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373∆24 Brasil and the world in crisis (draft)

    Temas: Brasil and the world in crisis  ( draft ) Sumário: Miríade e Distopia   (2004-2024)  Em construção: Coletânea de Poesias -   draf...

terça-feira, 14 de maio de 2024

374a/24 - classes schedule: 1st grade - 2nd bim; 3rd and 4th week; 2nd activi

374a/24 - classes schedule: 1st grade - 2nd bim; 3rd and 4th week; 2nd activity

Sum up

    Drill in U form:

            Q&A - Modelling and 5 students

                Control of Cellphone use: ask users first

Students write new text's paragraph on the cellphones  

After warning timer: Ask students: Return to Line form;

        Cell Phone: put away on the locker;

Do ENEM Question;

review Drill

Class preparation

        Organize a great U 

        take your cellphones for didactic activities

        Rewrite last classes questions on the board

Drill: Review Questions -                   374b/24 Q&A Text 1st grade

    Before the last question (5 students asking and answer)

            write answers on the board     last class question (5 students)

            write answers on the board

    Include new question in the Drill (Modelling and 5 students):

            write answers on the board

Practice: Work in pairs or trios

Write new questions on the board

    Ask students to write new paragraph, about new question

OBS. Cellphone: Only student with cell phones who are not doing class activities:

        "Put away Cell Phone at the Locker"

Enem: Doing Question Strategies:


Genre, Function Type


presenting reproducing questioning disrupting

Phrasal Topic

First Last

374a1i/24 - New Concepts: Enunciative positions  





beliefs knowledges


in relation to Enem Question and bi-weekly text


Writing text: new question answered

Textual Genre

Personal Report.

End of Class

    Put away your cellphones in the locker

    Reorganize your chairs

374∆24 - Portfolio - 2nd bim. 1st grade:


text Questions:

1st - How has been your daily routine? (balance:interests and obligations or duty)

2nd - Which would be an inspiring character in a representation in relation to Daily routines? [knowledges, beliefs]



book (bible)

3rd - Why has you followed that daily routine? (interests, intentions, )

short-term reason

middle-term reason

long-term reason 

4th - How should your family/ religion/ School/ government help you to achieve these goals? (worldview, ideology)




5 Which could be possible consequences of following this daily Routine? (intentions)

short-term goal
middle-term goal
long-term goal


Semana 3: Daily Routine (Unit 4); GT e Tipo: Relato  pessoal - Descritivo; 

  • Relações entre 

    • textos, 

    • discursos e 

    • atos de linguagem. 

  • Identificação de 

    • intencionalidades discursivas, [social function]

    • ideologias (capitalista, socialista, comunista) (anarquista, comunista, socialista, social democrática, liberal, neoliberal, conservadora) (democrática, autocrática)

      • valores, (Care, liberty, fairness, loyalty, authorithy, sanctity ( Haidt))

      • visões de mundo (Visão de mundo Cristã, Islâmica, Secular; evangélica e católica), 

      • crenças,

    •  saberes,  

    • interesses 

  • em diferentes discursos. Questão Enem: Tópico Frasal final;

Semana 3:

Daily Routine (Unit 4); GT e Tipo: Relato  pessoal - Descritivo; Relações entre textos, discursos e atos de linguagem. Identificação de intencionalidades discursivas, valores, visões de mundo, crenças, saberes, ideologias e interesses em diferentes discursos. Questão Enem: Tópico Frasal final; Leitura Literária: Malala

interests (individual [profissional, leisure], collective [familiar, ethnic, religious, national])

ideology: political ideologies (conservativism, liberal, neoliberal, anarquist, populist, socialist, communist)

worldviews (catholic, evangelical, another, none)

values (Care/empathy, liberty, fairness, loyalty, respect to authority, and spiritual/religious).

beliefs knowledges (tradicional, scientific, ...)

intentions ,

Semana 2: Direitos Humanos: Percepção, questionamento, reprodução e/ou rompimento de pontos de vista. Vozes do discurso. Leitura e produção de textos. Tipo e Função social: argumentativo; Questão Enem: Tópico Frasal

Semana 1: Semana dos Direitos Humanos: Discursos e relações de poder e ideologias; Análise de marcas da identificação política, religiosa, ideológica, de gênero ou de interesses econômicos do autor/produtor da obra; Contexto histórico, político e social. Gênero textual (GT): Poster; Tipo e Função social:informativo; Q. Enem: Gênero e

2nd theme: Daily Routine (1st text)

374a/24 Text - 1st grade - 2nd bim - 1st text: Daily Routine: Personal Report, 

374a1/24 - classes schedule: 1st grade - 2nd bim; 3rd and 4th week; 2nd activity;

374a1i/24 - New Concepts: Enunciative positions  

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