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373∆24 Brasil and the world in crisis (draft)

    Temas: Brasil and the world in crisis  ( draft ) Sumário: Miríade e Distopia   (2004-2024)  Em construção: Coletânea de Poesias -   draf...

segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2024

374a1i/24 - New Concepts: Enunciative positions

374a1i/24 - New Concepts: Enunciative positions  :

Enunciative Positions about Education

                LIBERAL EDUCATION                    

1 **Discursive Intentions**:

Dialogical discourse


open discussion

critical inquiry

exchange of diverse perspectives.

2. **Values**:

                Emphasis on

critical thinking,

intellectual curiosity,

lifelong learning.

intellectual freedom,


respect for diverse viewpoints.

3. **Worldviews**:

   - Pluralistic worldview:






and cultures.

  - Embracement of uncertainty

complexity worldview

   - Recognizes

the limitations of knowledge

the importance of critical inquiry

and ongoing exploration.

4. **Beliefs**:

   - fostering

independent thinking,


intellectual autonomy.

   - Trust capacity of individuals

to engage in

reasoned discourse,

challenge assumptions,

    - seek truth through

evidence-based inquiry.


5. **Knowledge**:

       Seen as dynamic,

evolving, and

contextually situated, with an

       emphasis on

interdisciplinary connections and

real-world applications.

     - constructed through

critical inquiry,

exploration of diverse perspectives,

engagement with complex, authentic problems.

6. **Ideologies**:

   - Liberalism:

Emphasizes individual rights,

freedoms, and

the pursuit of truth, justice, diversity and equality.



7. **Interests**:

   - Intellectual interests:

intellectual growth across disciplines and topics.   

   - Civic interests:

Focus on engagement with social and political issues,

active citizenship,

promotion of democratic values and principles


1. **Discursive Intentions**:

   - Didactic discourse: transmitting

established knowledge

values from authority

   - Prescriptive discourse:

reinforce traditional norms

2. **Values**:

   - Emphasis on


authority, and

preservation of established cultural norms

    - Value placed on

discipline, obedience,

respect for authority figures and institutions.

3. **Worldviews**:

   - Traditionalist worldview:



stability, and

preservation of

traditional knowledge and

cultural practices.

   - Hierarchical worldview:

Education as a means of transmitting knowledge

               from authority figures

to passive learners,

maintaining existing power structures.


4. **Beliefs**:

   - Belief in the importance of transmitting

cultural heritage,

moral values, and

societal norms to future generations.

   - Trust in the authority of

established institutions,

traditions, and

authoritative texts as  sources of

knowledge and



5. **Knowledge**:

   - Seen as stable,

fixed, and

grounded in timeless truths,

     emphasis on

mastering foundational knowledge and skills.

   - Knowledge is often

compartmentalized into

distinct subjects,

with clear boundaries and

hierarchies of importance.

6. **Ideologies**:

   - Traditionalism: Emphasizes the preservation of traditional

values, institutions, and cultural practices.

   - Conservatism: Values the importance of

stability, order, and gradual change,

emphasizing the preservation of

existing social structures and hierarchies.

7. **Interests**:

   - Compliance interests:

Reflect the desire to conform to societal expectations,

follow established rules, and

uphold traditional values.

   - Cultural interests: Focus on preserving

cultural heritage, traditions,

and values through education and socialization.

In relation to a  Education pedagogy, in a structure of topics, which are the : discursive intentions, values, worldviews, beliefs, knowledge, ideologies and interests in different discourses. Add two references?


In relation to a liberal Education pedagogy, in a structure of topics, which are the : discursive intentions, values, worldviews, beliefs, knowledge, ideologies and interests in different discourses. Add two references?

Certainly, here's how each element might fit within a liberal education pedagogy:

1. **Discursive Intentions**:

   - Dialogical discourse: Aimed at promoting open discussion, critical inquiry, and the exchange of diverse perspectives.

   - Reflective discourse: Used to encourage metacognition, self-awareness, and deep understanding of complex issues.

2. **Values**:

   - Emphasis on critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and lifelong learning.

   - Value placed on intellectual freedom, tolerance, and respect for diverse viewpoints.

3. **Worldviews**:

   - Pluralistic worldview: Values diversity, tolerance, and the interconnectedness of knowledge across disciplines and cultures.

   - Embracement of uncertainty and complexity worldview: Recognizes the limitations of knowledge and the importance of critical inquiry and ongoing exploration.

4. **Beliefs**:

   - Belief in the importance of fostering independent thinking, creativity, and intellectual autonomy.

   - Trust in the capacity of individuals to engage in reasoned discourse, challenge assumptions, and seek truth through evidence-based inquiry.

5. **Knowledge**:

   - Seen as dynamic, evolving, and contextually situated, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary connections and real-world applications.

   - Knowledge is constructed through critical inquiry, exploration of diverse perspectives, and engagement with complex, authentic problems.

6. **Ideologies**:

   - Liberalism: Emphasizes individual rights, freedoms, and the pursuit of truth, justice, and equality.

   - Rationalism: Values reason, evidence, and critical thinking as essential tools for understanding and addressing complex social issues.

7. **Interests**:

   - Intellectual interests: Reflect the desire for knowledge, understanding, and intellectual growth across a broad range of disciplines and topics.

   - Civic interests: Focus on engagement with social and political issues, active citizenship, and the promotion of democratic values and principles.


1. Nussbaum, M. C. (1997). Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education. Harvard University Press.

2. Berlin, I. (1969). Four Essays on Liberty. Oxford University Press.

In relation to a conservative Education pedagogy, in a structure of topics, which are the : discursive intentions, values, worldviews, beliefs, knowledge, ideologies and interests in different discourses. Add two references?

Certainly, here's how each element might manifest within a conservative education pedagogy:

1. **Discursive Intentions**:

   - Didactic discourse: Aimed at transmitting established knowledge and values from authority figures to learners in a structured manner.

   - Prescriptive discourse: Used to reinforce traditional norms, values, and behaviors through clear instructions and expectations.

2. **Values**:

   - Emphasis on tradition, authority, and preservation of established cultural norms and values.

   - Value placed on discipline, obedience, and respect for authority figures and institutions.

3. **Worldviews**:

   - Traditionalist worldview: Values continuity, stability, and preservation of traditional knowledge and cultural practices.

   - Hierarchical worldview: Views education as a means of transmitting knowledge from authority figures to passive learners, maintaining existing power structures.

4. **Beliefs**:

   - Belief in the importance of transmitting cultural heritage, moral values, and societal norms to future generations.

   - Trust in the authority of established institutions, traditions, and authoritative texts as sources of knowledge and guidance.

5. **Knowledge**:

   - Seen as stable, fixed, and grounded in timeless truths, with an emphasis on mastering foundational knowledge and skills.

   - Knowledge is often compartmentalized into distinct subjects, with clear boundaries and hierarchies of importance.

6. **Ideologies**:

   - Traditionalism: Emphasizes the preservation of traditional values, institutions, and cultural practices.

   - Conservatism: Values the importance of stability, order, and gradual change, emphasizing the preservation of existing social structures and hierarchies.

7. **Interests**:

   - Compliance interests: Reflect the desire to conform to societal expectations, follow established rules, and uphold traditional values.

   - Cultural interests: Focus on preserving cultural heritage, traditions, and values through education and socialization.


1. Hirsch, E. D. (1987). Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know. Houghton Mifflin.

2. Kirk, R. (1953). The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot. Henry Regnery Company.

progressive education pedagogy:

In relation to a progressive Education pedagogy, in a structure of topics, which are the : discursive intentions, values, worldviews, beliefs, knowledge, ideologies and interests in different discourses. Add two references?

1. **Discursive Intentions**:

   - Facilitative discourse: Aimed at encouraging collaboration, inquiry, and active participation among learners.

   - Reflective discourse: Used to foster metacognition, self-awareness, and critical reflection on learning experiences.

2. **Values**:

   - Emphasis on student agency, autonomy, and empowerment in the learning process.

   - Value placed on creativity, critical thinking, and exploration of diverse perspectives.

3. **Worldviews**:

   - Dynamic worldview: Views education as a process of continuous growth, adaptation, and social change.

   - Embracement of complexity and diversity worldview: Values the interconnectedness of knowledge and the importance of embracing diverse perspectives.

4. **Beliefs**:

   - Belief in the importance of inquiry-based learning and hands-on experiences to promote deep understanding and meaning-making.

   - Trust in the capacity of students to construct their knowledge through active engagement and collaboration.

5. **Knowledge**:

   - Seen as dynamic and context-dependent, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary connections and real-world applications.

   - Knowledge is co-constructed through collaborative inquiry and exploration of relevant, authentic problems and issues.

6. **Ideologies**:

   - Constructivism: Emphasizes the active role of learners in constructing their understanding of the world through interactions with their environment.

   - Humanism: Centers on the belief in the inherent worth and potential of each individual, promoting holistic development and self-actualization.

7. **Interests**:

   - Personal interests: Reflect the individual passions, curiosities, and motivations of learners, driving intrinsic motivation and engagement.

   - Social interests: Focus on collaborative learning experiences, community engagement, and the pursuit of social justice and equity.


1. Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education. The Free Press.

2. Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Herder and Herder.

In relation to a traditional Education pedagogy, in a structure of topics, which are the : discursive intentions, values, worldviews, beliefs, knowledge, ideologies and interests in different discourses. Add two references?

Sure, here's how each element might fit within a traditional education pedagogy:

1. **Discursive Intentions**: 

   - Instructive discourse: Aimed at delivering information and instructions in a structured manner.

   - Socratic discourse: Used for questioning to reinforce established knowledge and promote critical thinking within those boundaries.

2. **Values**:

   - Emphasis on discipline, obedience, and respect for authority figures.

   - Value placed on academic achievement and conformity to established norms.

3. **Worldviews**:

   - Hierarchical worldview: Views education as a means of transmitting established knowledge from authority figures to passive learners.

   - Stability and continuity worldview: Favors maintaining existing structures and traditional methods of teaching.

4. **Beliefs**:

   - Belief in the importance of rote memorization and adherence to prescribed curriculum.

   - Trust in the authority of teachers as the primary source of knowledge.

5. **Knowledge**:

   - Seen as static and fixed, with an emphasis on mastering existing content and facts.

   - Knowledge is often compartmentalized into distinct subjects with clear boundaries.

6. **Ideologies**:

   - Essentialism: Emphasizes the importance of core knowledge and skills that are essential for all students.

   - Behaviorism: Focuses on observable behaviors and reinforcement of desired behaviors through rewards and punishments.

7. **Interests**:

   - Academic interests: Focus on subject-specific content as outlined in the curriculum.

   - Compliance interests: Reflect the desire to fulfill expectations and meet standards set by authority figures.


1. Tyler, R. W. (1949). Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. University of Chicago Press.

2. Skinner, B. F. (1954). The Science of 

Learning and the Art of Teaching. Harvard Educational Review, 24(2), 86–97.

In relation to a anarquist Education pedagogy, in a structure of topics, which are the : discursive intentions, values, worldviews, beliefs, knowledge, ideologies and interests in different discourses. Add two references?

In relation to a socialist Education pedagogy, in a structure of topics, which are the : discursive intentions, values, worldviews, beliefs, knowledge, ideologies and interests in different discourses. Add two references?

Which are the main aspects of a progressist Education?

 Identificação de intencionalidades discursivas, valores, visões de mundo, crenças, saberes, ideologias e interesses em diferentes discursos.

concepts of study of Language and of ideology


(individual [profissional, leisure], collective [familiar, ethnic, religious, national])


(Care [empathy] liberty, fairness, loyalty, respect to authority, and spiritual/religious).

liberal "values—free speech, peaceful protest, human right" tolerance 

beliefs and pressupositions (fundamental beliefs


(tradicional, scientific, ...)



political ideologies (conservative, liberal, neoliberal, anarquist, populista, socialist, communist)


(catholic, evangelical, another, none)

research for:

1st grade classes schedule; 2nd bim; 3rd and 4th week; 2nd activity;

374a/24 Text - 1st grade - 2nd bim - 1st text: Daily Routine: Personal Report, 

"The permeation of the English language, for example, as a main tool of communication in the post-Cold War era, resulted in an invasion by US, and to a lesser extent, British entertainment – films, music, sports, etc. – of many parts of the world. This incursion has disrupted the natural cultural development of many societies, widening the generational gap and redefining social conceptions, values and priorities.”

From ChatGPT:

  • In relation to a progressive Education pedagogy, in a structure of topics, which are the : discursive intentions, values, worldviews, beliefs, knowledge, ideologies and interests in different discourses. Add two references?

In progressive education discourses, the 

discursive intentions 

  • often revolve around promoting

    •  student-centered learning, 

    • critical thinking, and 

    • social justice. 

Values such as 

  • equity, 

  • diversity, and 

  • collaboration are prioritized, reflecting 

a worldview 

  • that emphasizes the importance of 

    • holistic development and 

    • individual growth. 


  •  center on the idea that education should be tailored to the 

    • needs and 

    • interests of each student, with 

a focus on 

  • experiential learning and 

  • real-world applications.


1. Freire, P. (1970). *Pedagogy of the Oppressed*. New York, NY: Continuum. Paulo Freire's seminal work explores the discourses of progressive education, advocating for a pedagogy that

  •  empowers learners and 

  • challenges oppressive systems.

2. Giroux, H. (2011). *On Critical Pedagogy*. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic. Henry Giroux delves into the discourses surrounding critical pedagogy, which align closely with progressive education principles, emphasizing the need for education to address social inequalities and empower marginalized groups.

Certainly, here's how each element might manifest within a progressive education pedagogy:

1. **Discursive Intentions**:

   - Facilitative discourse: Aimed at encouraging collaboration, inquiry, and active participation among learners.

   - Reflective discourse: Used to foster metacognition, self-awareness, and critical reflection on learning experiences.

2. **Values**:

   - Emphasis on student agency, autonomy, and empowerment in the learning process.

   - Value placed on creativity, critical thinking, and exploration of diverse perspectives.

3. **Worldviews**:

   - Dynamic worldview: Views education as a process of continuous growth, adaptation, and social change.

   - Embracement of complexity and diversity worldview: Values the interconnectedness of knowledge and the importance of embracing diverse perspectives.

4. **Beliefs**:

   - Belief in the importance of inquiry-based learning and hands-on experiences to promote deep understanding and meaning-making.

   - Trust in the capacity of students to construct their knowledge through active engagement and collaboration.

5. **Knowledge**:

   - Seen as dynamic and context-dependent, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary connections and real-world applications.

   - Knowledge is co-constructed through collaborative inquiry and exploration of relevant, authentic problems and issues.

6. **Ideologies**:

   - Constructivism: Emphasizes the active role of learners in constructing their understanding of the world through interactions with their environment.

   - Humanism: Centers on the belief in the inherent worth and potential of each individual, promoting holistic development and self-actualization.

7. **Interests**:

   - Personal interests: Reflect the individual passions, curiosities, and motivations of learners, driving intrinsic motivation and engagement.

   - Social interests: Focus on collaborative learning experiences, community engagement, and the pursuit of social justice and equity.


1. Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education. The Free Press.

2. Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Herder and Herder.

  • In relation to a traditional Education pedagogy, in a structure of topics, which are the : discursive intentions, values, worldviews, beliefs, knowledge, ideologies and interests in different discourses. Add two references?

Sure, here's how each element might fit within a traditional education pedagogy:

1. **Discursive Intentions**: 

   - Instructive discourse: Aimed at delivering information and instructions in a structured manner.

   - Socratic discourse: Used for questioning to reinforce established knowledge and promote critical thinking within those boundaries.

2. **Values**:

   - Emphasis on discipline, obedience, and respect for authority figures.

   - Value placed on academic achievement and conformity to established norms.

3. **Worldviews**:

   - Hierarchical worldview: Views education as a means of transmitting established knowledge from authority figures to passive learners.

   - Stability and continuity worldview: Favors maintaining existing structures and traditional methods of teaching.

4. **Beliefs**:

   - Belief in the importance of rote memorization and adherence to prescribed curriculum.

   - Trust in the authority of teachers as the primary source of knowledge.

5. **Knowledge**:

   - Seen as static and fixed, with an emphasis on mastering existing content and facts.

   - Knowledge is often compartmentalized into distinct subjects with clear boundaries.

6. **Ideologies**:

   - Essentialism: Emphasizes the importance of core knowledge and skills that are essential for all students.

   - Behaviorism: Focuses on observable behaviors and reinforcement of desired behaviors through rewards and punishments.

7. **Interests**:

   - Academic interests: Focus on subject-specific content as outlined in the curriculum.

   - Compliance interests: Reflect the desire to fulfill expectations and meet standards set by authority figures.


1. Tyler, R. W. (1949). Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. University of Chicago Press.

2. Skinner, B. F. (1954). The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching. Harvard Educational Review, 24(2), 86–97.

Which are the main aspects of a progressist Education?

Progressive education focuses on student-centered learning, promoting critical thinking, creativity, and individuality. Key aspects include hands-on learning experiences, interdisciplinary studies, collaboration, and valuing the diverse backgrounds and experiences of students. It often involves experiential learning, project-based learning, and a focus on social justice and equity.

Which are the main aspects of a progressist Education, with two references?


Progressive education emphasizes student-centered learning, critical thinking, and holistic development. It advocates for active engagement, experiential learning, and the integration ofresponsibility and equity among students.


Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and Education. New York, NY: Macmillan. John Dewey, a prominent figure in progressive education, outlines his ideas on the importance of experiential learning and education for democracy.

Kohn, A. (2008). Progressive Education: Why It’s Hard to Beat, But Also Hard to Find. Retrieved from - Alfie Kohn discusses the principles and challenges of progressive education in this article, emphasizing its focus on student autonomy and meaningful learning experiences.

In the structure of topics related to progressive education, the 

  • discursive intentions often aim to

    •  challenge traditional educational paradigms, 

    • advocate for student-centered approaches, and 

    • promote social justice and equity. 

  • Values such as

    •  autonomy,

    •  diversity, and 

    • collaboration are central, reflecting a 

  • worldview that 

    • values the unique 

      • experiences and 

      • perspectives of each learner. 

  • Beliefs

    •  revolve around the idea that 

    • education should empower individuals to critically engage with the world around them and effect positive change. 

  • Progressive education discourse 

    • emphasizes the importance of experiential learning, 

    • interdisciplinary studies, and 

    • holistic development, drawing on a 

  • body of knowledge that encompasses 

    • educational 

    • psychology, 

    • sociocultural theory, and 

    • critical pedagogy. 

  • Ideologically,

    •  progressive education aligns with 

    • democratic principles and

    •  challenges systems of oppression within educational institutions.

  •  The interests 

    • driving progressive education discourse include fostering 

      • creativity, fostering 

      • critical thinking skills, and promoting 

      • lifelong learning.


1. Greene, M. (1995). *Releasing the Imagination: Essays on Education, the Arts, and Social Change*. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Maxine Greene explores the discursive intentions and values underpinning progressive education, emphasizing the role of the arts and imagination in transformative learning.

2. hooks, b. (1994). *Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom*. New York, NY: Routledge. bell hooks discusses progressive education within the context of liberatory pedagogy, highlighting the importance of addressing power dynamics and fostering critical consciousness in the classroom.

Compare a progressive versus tradicional pedagogy, in relation ideology. Add two references?

Progressive pedagogy emphasizes student-centered learning, critical thinking, and experiential learning, often rooted in constructivist and humanistic ideologies. It prioritizes collaboration, problem-solving, and adapting education to individual student needs.

In contrast, traditional pedagogy tends to follow a more teacher-centered approach, focusing on imparting knowledge through lectures, drills, and standardized testing. It often aligns with behaviorist and essentialist ideologies, emphasizing discipline, rote memorization, and adherence to established curricula.


Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education. The Free Press.

Bruner, J. (1960). The Process of Education. Harvard University Press.

Which are the main types of ideology in pedagogy . Add one references for each kind.

In pedagogy, ideologies can vary widely, but some main types include:

1. **Constructivism**: Emphasizes the learner's active role in constructing knowledge through experiences and interactions. Reference: Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Harvard University Press.

2. **Progressivism**: Advocates for student-centered learning, critical thinking, and real-world experiences to promote holistic development. Reference: Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education. The Free Press.

3. **Essentialism**: Prioritizes the transmission of essential knowledge and skills through a structured curriculum, often focusing on core subjects and traditional teaching methods. Reference: Bagley, W. C. (1934). Education and Emergent Man. Harvard University Press.

4. **Perennialism**: Stresses the importance of enduring truths and values, advocating for a curriculum based on timeless ideas and works. Reference: Adler, M. J. (1982). The Paideia Proposal: An Educational Manifesto. Macmillan.

Which are the contrasting types of ideologies in traditional and progressives pedagogy? Add one reference for each type.

In traditional pedagogy, ideologies often align with 

  • essentialism and 

  • behaviorism, emphasizing a teacher-centered approach focused on transmitting knowledge, maintaining order, and adhering to established standards and norms. Reference: Tyler, R. W. (1949). Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. University of Chicago Press.

Conversely, in progressive pedagogy, ideologies tend to be rooted in constructivism and humanism, advocating for student-centered learning, critical thinking, and experiential education that prioritizes individual growth and social development. Reference: Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education. The Free Press.

Which are the main types of values  in pedagogy? Add one references for each kind.

In pedagogy, various types of values are emphasized to guide educational practices. Here are some main types:

1. **Ethical Values**: These values emphasize 

  • integrity, 

  • honesty, 

  • fairness, and

  •  responsibility in both academic and personal conduct. Reference: Kohlberg, L. (1981). Essays on Moral Development: Vol. 1. The Philosophy of Moral Development. Harper & Row.

2. **Cultural Values**: These values encompass respect for 

  • diversity, 

  • multiculturalism, and 

  • understanding and appreciation of different cultures and perspectives. Reference: Banks, J. A. (2008). Diversity, Group Identity, and Citizenship Education in a Global Age. Educational Researcher, 37(3), 129–139.

3. **Intellectual Values**: These values prioritize 

  • critical thinking, 

  • curiosity, 

  • creativity, and a

  •  love for learning. 

  • Reference: Robinson, K. (2009). The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything. Penguin Books.

4. **Social Values**: 

  • These values focus on fostering 

  • empathy,

  •  collaboration, 

  • communication skills, and a 

  • sense of civic responsibility. Reference: Putnam, R. D. (2000). Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. Simon & Schuster.

Which are the contrasting types of values in traditional and progressives pedagogy . Add one references for each kind.

  • In traditional pedagogy, values often revolve around 

    • authority,

    •  discipline, and 

    • conformity to established norms, 

    • reflecting essentialist and behaviorist ideologies. Reference: Skinner, B. F. (1954). The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching. Harvard Educational Review, 24(2), 86–97.

In contrast,

  •  progressive pedagogy emphasizes values such as autonomy, 

    • critical thinking, and 

    • collaboration, 

    • aligning with constructivist and humanistic ideologies. Reference: Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Herder and Herder.

  • Which are the main types of worldview  in pedagogy? Add one references for each kind.

In pedagogy, various worldviews shape educational practices and philosophies. Here are some main types:

1. **Progressive Worldview**: Emphasizes adaptability, open-mindedness, and a belief in the potential for positive change through education. Reference: Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Herder and Herder.

2. **Traditional Worldview**: Favors stability, continuity, and a reverence for established norms and structures in education. Reference: Tyler, R. W. (1949). Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. University of Chicago Press.

3. **Constructivist Worldview**: Stresses the active role of learners in constructing their understanding of the world through interactions with their environment. Reference: Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Harvard University Press.

4. **Humanistic Worldview**: Centers on the belief in the inherent worth and potential of each individual, emphasizing personal growth, autonomy, and fulfillment. Reference: Maslow, A. H. (1968). Toward a Psychology of Being. D. Van Nostrand Company.

  • Which are contrasting types of worldviews in traditional and progressives pedagogy . Add one references for each kind.

In traditional pedagogy, the worldview often aligns with a hierarchical, linear perspective, viewing knowledge as fixed and transmitted from authority figures to passive learners. Reference: Tyler, R. W. (1949). Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. University of Chicago Press.

Conversely, in progressive pedagogy, the worldview tends to embrace complexity, diversity, and a more dynamic understanding of knowledge construction through active engagement and collaboration. Reference: Greene, M. (1978). Landscapes of Learning. Teachers College Press.

  • Which are the main types of beliefs  in pedagogy? Add one reference for each kind.

In pedagogy, various beliefs shape educational practices and philosophies. Here are some main types:

1. **Beliefs about Learning**: Assumptions and theories about how students acquire knowledge and skills, which influence instructional strategies and approaches. Reference: Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Random House.

2. **Beliefs about Teaching**: Perceptions of the role of educators, their responsibilities, and the most effective methods for facilitating learning. Reference: Shulman, L. S. (1987). Knowledge and Teaching: Foundations of the New Reform. Harvard Educational Review, 57(1), 1–22.

3. **Beliefs about Students**: Attitudes and assumptions regarding students' abilities, motivations, backgrounds, and potential for growth, which inform instructional decisions and classroom practices. Reference: Bandura, A. (1997). Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control. W. H. Freeman.

4. **Beliefs about Curriculum and Assessment**: Views on what should be taught, how learning should be evaluated, and the purpose of education in preparing students for the future. Reference: Popham, W. J. (2008). Transformative Assessment. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

  • Which are contrasting types of beliefs in traditional and progressives pedagogy? Add one references for each kind

In traditional pedagogy, beliefs often center around the 

authority of the teacher as the 

primary source of knowledge and the 

importance of discipline and 

adherence to established 

rules and

 procedures. Reference: Skinner, B. F. (1954). The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching. Harvard Educational Review, 24(2), 86–97.

In contrast, progressive pedagogy prioritizes beliefs in student 


active participation, and the value of 

experiential learning to foster 

critical thinking and 

holistic development. 

Reference: Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education. The Free Press.

Which are the main types of knowledges  in pedagogy? Add one reference for each kind.

Which are contrasting types of knowledge in traditional and progressives pedagogy? Add one references for each kind.

In traditional pedagogy, knowledge is often seen as fixed, objective, and transmitted from teacher to student through lectures, textbooks, and standardized assessments. Reference: Tyler, R. W. (1949). Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. University of Chicago Press.

Conversely, in progressive pedagogy, knowledge is viewed as dynamic, contextual, and co-constructed through active engagement, collaboration, and real-world experiences. Reference: Bruner, J. S. (1960). The Process of Education. Harvard University Press.

Which are the main types of interests  in pedagogy? Add one reference for each kind

In pedagogy, various types of interests drive engagement and motivation in learning. Here are some main types:

1. **Academic Interests**: Related to subject-specific knowledge and skills, such as mathematics, science, literature, or history. Reference: Eccles, J. S., & Wigfield, A. (2002). Motivational Beliefs, Values, and Goals. Annual Review of Psychology, 53(1), 109–132.

2. **Experiential Interests**: Stemming from hands-on activities, experiments, and real-world experiences that connect learning to practical applications. Reference: Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Prentice-Hall.

3. **Social Interests**: Centered around interactions with peers, collaboration, and cooperative learning experiences. Reference: Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (1999). Learning Together and Alone: Cooperative, Competitive, and Individualistic Learning. Allyn and Bacon.

4. **Personal Interests**: Reflecting individual preferences, passions, hobbies, and curiosity-driven pursuits that fuel intrinsic motivation. Reference: Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper & Row.

  • Which are contrasting types of interests in traditional and progressives pedagogy? Add one reference for each type.

In traditional pedagogy, interests often revolve around academic achievement, conformity, and mastering predetermined subject matter, reflecting a focus on standardized testing and adherence to curricular standards. Reference: Goodlad, J. I. (1984). A Place Called School: Prospects for the Future. McGraw-Hill.

In contrast, progressive pedagogy emphasizes interests related to student engagement, curiosity, exploration, and the pursuit of personal meaning and relevance in learning experiences. Reference: Kohn, A. (1993). Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Which are the main types of discoursive intentions  in pedagogy? Add one reference for each kind

In pedagogy, various discursive intentions guide interactions between educators and learners. Here are some main types:

1. **Instructive Discourse**: Aimed at providing information, explanations, and guidance to facilitate learning. Reference: Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Duncan, R. G., & Chinn, C. A. (2007). Scaffolding and Achievement in Problem-Based and Inquiry Learning: A Response to Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006). Educational Psychologist, 42(2), 99–107.

2. **Socratic Discourse**: Focuses on asking probing questions to stimulate critical thinking, reflection, and deeper understanding. Reference: Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2006). Critical Thinking: The Nature of Critical and Creative Thought. Journal of Developmental Education, 30(2), 34–35.

3. **Facilitative Discourse**: Aims to encourage collaboration, active participation, and the exchange of ideas among learners. Reference: Mercer, N., & Littleton, K. (2007). Dialogue and the Development of Children's Thinking: A Sociocultural Approach. Routledge.

4. **Reflective Discourse**: Centers on fostering metacognition, self-awareness, and the evaluation of one's own learning processes and outcomes. Reference: Schön, D. A. (1987). Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Toward a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions. Jossey-Bass.

Which are contrasting types of discoursive intentions in traditional and progressives pedagogy? Add one reference for each type.

In traditional pedagogy, discursive intentions often focus on transmitting information, maintaining authority, and reinforcing established knowledge structures. Reference: Skinner, B. F. (1954). The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching. Harvard Educational Review, 24(2), 86–97.

Conversely, in progressive pedagogy, discursive intentions may prioritize fostering critical thinking, encouraging dialogue, and promoting student-centered exploration of ideas and concepts. Reference: Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Herder and Herder.

: discursive intentions, values, worldviews, beliefs, knowledge, ideologies and interests in different discourses.

Concepts of Language - study Fields

- [Gramatical Linguists - tradicional linguistics]

- [Critical Discourse Analisys]

"The focal claim by the supporters of critical [Discourse Analisys] is that conventional, or traditional [Gramatical Linguistic] arguments are too much of a pro-[grammatical] nature. Contrary to the traditional [Gramatical Linguistic] , their colleagues in [Critical Discourse Analisys] prefer to [associate] the factor of [Language] (that means not being crucially concerned with understanding and analyzing [grammatical] processes) to concepts or ideologies [, World Views]. Ideology, from the very perspective of [Critical Discourse Analisys], can be understood as a meaning that serves to create or/and maintain relationships of domination and subordination, through symbolic forms. Regarding [Language], [Critical Discourse Analisys] argues that [Language study] is not simply linked to the function of describing or predicting the shape of [grammar] However, [Language Studies - Linguistics] has to be focal to how identity is formed and supported in contemporary (multi- and hybrid) societies.",and%20hybrid)%20societies.


EM13LGG102) Analisar visões de mundo, conflitos de interesse,  preconceitos e ideologias presentes nos discursos veiculados nas diferentes mídias, ampliando suas possibilidades de explicação, interpretação e intervenção crítica da/na realidade.

objetos do conhecimento e conteúdo relacionado

Leitura e produção de textos dissertativos.

Relações entre textos, discursos e atos de linguagem.

Identificação de intencionalidade discursivas, valores, visões de

mundo, crenças, saberes, ideo-

logias e interesses em diferentes


Suportes de circulação de textos e

efeitos de sentido.

Distinção de fato e opinião.

Posicionamentos enunciativos

(pontos de vista).


Pacto de recepção de textos

(Pacto ficcional)

Estratégias argumentativas.

Tópico frasal.

Posicionamentos assumidos em

discursos e a influência deles na


For: Semana 3:

Daily Routine (Unit 4); GT e Tipo: Relato  pessoal - Descritivo; Relações entre textos, discursos e atos de linguagem. Identificação de intencionalidades discursivas, valores, visões de mundo, crenças, saberes, ideologias e interesses em diferentes discursos. Questão Enem: Tópico Frasal final; Leitura Literária: Malala


(individual [profissional, leisure], collective [familiar, ethnic, religious, national])



(Care/empathy, liberty, fairness, loyalty, respect to authority, and spiritual/religious).

beliefs and pressupositions (fundamental beliefs


(tradicional, scientific, ...)

intentions ,


(conservative, liberal, neoliberal, anarquist, socialist, communist)


(catholic, evangelical, another, none)

research for:

1st grade classes schedule; 2nd bim; 3rd and 4th week; 2nd activity;

374a/24 Text - 1st grade - 2nd bim - 1st text: Daily Routine: Personal Report, 

Visão de Mundo

Em relação à religião e à filosofia:

[…] são quase sempre vistas como dando suporte às visões de mundo. Como exemplo, as pessoas falam sobre uma visão de mundo Cristã ou Islâmica, uma visão de mundo construtivista ou realista. De fato, a religião pode ser uma ferramenta poderosa usada por indivíduos reflexivos para articular informações religiosas em uma visão de mundo. Além disso, a religião é uma força formativa particularmente poderosa na mente de uma criança em crescimento, influenciando em muito os contornos do desenvolvimento de sua visão de mundo. Todavia, muitos fatores ambientais influenciam as crianças e os adultos. Embora a religião influencie uma visão de mundo, ela também é, por si mesma, influenciada pela visão de mundo (COBERN, 2000, p. 7, 8).

"Os constituintes básicos de uma visão de mundo são as suas pressuposições. O conceito de uma pressuposição (Cobern prefere usar esse termo ao invés de ‘suposição’, conforme adotado por Kearney) é crucial para entendermos o conceito de visão de mundo. Uma pressuposição, segundo Cobern, tem relação com uma crença, mas é mais do que uma crença. O conceito de crença é pertinente, por exemplo, no contexto de uma visão de mundo Cristã ou Islâmica ou Secular. Porém, segundo Ketner (1972 apud COBERN, 1991, p. 40), a natureza de uma visão de mundo está associada a um ‘sistema de crenças fundamentais’, e é nesses termos que Cobern conceitua uma pressuposiçãoA diferença entre uma crença e uma pressuposição, encontra-se, portanto, na associação de uma “crença” à palavra fundamental, ou seja, uma pressuposição é uma crença fundamental. 

É preciso lembrar que Cobern definiu, em outra instância, que o conceito de crença, na visão de mundo Sagrada, encontra-se associado a um ato de fé, mas toda crença está vinculada a uma ‘razão’ e tem um grau de compromisso com um determinado conhecimento (crença = conhecimento-mais-compromisso) (COBERN, 1993). Nesse sentido, uma ‘pressuposição’ pode ser vista também como um ‘compromisso associado aos conhecimentos fundamentais’ de uma pessoa. 

As pressuposições são também ‘razões’ que justificam o pensamento e a ação:

Ser racional significa pensar e agir com razão, ou em outras palavras, ter uma explicação ou justificativa para o pensamento e a ação. Tais explicações e justificativas se baseiam fundamentalmente nas pressuposições sobre o mundo de uma pessoa. Em outras palavras, uma visão de mundo inclina uma pessoa a um modo particular de pensamento (COBERN, 1991, p. 19, tradução nossa).

ideologia: (Capitalista, socialista, comunista); (comunista, socialista, progressista; social democrática; social liberal, liberal, neoliberal; conservadora, anarquista, progressista) (democrática; autocrática); nazista; fascista."

Veja mais sobre "Ideologia" em:

"Na visão clássica, o termo tem o significado de uma espécie de ciência capaz de organizar metodicamente e estudar rigorosamente o conjunto de ideias que formam a intelectualidade humana. Na visão crítica, a ideologia é uma ilusão criada por uma classe para manter a aparente legitimidade de um sistema de dominação." Veja mais sobre "Ideologia" em:


Haidt breaks down our basic moral attachments into six values: care, liberty, fairness, loyalty, authority, and sanctity.

The conclusion from studying conservatives and liberals attachment to these values is that liberals tend to place greatest value on the first three — care, liberty, and fairness — and give little weight to the others. Conservatives value all of these moral ideas. What explains liberals overlooking sanctity, authority and loyalty? If we wanted to connect it to more fundamental personality traits, we might say sanctity is a reflection of people’s natural disgust sensitivity, and both authority and loyalty reflect the degree of what psychologists term “openness”.

Indeed, we find that both high openness and low disgust sensitivity are strong predictors of leftist social views. The more fundamental difference though, is that liberals are more individualistic than conservatives. Ideals like liberty and fairness are rather abstract, individualist-oriented values. Loyalty and authority are important to maintain group cohesion. If your concern is only for yourself as an individual, it’s hard to see why authority has any value in itself. We know that all the traits that predict leftism — openness, neuroticism, individualism — are highly heritable. Looking at who is having children, then, can tell us a lot about the direction society will take.

domingo, 12 de maio de 2024

377/24 - leitor voraz 12/05/2024

assim como em "leituras" diárias

de literatura, filosofia, economia, 

geopolítica e "conhecimentos gerais"

minha "leitura" de cinema 

e de seriados tem sido,

ao longo das décadas

cada vez mais 



e individual

por vezes, 

como no dia de hoje, 

alguém me questiona 

com quem diálogo 

ou se participo 

de clube 

de "leitura" 

são momentos

em que sou assombrado 

por quem eu tenho me tornado


me percebo 


o quão diletante estou, 

flanando sem pausa por textos, 

vivenciando uma liberdade relativa,

de não me obrigar a focar em quase nada 

que eu não tenha um pouco de interesse

entre temas tão variados e por vezes divergentes

algo que se pode perceber por uma zapeada nesse blog

principalmente no arquivo 373∆24 Sumário - Tópicos de interesse geral 

de opinião 


sem muita culpa

sinto-me gratificado

e gosto de me declarar

ter me tornado o que desejava 

ser durante a juventude: um "leitor" 


sobre isso

bem como aquilo 

e uns outros 


sigo lendo

com pouca 


de formar opinião 

sobre a maioria dos temas

a respeito dos quais 

me desinformo

no cotidiano

uma das minhas poucas preocupações como leitor 

é conseguir acessar abordagens 

em notícias e análises 

sobre um mesmo tema  

a partir de ao menos três 

ou quatro ideologias distintas 

(liberal, socialista, conservadora, e reacionária) 

esta última 

ganhou espaço 

nos tempos atuais

em minha dieta de leituras

com a ascensão global da extrema direita


haver problemas 

mas me maravilho

com o acesso atual 

a multitude de fontes 

de informação e análises 

inimaginável a menos de duas décadas 

por vezes 

escrevo algo 

como este texto

algo mais comum

nos meses de janeiro e fevereiro 

(nas férias e pós-férias). 

Este ano de 2024, 

por peculiaridades

como entre algumas outras

um relativo sucesso

em tratamento antidepressivo

umas férias sem companhia 

e uma semana santa em março,

me proporcionou um tempo 

bem mais longo que o regular

de ânimo para o trabalho pedagógico

em uma perspectiva ideológica progressista

e para um exercício intelectual de escrita e reescritura


em maio

já fraqueje 

menos pujante

ainda assim não se extinguiu 

o fogo de palha que se reacende 

a cada novo início de ano letivo 



a fase de escrita 

durou até início de abril

com espasmos ainda em maio.

mas agora

no auge do outono 

já estou quase no meu normal:

leitor em tempo quase integral

professor nos intervalos

com um cargo 

de 16 horas 



de clássicos 

nos momentos 

de caminhada e transição

contudo me é

bastante surpreendente

como meu fogo de palha

ainda está um pouco aceso

em relação à prática didática

mesmo que já fraquíssimo 

em relação à escrita 

e ainda mais quanto

aos processos de socialização

desse modo, 

volto a ser o leitor voraz 

que tanto almejei e gosto de ser.


não me dou 

muito tempo 

para socializar, 

muito menos dialogar 

sobre minhas leituras.


tento realizar ao menos

um bate-papo com algum amigo 

mas isso rarifico ao longo do ano 


vez ou outra, 

uma conversa eventual,

até mesmo sobre as leituras, 

mas nesta fase do ano, 

até as evito, 

com afinco, 

e ao ver o tempo que gastei

entre o início da escrita dessa mensagem 

e o envio para uma amiga

a colagem no blog

e a edição da 2a versão 

e a ampliação 

da reflexão

fico pensando

e me lamentando: 

quanto poderia ter lido

de 15:47 até quando 

interrompo a revisão 

e paro para lanchar

às 16:35

no meio tempo



terminar o lanche 

para poder voltar a ler 

e ...




377/24 - leitor voraz 12/05/2024

Assim como minha prática de "leitura" de literatura, filosofia, economia , geopolítica e conhecimentos gerais, minha "leitura" de cinema e séries tem sido, ao longo dos anos, cada vez mais intensamente individual e introspectiva.

Por vezes, quando alguém, como hoje, me pergunta com quem eu diálogo ou se participo de algum clube de "leitura" (em sentido amplo), 

eu sou assombrado 

com quem eu me tornei.




o quão diletante estou, 

flanando  sem rumo por textos, 

vivenciando uma liberdade relativa.

De opinião, 

sem qualquer culpa

e bastante gratificado

gosto muito de afirmar, 

me tornei o que desejava 

ser na juventude: um "leitor".


sobre isso, 

bem como aquilo 

e uns outros assuntos.

sigo com pouca preocupação 

em formar opinião 

sobre a maioria

dos temas.

Uma das minhas 

poucas preocupações como leitor, 

é apenas acessar abordagens 

em notícias e análises, 

sobre um mesmo tema,  

a partir de ao menos três 

ou quatro ideologias distintas 




e reacionária - 

esta última 

ganhou espaço 

nos tempos atuais

em minha dieta de leituras

com a ascensão global da extrema direita.

Por vezes, 

escrevo algo, 

mas isso é mais comum

 nos meses de janeiro e fevereiro 

( nas férias e pós-ferias). 

Esse ano, 

por algumas peculiaridades

como principalmente 

a semana santa 

ter ocorrido 

em março,

parece que estou tendo

um tempo bem mais longo

de furor para o trabalho 

pedagógico na escola 

e intelectual na escrita

ainda não se extinguiu

o fogo se palha 

que ainda reacende 

a cada novo início 

de ano letivo 



a fase de escrita 

durou até início de abril.

Mas agora, em Maio, 

já estou quase no meu normal.


seja surpreendente para mim 

que meu fogo de palha

ainda está um pouco aceso 

em relação à prática didática, na escola



já está fraquíssimo 

em relação a escrita 

e principalmente 

aos processos de socialização

desse modo, 

voltei a ser o leitor voraz 

que tanto gosto de ser.


 não me dou 

muito tempo 

para socializar, 

muito menos dialogar 

sobre minhas leituras.

Claro que há, 

vez ou outra, 

uma conversa sobre as leituras, 

mas em geral, 

nessa fase do ano, 

até as evito um pouco,

e ao ver o tempo que gastei

entre o início da escrita dessa mensagem 

o envio para uma amiga

a colagem no blog

e a edição da 2a versão 

fico pensando

e me lamentando 

quanto poderia ter lido

de 15:47

até quando 

interrompo a revisão 

e paro para lanchar

às 16:35



terminar o lanche 

para poder voltar a ler 

e ...



Conheço, não!

Assim como minha prática de "leitura" de literatura, filosofia, economia , geopolítica e conhecimentos gerais, minha "leitura" de cinema e séries tem sido, ao longo dos anos, cada vez mais intensamente individual e introspectiva.

Por vezes, quando alguém, como você fez agora, me pergunta com quem eu diálogo ou se participo de algum clube de "leitura" (em sentido amplo), eu até fico assombrado com quem eu me tornei.

Então, percebo o quão diletante estou, flanando sem rumo, e vivenciando uma liberdade relativa.

De fato, como gosto de admitir, me tornei o que desejava na juventude:um leitor.

Leio sobre isso, aquilo e outros assuntos.

Sem muita preocupação em formar opinião sobre a maioria dos temas.

Uma das minhas poucas preocupações, como leitor, é apenas ler abordagens , notícias e análises, sobre um mesmo tema, a partir de três ou quatro ideologias distintas (liberal, socialista, conservadora, e - nos últimos tempos com a ascensão da extrema direita no mundo - reacionária).

Por vezes, escrevo algo, mas isso é mais comum nos meses de janeiro e fevereiro ( nas férias e pós-ferias). Esse ano, por algumas peculiaridades (principalmente a semana santa ter sido em março - o que me deu um tempo de alienação do trabalho antes de apagar o fogo se palha ) a fase de escrita durou até início de abril.

Mas agora, em Maio, já estou quase no meu normal.

Embora seja surpreendente para mim que meu fogo de palha (se já está fraquíssimo em relação a escrita e a processos de socialização) ainda está um pouco aceso em relação a prática didática, na escola).

No mais, voltei a ser o leitot voraz que tanto gosto de ser.

Aí, não me dou muito tempo para socializar, muito menos dialogar sobre minhas leituras.

Claro que há, vez ou outra, uma conversa sobre as leituras, mas em geral, nessa fase do ano, até as evito um pouco.

sexta-feira, 10 de maio de 2024

 376-24 alienação social 10/05/2024


depois de tantas décadas 

sendo aquele que entrava em contato

sendo aquele que perguntava 

como está?

tudo bem?

Bom dia!?!

aos poucos me percebi

querendo e tornando outro 

deixando de ligar

deixando de enviar mensagens 

deixando de compartilhar 






na manhã 

para o bem ou para o mal 

me sinto bem por estar só

me sinto mal por estar só

sentimento paradoxal 


os contatos 

mesmo pontuais 

e bastante provisórios

se perdem rapidamente 


evito construir 

uma "rede" na vida real 

evito ter contatos

tenho poucos amigos 

atualmente 4 ou 5


pouquíssimos contatos 

com companheiros de labuta 



busco por me alienar 

cada vez mais 

nas relações 



só não consigo 

me alienar do trabalho 

em que cada vez mais

busco um caminho 

mais simples 

e mais direto

para ensinar 

conteúdos complexos

afio o método 

experimento técnicas 

volto aos meus tradicionais

perguntas e respostas 

mapas mentais 

textos escritos

não tenho 

muitas dúvidas 

de que são mais eficientes 

para alcançar meus objetivos 

mesmo assim 

para que os comportamentos 

não se tornem maquínicos

a cada reinício de ano

sempre pratico e experimento

novos métodos, estratégias e abordagens 

em termos de processos de ensino  


e assim

em meu trabalho 

didático e pedagógico 

não consigo 

me alienar


No início da manhã de sexta

devidamente medicado

em meio a cansaço 


para o labor


me pergunto 

se o desânimo surge

como um efeito colateral 

do exaustivo dia anterior 

ou de uma vida 

quanto a qual

perco rumo 


deixo de lado a angústia 

e como um furacão 

recomeço o dia

no trabalho 

3 aulas


2 aulas


2 aulas


1 aula



os labores 

de um outro dia 

de uma outra semana




de forma impar

por ter por mais uma semana

não me alienado de meu trabalho



com voz rouca

caminho para casa

durante 25 minutos

subo e desço ruas

passo na padaria




para ...

Como está, meu irmão Xxxx?

Espero que tenha ...

Há Braços!


e já 

no alto 

do rosário

sinto o sol 

ainda forte às 16:00

iluminar me caminho

e aquecer a minha pele 





6:40 às sete e cinco

18:50 às 19:44

Sumário: Miríade e Distopia

(Em construção) 

377/24 Dicas de filmes

Há décadas assisto a 3 ou 4 filmes por semana, mas Assisto muito pouco a filmes brasileiros.

 Considero uma falha na minha cinefilia, hehehe.

Mas como assisto filmes que baixo por torrent, é muito mais fácil assistir a filmes americanos, ou europeus, ou chineses.

Se tiver algum filme brasileiro para me indicar, agradeço!

Para filmes estadunidenses recomendo os indicados aos Oscar de melhor



Roteiro original, 

roteiro adaptado, 

filme estrangeiro.

Posso até não aceitar o ponto de 

vista e a ideologia, mas são narrativas impecáveis em termos narrativos e técnicos.

A lista de 2024 pode ser encontrada no link:

 Desses de melhor filme só ainda não assisti a "Maestro".

Mas devo ver esse fim de semana.  Já baixei.

Também não assisti a todos os de "melhor filme estrangeiro", de 2024, pois nem sempre consigo achar em torrent.

Se gostar de filmes mais antigos, recomendo a lista dos melhores filmes da Sight and Sound:

São os 250 melhores filmes da história do cinema segundo  centenas de críticos e centenas de  diretores 

A lista é atualizada a cada 10 anos.

A cada semana assisto ou reassisto ao menos a um deles.

Mas são filmes que muita gente não teve o gosto educado para admirar,  devido a serem geralmente narrativas fora do padrão da indústria  cultural de Hollywood!

E se não educou o gosto para o cinema não-holliwoodiano, pode sentir um estranhamento com o ritmo, os temas, os pontos de vista, as ideologias, ...

Se gosta mesmo é de cinema americano, recomendo a lista dos 250 melhores filmes de todos os tempos do IMDB.

São filmes mais próximos do gosto em que os brasileiros, em geral, são educados pelas narrativas de Hollywood.

 374a2/24 - classes schedule: 1st grade - 2nd bim; 5th week; 3rd activity


2nd  Personal Report

3rd Questions and Answers

4th mind map

5th infographic

quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2024

o lar enfim 19/10/2012


sensores e minas

gretas no muro 

de chapas de concreto armado

aqui ressecado 

ali empenado 

lá mofado 

acolá apodrecido 


nas portas nas janelas








remetem a outras vidas

 finalmente abertas


nas paredes trincadas

nas colunas ferragens expostas

antigos vitrais rachados

o sótão 

fendido forro

fedido mofo


por dentro


concreto e ferragem

por fora



cadeado e ferrolhos




Sumário: Miríade e Distopia

(Em construção) 

o lar enfim 19/10/2012

Gretas no muro 

de chapas de concreto armado

aqui ressecado 

ali empenado 

lá mofado 

acolá apodrecido 

vãos nas portas e janelas

finalmente abertas







decoração de outras vidas


nas paredes trincadas

nas colunas rachadas

antigos vitrais

fendido forro

o sótão 

por dentro e por fora inacessível

pela portinhola ou pelo vitrô


cadeado e ferrolho


concreto e ferragem


sensores e minas


fascínio pelo retrô-pop 19/10/2012

uma vitrola com entrada USB





conivência pos morten

conexão com o passado

via pastiche 


completude do ser


conectividade atemporal

mais uma singela

nostalgia do não-vivido





Sumário: Miríade e Distopia

(Em construção) 

fascínio pelo retrô-pop 19/10/2012

uma vitrola com entrada USB





conexão com o passado

via pastiche 


completude do ser


conectividade atemporalizada

uma singela nostalgia do não-vivido



Sumário: Miríade e Distopia

(Em construção