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373∆24 Brasil and the world in crisis (draft)

    Temas: Brasil and the world in crisis  ( draft ) Sumário: Miríade e Distopia   (2004-2024)  Em construção: Coletânea de Poesias -   draf...

sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2021

 Obsolecência programada de serviços públicos

In ' Substack post this morning he bemoans the inflexibility of public health agencies. A few words. 1/

First, @CDCgov is an old, tired workhorse, which we expect to magically turn into Secretariat. It is underfunded to a degree which imperils all our lives. Report after report (@tfah), commission after commission has said this. You get what you pay for. 2/

Public health at the local and state level is in free-fall and has been for decades. Unless we deal with this no amount of flexibility will help us. 3/
. is a funding agency for biomedical research and isn't set up for flexibility. In fact, getting a grant out of the NIH takes years of training, practice, resubmission, rejection etc. and still they fund only a small proportion of what gets submitted to them. 4/
I agree we need them to be flexible, but just realize the constraints that exist in the system now. In fact, many researchers---sssshhh--were using their non-COVID grants to do COVID related work over the past year. They were told to cease and desist. Not. Flexible. 5/
is the worst. It is a case study in regulatory capture. I wouldn't even call it a public health agency at this point, but a wealth transfer station for Pharma, in which they rush drugs to market often w little evidence with the agency's blessing and make billions. 6/

OK, a little harsh, but the really sees itself as a handmaid of the drug, device and biologics industries, with speed of approval the over-riding metric for success (efficacy, meh). 7

So is right we need flexibility, but we need more. We need to re-build public health in America from the ground up. CDC and local and state public health agencies need a massive investment over the long term. 8/
He needs to stop. Only good thing that comes as a result of his bloviating is your inspiration to post threads. Inflexibility? Or 40 years of states/local starving & feds deregulating, polarized pols who want to spread a pandemic, unchecked threats running leaders out, SupremeCt?

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