20mosque.

    120324 Egypt's inactions enabling ethnic cleansing, by Korybko 

    100325 "Estrada israelense que divide Gaza em duas chega ao Mediterrâneo, CNN Brasil 

    090324 Israel Economic Distress, By Naked Capitalism 

    "the Haredi community has grown significantly. They now make up 24% of recruitment-aged Israelis, according to the IDI. Arab Israelis are exempt from mandatory service. In practice, anyone who tells a recruiter that he studies at yeshiva – anyone who presents themselves to be ultra-Orthodox – can get out of service."..
    Israel’s attorney general, Gali Baharav-Miara, added more urgency to the matter when she told the Supreme Court last month that as soon as the exemption arrangement expires, the government can no longer legally fund the yeshivas.
    In a February poll conducted by the IDI, shared exclusively with CNN, 64% of Israeli respondents and 70% of Jewish Israeli respondents said that the Haredi exemption “should be changed.
    In the poll conducted by IDI, 68.5% of Haredi respondents said that their exemption to military service “should not be changed.” Just last weekend, Haredi protesters opposed to conscription blocked a major highway near the largely ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak.

    Imperial enablement of genocide, ethnic cleansing, ...

    170324 materially backing Israel to the hilt, by Jonathan Cook, MME
    "what does that make Biden and the US political class for materially backing Israel to the hilt: sending bombs, vetoing demands for a ceasefire at the United Nations, and freezing desperately needed aid?
    Worrying about the optics, the president expresses his discomfort, but he carries on helping Israel regardless.
    While western politicians and commentators worry about some imaginary existential threat those brief events of five months ago pose to the nuclear-armed state of Israel, Israel is quite literally wiping Gaza off the map day by day, quite undisturbed.

    070324 UN finds ‘grounds to believe’ Hamas committed sexual violence on October 7 FT.

    Imperial enablement of genocide, ethnic cleansing, ...

    050324 "US shipment of 2000 lb bombs to Israel" @MaxBlumenthal -"

    Gaza's genocide

    BBC - "5% da população: mortos, desaparecidos ou feridos" : 

    030324 - Israel again attacks aid seekers in Gaza City

    Israel Gaza's ethnic cleaning

    Israel setter colonialism 

    Land occupation 

    ISW Key Takeaways:


    Many English language outlets in Muslim world, such as Anadolu Agency and Middle East Monitor, reported that
    Israel’s Zman magazine had stated, based on an analysis of official data, that about 470,000 Israelis had emigrated, and that immigration had fallen by 70% in November. Naked Capitalism reader were unable to confirm the information; perhaps it was scrubbed by official censors? A couple of days after that flurry of stories, Jordan News put the total at 370,000 through the end of November, but argued it could be higher" ...
    The economic impact of these departures is likely to be disproportionate to their numbers. People who can relocate on short notice, which means having or being able to rent housing abroad, are likely to be on average affluent. .,be%20higher%3A

    070324 UN finds ‘grounds to believe’ Hamas committed sexual violence on October 7 FT.

    NK comments:  No forensics, no victims interviews. And IDF minders?

    Imperial enablement of genocide, ethnic cleansing, ...

    050324 "US shipment of 2000 lb bombs to Israel" @MaxBlumenthal - "Nothing brings hope to Gaza like another US shipment of 2000 lb bombs to Israel"

    Gaza's genocide

    030324 - Israel again attacks aid seekers in Gaza City

    NK comment: More than 100 people were ultimatel

    Israel Gaza's ethnic cleaning

    ISW Key Takeaways:

    Northern Gaza Strip: 

    Ceasefire Negotiations: 

    telecommunications disruption

    NetBlocks reported on March 5 that the disruption is particularly serious in the southern Gaza Strip.[31]"

    Red Sea's Yemen's Houthi: 

    070324 The bulk-carrier, True Confidence, was carrying steel products and trucks from China to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.[7]

    "The Houthis launched anti-ship missiles on March 6 that targeted a Greek-operated Barbados-flagged bulk-carrier in the Gulf of Aden and damaged the ship, killing two crewmembers and injuring at least six more.[5] The Houthi attack on March 6 forced the crew to abandon ship.[6] The crew was made up of south and southeast Asian nationals. 

    The March 6 attack is the first that has caused fatalities since the Houthis began attacking civilian ships in the Red Sea in November 2023. The Houthi attacks prior to March 6 were not calibrated to avoid casualties, however. These attacks—using drones, ballistic, and cruise missiles—risk the death of civilian crewmembers in every instance. A Houthi attack on February 18 that targeted the MV Rubymar caused the crew to abandon ship on February 18 and resulted in the sinking of the vessel on March 3.[8]",3.%5B8%5D

    Land occupation 

    "at the time of the post-World War I British mandate in Palestine, the population of Palestine was 90% Palestinians. And even when the UN issued its 1947 partition plan, Palestinians owned more than 94% of the land between the river and the sea. 

    So Polgreen—and the other commentators I’ve mentioned—they’re wrongly implying that the movement to stop the genocide in Gaza is at some basic level wrong about Israel being a colonial enterprise. And this is really significant because they present this idea of anti-colonial struggle in Palestine as some kind of a misguided romanticism that selectively wants to restore the past. Well, the issue isn’t whether the past should somehow be restored, but whether Zionism should continue to be the governing principle across all of historic Palestine.

    setter colonialism 

    The idea that Zionism is settler colonialism is not new. Palestinian scholars in the 1960s working in Beirut in the PLO Research Centre had already understood that what they were facing in Palestine was not a classical colonial project.  They did not frame Israel as just a British colony or an American one, but regarded it as a phenomenon that existed in other parts of the world; defined as settler colonialism.

    "Gaza's Israel Genocide

    IDF says troops fired ‘warning shots’ as mob rushed aid convoy, leading to more than 100 killed FOX. Comment: NKEven if we accept that the mob rushed the trucks, who created the desperate situation

    Antítese: "Por que não é holocausto, genocídio ou limpeza étnica"!?!

    Gaza Strip: 

    "5% da população: mortos, desaparecidos ou feridos" : 

    Israel’s war on Gaza live: 

    1 Mar 2024 By Edna Mohamed Published On 

    Biden says US will air drop aid to enclave

    US President Biden announces military air drops of humanitarian aid to Gaza, as WHO says Palestinians are risking their lives to find food, water and other supplies amid the unrelenting Israeli assault.

    At least 30,228 people have been killed and 71,377 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The revised death toll in Israel from the October 7 attacks stands at 1,139.

    Seven captives were killed as a result of the Israeli military’s bombardment of Gaza, according to an Qassam Brigade spokesperson.
    Fatalities reported in Gaza’s south after Israeli raid targets a house sheltering people who had been displaced from the north.

    Foreign ministries, aid groups and rights organisations denounce Israel’s “heinous massacre” that killed more than 100 people waiting to receive emergency food assistance in northern Gaza.

     "At least 112 Palestinians waiting for food aid killed and 760 wounded after being shot at by Israeli forces in Gaza.

    Gaza Live Update: 

    Palestinian militiaISW

    Rafah: ISW

    Negotiations: ISW


    Yemen: ISW

    Iraq-Russia: ISW


    Mário Sabino"Por que não é holocausto, genocídio ou limpeza étnica"!?!

    Mario Sabino: "É mentira, delírio e até estupidez acreditar que Lula “sacudiu o mundo” ao comparar Israel ay Hitler. Ele chocou o mundo (não muito, dada a nossa providencial falta de importância) e conseguiu a façanha de ser o primeiro presidente do Brasil a ser considerado persona non grata por outro país — e a ser elogiado por um grupo terrorista, o Hamas."

    O “antissionista” [Breno Altman] precisaria dizer onde estão as valas comuns de milhares de palestinos mortos em fuzilamentos, as câmaras de gás e os fornos crematórios construídos por Israel para levar a cabo a limpeza étnica da qual o seu governo é acusado.

    Já não é mais só fake news, é também delírio. Com método, mas com método, e método nazista, veja só. “Uma mentira dita mil vezes torna-se verdade”, disse Joseph Goebbels, o ministro da propaganda de Hitler. Os petistas asfixiam a verdade com gás e a jogam no forno crematório. Dá uma preguiça.,terrorista%2C%20o%20Hamas.

    "representa 5% da população" : 

    "se somarmos o número de pessoas feridas e o número de pessoas desaparecidas temos mais de 100 mil pessoas, o que representa 5% da população", disse Philippe Lazzarini, chefe da agência da ONU para refugiados palestinos (Unrwa), à BBC.
    "A ONU também alerta para uma fome iminente no norte do território, onde cerca de 300 mil pessoas vivem com pouca comida ou água potável" ...
    "Na terça-feira (27/02/24), um alto funcionário humanitário da ONU alertou que pelo menos 576 mil pessoas em toda a Faixa de Gaza – um quarto da população – enfrentavam níveis catastróficos de insegurança alimentar e corriam o risco de fome.
    "Ele também alertou que uma em cada seis crianças com menos de dois anos de idade no norte sofria de desnutrição aguda.",de%20desnutri%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20aguda.,ou%20%C3%A1gua%20pot%C3%A1vel

     "At least 112 Palestinians waiting for food aid killed and 760 wounded after being shot at by Israeli forces in Gaza.

    “Life draining out of Gaza at terrifying speed,” says UN aid chief Martin Griffiths on aid seeker attack, as death toll in Gaza crosses 30,000-mark. 
    At least 30,035 people have been killed and 70,457 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The revised death toll in Israel from the October 7 attacks stands at 1,139. Source: AlJazeera
    know more at:

    Tradução: Vander Resende

    Live Update: 

    Pelo menos 112 palestinos que esperavam por ajuda alimentar foram mortos e 760 feridos após serem alvejados pelas forças israelenses em Gaza.
    “A vida está sendo drenada em Gaza a uma velocidade assustadora”, diz o chefe de ajuda humanitária da ONU, Martin Griffiths, sobre o ataque aos requerentes de ajuda, enquanto o número de mortos em Gaza ultrapassa a marca de 30.000.
    Pelo menos 30.035 pessoas foram mortas e 70.457 feridas em ataques israelenses a Gaza desde 7 de Outubro. O número revisto de mortos em Israel nos ataques de 7 de Outubro é de 1.139. Fonte: Al Jazeera
    saiba mais em:

    Palestinian militia

    have claimed at least 92 attacks targeting Israeli forces in Zaytoun, southeastern Gaza City, between February 19 and February 28. This high attack rate involving at least seven Palestinian militias using sophisticated military capabilities indicates that Palestinian fighters have retained military capacity in southern Gaza City despite two Israeli clearing operations there. 
    The militias likely infiltrated into previously cleared areas of southern Gaza City from the uncleared central Gaza Strip. The militias also likely reactivated dormant cells after the Israelis decreased the size of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) contingent in the northern Strip.
    The attacks in Zaytoun are in response to the ongoing division-sized clearing operation targeting Zaytoun. The IDF 162nd Division continued its clearing operation in Zaytoun neighborhood, southeastern Gaza City, on February 28. ISW


    IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari said on February 27 that Israel seeks to ensure displaced Gazan civilians have access to food, aid, medicine, and hospital facilities in a separate, safer zone before conducting ground operations in Rafah. ISW


    Israeli negotiators are expected to leave Qatar on February 29 if there is no significant breakthrough in ceasefire talks, according to two Israeli sources familiar with the process.  ISW


    CENTCOM and an unspecified coalition warship shot down five Houthi one-way attack drones over the Red Sea on February 27. ISW


    The Iraqi government may request a sanctions waiver to purchase spare parts for Russian-manufactured helicopters. A Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee member cited by an independent Iraqi news outlet said that there is an “unannounced” effort to resolve the shortage of parts for Iraq’s Russian-made helicopters." ISW

     - Governments Genocide accusations

    "The ANC-led government has been unambiguous in its pro-Palestine stance. South Africa was one of the first states to refer to Israel’s actions in Gaza after the October 7 Hamas attack as “genocide”, and early on referred Israel to the International Criminal Court. In January, Pretoria also dragged Israel to the world’s highest legal authority, the International Court of Justice",Court%20of%20JusticeISW key takeaways


    "Iraq: Two Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)-affiliated sources told the New York Times that Iranian-backed Iraqi militias “fiercely resisted” IRGC Quds Force commander Esmail Ghaani’s orders in late January to halt attacks targeting US forces in the region.

    The timeline of events indicates that Ghaani—not Iraqi leaders—was instrumental in convincing Kataib Hezbollah to pause attacks. Kataib Hezbollah responded to Iranian directives from Ghaani by announcing that it would “suspend attacks” on January 30—roughly 24 hours after the meeting with Ghaani on January 29.

    Iraqi Shia clerics in Najaf may also lack the influence to convince Kataib Hezbollah to cease attacks. Kataib Hezbollah and Harakat Hezbollah al Nujaba are loyal to the Iranian supreme leader, not Iraqi Shia clerics in Najaf.

    Ghaani’s visit to Baghdad illustrates both the extent of and limits to Iran’s control of its proxy network in the Middle East. Most of Iran’s proxies and partners in Iraq immediately ceased attacks following Ghaani’s directive, though it is possible additional pressure from the Iraqi government further reinforced Ghaani’s orders.,members%20on%20February%2027

    Gaza City: The IDF 162nd Division continued its clearing operation in Zaytoun neighborhood, southeastern Gaza City, on February 27. Palestinian militias claimed at least 16 attacks targeting Israeli forces in Zaytoun, southeastern Gaza City on February 27.

    Iran and Yemen: The United States and the United Kingdom sanctioned Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and Houthi members on February 27.",members%20on%20February%2027.

    "15 FEBRUARY 2024

    Joint statement from the Prime Ministers of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand


    Prime Minister"

    We are gravely concerned by indications that Israel is planning a ground offensive into Rafah.  

    A military operation into Rafah would be catastrophic. About 1.5 million Palestinians are taking refuge in the area, including many of our citizens and their families. With the humanitarian situation in Gaza already dire, the impacts on Palestinian civilians from an expanded military operation would be devastating. We urge the Israeli government not to go down this path. There is simply nowhere else for civilians to go.,Prime%20Min


    governm inactions

    250224 Doctorow, Gilbert: "Most of humanity is outraged by what Israel is doing in Gaza."

    . Most of humanity is outraged by what Israel is doing in Gaza. But governments in the region have not taken military action against Israel to save the Palestinians. The only forces that have acted are non state forces of Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houtsis in Yemen. Everyone else is reasonably fearful of getting involved in a hot war with Israel given the vast destructive force that Tel Aviv commands, not to mention its nuclear arsenal.

    As I say in this interview, Israel may yet be brought to heel because of the now irrational, hubristic mentality of Natanyahu and his cabinet. Netanyahu seems to want a wider war to hold onto power, and perhaps he should get one because only a real war can stop the genocide.

    The wider war may yet come from the side of the Houtsis. From what looked like pitiful volleys of drones and missiles that were easily shot down by U.S. air defense several weeks ago, we saw how the Houtsis have in the past week seriously damaged a Qatari oil tanker, forcing its crew to abandon ship, and how they sank a British freighter in the Red Sea. Now, I understand that the Houthis have successfully attacked Eilat. We may suppose that their weaponry has been greatly improved, and how can that be? It is improbable that Iran would step in, due to the risks posed by the U.S. naval force in the Med. But it is well possible that the Russians are assisting the Houthis in the spirit of tit for tat, paying Britain and the U.S. back for their proxy war on Russia in Ukraine. If this conflict expands, if the fight between Hezbollah and the IDF becomes a war, then we may witness the showdown that will distract Israel from genocide and focus its attention on its own survival as a state.

    “, there are relevant lessons from the original Holocaust perpetrated against European Jewry by Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Modern day communications and journalistic practices mean that the world public is well aware day by day of the murderous attacks of the IDF on the civilians of Gaza, whereas the German killings of Jews and other minorities were known primarily to leaders in the West rather than to rank-in-file people in the ‘street.’ Nonetheless, foreign and military policy was and is made by leaders, not by the broad population and those leaders did not lift a finger against Nazi Germany until the outbreak of WWII. When they finally went to war it was for reasons that had nothing to do with the genocide being practiced."

    ©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024
