The Best Solutions Journalism of 2018
Our annual list of top picks for solutions-oriented coverage.
How do communities figure out what to do about a problem once it’s been spotlighted?
In the five years SJN has existed, we have seen many, many, many stellar examples of solutions reporting. We recently hit 5,000 stories in our Story Tracker, and these days our network often shows us
the best ways to report on responses. We hope you enjoy our 12 picks
below for the best solutions reporting in 2018 — plus two bonus stories
we want to flag from previous years.
The stories below all cover responses—not
ideas and rhetoric, but real ground-level action to alleviate a
clearly-identified problem. We like to say that journalists who add a
solutions-oriented lens to their reporting aren’t only watchdogs, but
also “guide dogs.” Providing rigorous coverage and evaluation of
responses — how they played out, what the impact was (or wasn’t) — gives
audiences ideas, even working playbooks, to make their communities