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373∆24 Brasil and the world in crisis (draft)

    Temas: Brasil and the world in crisis  ( draft ) Sumário: Miríade e Distopia   (2004-2024)  Em construção: Coletânea de Poesias -   draf...

quarta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2024

17° e as coisas continuam a se despedaçar, 10/12/2021

17/2021 e as coisas continuam a se despedaçar


notícias da queda


uma olhada 

na janela do tempo


 a aparência se altera

mas as sombras tem se mantido

no dia permanentemente enevoado


 "tudo muda, 

para permanecer o mesmo";






Sumário: Miríade e Distopia

“E o mundo está de facto muito distraído com a situação em Taiwan, na Ucrânia, com um novo primeiro-ministro alemão, com os escândalos de Boris Johnson no Reino Unido, com a constante guerra política interna dos EUA – e, claro, com as novas ondas de coronavírus” (Jerusalem Post).

10/12/2021 - anecdotal reports already suggest that large indoor gatherings of fully vaccinated people can become super-spreader events in the age of Omicron.

 Subjects to follow

      Assange extradiction 10/12/2021

The Assange Case Is The US Defending Its Right To Lie: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Caitlin Johnstone

12/12 Kenneth P. Vogel @kenvogel Regardless of what you think of Julian Assange, this prosecution could lead to the criminalization of activities critical to investigative reporting on the very powerful national security & intelligence apparatuses. 

13/12  The jailed founder and publisher of WikiLeaks Julian Assange had a mini-stroke during his battle to avoid extradition from Britain to the United States, his fiancee Stella Moris said late on Saturday.
BLM and decolonizing de mind 13/12   
Banksy designs t-shirts to help Bristol's Colston statue defendants as trial begins. The artist – who is a Bristolian himself – has created to help four defendants charged over the toppling of a local statue of a slave trader during the peak of Britain's Black Lives Matter protests in June last year. ...  The trial of the 'Colston Four' starts on December 13 and is expected to last 8 days.

Anti-Woke culture 13/12/2021 (Anti-BLM)

 Is Wokeness Almost Over? at American Conservative: "November’s off year elections revealed that the rollback of wokeness, if not imminent, may be nearer than many had hoped. Voters rejected decisively two of wokeness’s core policy components: 

Defunding the police 

lost badly in heavily Democratic cities from Seattle to Minneapolis to Buffalo, while Republican Glenn Youngkin’s vow to curb

critical race theory 

in Virginia schools was central to his surprise win in the blue state. ... 

The United States has free elections, a First Amendment, and political norms which remain more or less intact, and wokeness is an ideological movement which has managed to humiliate its victims and get them fired from their jobs, not to kill them. But it is not a stretch to see in it 

parallels to the totalitarian movements of the past century:

 the preening self-righteousness of its enforcers; 

their seeking of forced confessions, depicted as apologies from their victims;

 the attempted politicization of every aspect of social life, including language; 

the insistence that the traditional mores of their own country are utterly debased. 

Never in American history has so much energy been devoted to getting people fired for expressing an opinion. "

Craig Murray's freed 10/12/2021

Trump's 2024 13/12/2021

Hillary Clinton says she would ‘bet on’ Trump running for president again in 2024 after new poll finds Trump and Biden would end up in near-dead heat for White House Daily Mail "  In a potential rematch of last year's presidential race, President Joe Biden leads Trump by just a single percentage point, according to a recent Wall Street Journal poll. It splits the candidates 46 percent to 45 percent. The survey's margin of error is a significantly larger gap of 2.5 percent. "

Artificial Intelligence

“Meet your new A.I. best friend” [Fortune]. “Imagine a future where people elect to have an A.I. companion whose relationship with you begins at birth, reading everything from your grades at school to analyzing your emotions after social interactions. Connecting your diary, your medical data, your smart home, and your social media platforms, the companion can know you as well as you know yourself. It can even become a skilled coach helping you to overcome your negative thinking patterns or bad habits. It can provide guidance and gently nudge you towards what you want to accomplish, encouraging you to overcome what’s holding you back. Drawing on data gathered across your lifetime, a predictive algorithm could activate when you reach a crossroads. Your life trajectory, if you choose to study politics over economics, or start a career in engineering over coding, could be mapped before your eyes. By illustrating your potential futures, these emerging technologies could empower you to make the most informed decisions and help you be the best version of yourself. For some, this may seem like a tech invasion, an infringement of our capabilities as independent beings. But a new generation of digital natives is welcoming these new technologies, with studies from KPMG [I’ll bet] revealing that Gen Z and millennials are almost twice as trusting of A.I. than their boomer counterparts. By deeply integrating A.I. into our everyday lives from birth, it can become a second self who can take us on a journey and even give us a glimpse into our future.” [from Naked Capitalism]


Climate change

“Climate change increases rare earth elements in Colorado’s Snake River” [High Country News]. “[T]he Snake [River] could be heading for troubled waters: According to a recent study, climate change-driven changes in its hydrology are releasing more rare earth elements. It’s a finding that could have broader implications for water quality across the West. The study, published last month in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, found that higher levels of rare earth elements — a group of chemically similar metals — are ending up in Colorado’s water supply due to lower stream flows caused by drought and a shrinking winter snowpack. Lower stream flows mean that metals are not as diluted as they’ve been in the past. While previous research has connected this phenomenon to an increase in zinc concentrations, the latest study is the first to look at rare earth elements.” [from Naked Capitalism]


Covid-19 10/12/2021 12/12

"Şahin: ... three doses significantly neutralize the virus [omicron variant]. Further data will show how strong the protection is and how long it lasts." 


Boris Johnson just announced that he wants to accelerate the booster dose rollout in the coming weeks – but there are already reports of the campaign stalling. ... The government has made it clear that the booster programme is now Britain’s primary form of defence against the new Covid variant Omicron.

Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPO) 13/12/2021
Biden’s efforts to appease Israel on Iran have failed on all fronts Responsible Statecraft  "It’s rather the very idea of Washington and Tehran reaching any agreement that not only prevents Iran from developing a bomb, but also reduces U.S.-Iran tensions and lifts sanctions that have prevented Iran from enhancing its regional power. "
Suply chain disruption and globalization 13/12
 Taiwan chipmakers hint at decoupling from the US Asia Times "World’s top chip fabricator wants own chip-making equipment to end dependence on US and better help China’s state-led production ... The Taiwanese initiative responds to Washington’s extraterritorial sanctions on buyers of US fabricating equipment, imposed by then-president Donald Trump in May 2020. The US asserts the right to block sales of chips produced with US machines or intellectual property. / The US sanctions shut off Chinese tech giant Huawei’s access to high-end chips of 7 nanometers and below, crippling what previously was the world’s top handset producer. Unable to make 5G phones, Huawei lost market share to Chinese handset producer Xiaomi and sold its Honor smartphone business."

Brasil 12/12/2021

 cujo programa [Ponte para o futuro] são reforma da Previdência, reforma trabalhista, autonomia do Banco Central, discussão do PL do Câmbio. Ele pontuou que para cada uma dessas medidas eram prometidos milhões de empregos, enxurrada do capital estrangeiro e nada disso aconteceu. “O que a gente tem é um cenário que a cobertura do INSS diminui na população brasileira, porque a informalidade explode, situação de desemprego, massa salarial caindo, a política de valorização de salário mínimo foi liquidada efetivamente”, avaliou. ... De acordo com Raul, superar efetivamente a pobreza e mudar essa marca do Brasil passa por reformas estruturais como reforma agrária e reforma do sistema tributário que efetivamente cobre dos ricos e desonere o consumo.



        Minas Gerais 10/12/2021

 O PT mineiro está pronto e disposto a abrir mão da candidatura própria a governador para apoiar a candidatura do prefeito de BH, Alexandre Kalil (PSD). Mas tem uma condição. Kalil terá que apoiar a candidatura presidencial de Lula em Minas Gerais. Esses serão o recado e o tom da conversa, na manhã desta quinta (9), entre a presidente nacional do PT, deputada federal Gleise Hoffmann, e os petistas mineiros em um hotel na capital mineira. A orientação é nacional. Kalil está com dificuldades em começar sua pré-campanha e a definir um rumo. Ele quer o apoio do PT, mas não quer assumir um casamento de papel passado. Prefere uma amizade colorida.


        Ceará 10/12/2021

Um dia após o governador Camilo Santana (PT) se mostrar como um entusiasta da manutenção da aliança que governa o Ceará, que tem como composição central PT e PDT, deputados pedetistas saíram em defesa da união. Já os petistas procurados pelo O POVO - José Guimarães, Luizianne Lins e Airton Cirilo - silenciaram diante dos questionamentos sobre a manutenção da parceria entre os partidos. ... Procurado pela reportagem, os deputados federais José Airton Cirilo e Luizianne Lins não se manifestaram até o fechamento desta matéria. Ambos estão entre as lideranças locais que defendem uma candidatura própria para a sucessão de Camilo diante desavenças do partido com Ciro Gomes e os demais Ferreira Gomes.  

    Norte e centro oeste

Amazonas  12/12/2021

 O deputado estadual Fausto Jr. (MDB) fez hoje (9) um desafio ao senador Omar Aziz (PSD), durante coletiva de imprensa na Assembleia Legislativa do Estado (ALE). “Desafio o senador Omar Aziz a provar que não é investigado pela Polícia Federal e que não está ligado aos escândalos de corrupção na Saúde do Amazonas”, afirmou Fausto. O desafio foi feito após o senador processar o deputado, sob acusação de danos morais. Em julho deste ano, Fausto disse, nas redes sociais, que Omar “é corrupto”.

    RS   bdfrs 12/12/2021

Uma família que tem um casal e uma criança vai receber os R$ 400, 00, mas você também vai ter uma família de um casal e três filhos que vai receber os mesmos R$ 400,00. Você não está usando de uma forma equilibrada o recurso público e de forma equânime ente as diferentes famílias buscando garantir um mínimo de sobrevivência”, ressalta o economista e integrante do Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MPA), Raul Krauser.

 Centro Oeste 

Distrito Federal cb bdf df 12/12/2021

Há um ano, em leilão realizado na B3 (antiga Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo), era privatizada a CEB Distribuição S.A, subsidiária estatal responsável pelo abastecimento de energia elétrica no Distrito Federal. Precedida da narrativa de desconstrução utilizada em qualquer processo de privatização, a venda ilegal da CEB ocorreu sob forte resistência dos eletricitários do DF e de segmentos da sociedade, preocupados com as consequências dessa medida para a qualidade dos serviços e, sobretudo, para o preço da energia elétrica na capital do país.

Argentina - 08/12/2021 09/12 12/12

 El radicalismo [UCR} vive días turbulentos. Luego de pasar de una sensación de triunfo que lo podía llegar a disputar el poder dentro de Juntos por el Cambio, hoy dos de los máximos referentes del partido tuvieron que ser separados por otros correligionarios porque estuvieron a punto de tomarse a golpe de puños.

Bolivia 10/12/2021

Since the 2020 election campaign, Arce pledged the people that he would work tirelessly to rebuild the economy, tackle the pandemic and recover democracy, and along these lines he is closing his first year in office with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth projections of over 5%, higher than the 4.4% initially forecast by the Ministry of Economy.

Chile 07/12/2021 12/12

un eventual apoyo [de Bachelet] a la candidatura de Gabriel Boric y poder votar en la segunda vuelta presidencial. Por su llegada, el candidato del Frente Social Cristiano, José Antonio Kast, señaló que "es legítimo que cada uno pueda ejercer su derecho a voto. Creo que ella tiene altura de mira por el cargo internacional que ostenta, por lo que no debiera mezclarse en la política contingente".
 La diputada del PS, Maya Fernández, la que expresó que no hay duda del voto de Bachelet. "Nadie pondría en duda lo que votaría la ex presidenta Michelle Bachelet. Militante del partido Socialista, defensora de la democracia, de los derechos de las personas. Es muy importante que ella esté en Chile y su sola presencia lo dice todo", argumentó.

Colombia   07/12/2021 10/12


Peru  08/12/2021

Venezuela 07/12/2021



USA 07/12/2021 12/12

 President Joe Biden received heavy criticism from the American public in his handling of the economy [mostly inflation and economic recovery], COVID-19 and gun violence, in a new ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday. ... While a majority of Americans (53%) still approve of Biden’s response, 45% disapprove, marking the most since he took office and a nearly 20 percentage point drop from March, when 72% of Americans approved of his response.


Russia 07/12/2021 10/12 12/12

Russia urges NATO to formally drop Ukraine & Georgia ascension plans(RT) Russia has called upon NATO to publicly reverse its previously stated intent to take former Soviet states Ukraine and Georgia into its ranks, arguing that doing so would benefit the “fundamental interests of European security.”

     G7 nations warn Russia of ‘massive consequences’ if it invades Ukraine Hindustan Times

What Putin really told Biden Asia Times Pepe Escobar

South Africa 09/12/2021 12/12

South Africa's last apartheid president, FW de Klerk, was on Sunday lauded for his bravery and his role in the negotiations for the country's Constitution.  De Klerk, who served as deputy president under former president Nelson Mandela from 1994 to 1996 in the Government of National Unity, died last month at the age of 85 after a battle against cancer. ... The DA's federal chairperson, Helen Zille, who was a journalist at the time when De Klerk ... "It's worth mentioning that it was De Klerk who dismantled all the laws underpinning apartheid and he triggered the constitutional negotiations. Without these major events, the South Africa we are working on today would not be possible," she said.

India 08/12 09/12     12/12

 Without a clear framework on closure of coal mines, India’s transition to renewables will be messy Scroll

 China 08/12/2021 10/12

12/12Amid Tensions With Turkey, China Is Putting the Kurdish Issue in Play The Diplomat " Responding to Turkey’s stepped up rhetoric on Uyghurs, Beijing is taking aim at an ethnic issue sensitive to Ankara. ... After Turkey’s remarks on the Uyghur situation, China retaliated by focusing on the regions where Kurds live and accusing Turkey of human rights abuses in these regions. The Chinese actions sent a clear message to Turkey that China will retaliate if Ankara continues to meddle in the Uyghur issue. China’s playbook is simple: If Ankara continues to criticize China over the Uyghur issue, then Beijing will bring Turkey’s actions in Iraq and Syria to the international agenda.

13/12 China in Africa: no more hard cash as debt-hit nations battle Covid-19 disruptions South China Morning Post "China has traditionally made large financial commitments during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) meetings over the past two decades, with the money going into mega infrastructure projects, including ports, railways, highways and power dams. But, at this year’s forum in the Senegalese capital Dakar, it became evident that that financing model was set to change."


Central America and Caribe

 Cuba 07/12/2021

Canada 08/12/2021  10/12

The three countries have said they won’t send government dignitaries to the games, which run Feb. 4-20, to protest human rights abuses in China, while New Zealand said it informed Beijing earlier that it wouldn’t be sending any officials due to pandemic travel restrictions but had also communicated its human rights concerns. Under the diplomatic boycott, the countries will still send their athletes to compete. Rights groups have called for a total boycott of the Beijing Winter Games, citing Chinese human rights abuses against its Uyghur minority in the northwest Xinjiang region, which some have called genocide. They also point to Beijing’s suppression of democratic protests in Hong Kong and a sweeping crackdown on dissent in the semi-autonomous territory.

México 07/12/2021

European Union

Western Europe


France 09/12/2021 12/12

13/12  Hidalgo, Jadot, Mélenchon… pourquoi la gauche n’arrive pas à s’unir pour la présidentielle En proposant une primaire, Anne Hidalgo a relancé le serpent de mer d’une union de la gauche. Rarement mise en place dès le premier tour de la présidentielle, elle rencontre plusieurs obstacles... Aujourd’hui, la hiérarchie n’est plus aussi claire. Les partis de gauches sont très faibles. Aucun ne s’impose comme le parti pivot. Dans ce désordre, chacun joue sa partition pour tenter de prendre le leadership sur les autres​, analyse Olivier Rouquan. ... « Sans candidat à la présidentielle, vous disparaissez »

Italy 09/12/2021 13/12  HP

Meglio un Draghi al governo, anche se solo per un altro anno fino a elezioni nel 2023, che un Draghi al Colle, che ‘garantirebbe’ per il paese per i prossimi sette anni, ma nell’immediato potrebbe portare l’Italia a elezioni anticipate l’anno prossimo, aprendo scenari di pericolosa instabilità.


Il Presidente Biden ha invitato capi di Governo e pensatori di ogni dove per discutere dello stato della Democrazia. La Cina non è tra gli invitati. L’Italia sì. Questo non significa che in Italia le cose per la Democrazia vadano benissimo. Basti pensare all’insistenza con cui il Presidente Mattarella riceve richieste di accettare un secondo mandato....  Non abbiamo proposte sulla questione climatica e quindi della promozione della sostenibilità; non abbiamo avanzato idee sul futuro dei liberi rapporti civili nell’epoca dell’intelligenza artificiale, del lavoro e del welfare; fatichiamo a promuovere l’innovazione sociale, istituzionale e industriale; siamo lenti sui problemi dell’inclusione e dell’emancipazione; investiamo poco (intellettualmente, non solo finanziariamente) nella scuola e nel suo sviluppo (motore del senso critico e del metodo scientifico); siamo marginali sul fronte geopolitico. E siamo assenti dal dibattito che riguarda la crisi della Democrazia Liberale.



Germany 09/12/2021 12/12

Nord Stream 2 cannot be certified – Berlin Germany’s new foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, has said the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia can’t be launched yet because it doesn’t meet EU energy requirements and there remain “safety” concerns.... Scholz’s predecessor, Angela Merkel, had voiced her support for the pipeline, arguing that the project would secure a steady supply of natural gas for Europe as a whole. Merkel had similarly linked the prospects of launching the pipeline with the preservation of the current Ukrainian transit arrangement, however.


Portugal  12/12

Sobre a vacinação das crianças e outras infantilidades, Pedro Filipe Soares A nova tentativa para intoxicar o debate público é inventar em Portugal o debate sobre a vacinação obrigatória. Quem ouvir a IL ou o Chega, ou até mesmo o PSD fica com a certeza de haver quem queira a vacinação obrigatória em ...


Spain 10/12/2021

La discusión sigue centrada en la temporalidad y la regulación de los contratos eventuales, como admitió este jueves la vicepresidenta Yolanda Díaz. El Ejecutivo y los sindicatos quieren que los contratos indefinidos sean la norma común del mercado laboral y que solo se pueda recurrir a empleados temporales bajo circunstancias muy acotadas.
 Fondo de Recuperación y Resiliencia. A comienzos de diciembre, Bruselas dio el visto bueno al primer pago del plan de recuperación español, 10.000 millones. Ahora es el Comité Económico y Financiero del Consejo Europeo quien está analizando la petición, y tiene cuatro semanas para pronunciarse. No obstante, varias fuentes de la Unión aseguran que el plácet definitivo, muy probablemente, llegará antes de acabar el 31 de diciembre, lo que convertirá a España en el primer Estado que recibe uno de los pagos oficiales del Fondo de Recuperación y Resiliencia.


Boris Johnson is braced for a major Tory rebellion when he puts his Plan B covid measures before parliament next week. A number of Conservatives have lined up to express scepticism over the plans or have confirmed they will vote against them outright  ... nfluential backbencher Steve Baker has confirmed he will vote against the measures when they are put to a parliamentary vote on Tuesday. “I’ll vote against extending mask mandates, and I’ll vote against mandatory vaccination as a condition of NHS employment.



Eastern Europe


Bulgary 10/12/2021


The Balkan country of 7 million has one of the world's fastest-shrinking populations, the highest income inequality in the EU, and the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rate in the 27-nation bloc.

Greece 12/12/2021

European Parliament lawmaker Nikos Androulakis, a former youth leader, defeated former Prime Minister George Papandreou on Sunday to lead Greece’s socialists, The Associated Press reported. ...  The Movement for Change coalition is the third-largest political grouping in Greece’s parliament right behind the ruling conservative party New Democracy and left-wing Syriza. The PASOK, one of the parties in the Movement for Change, was in power four separate times from 1981 to 2015, the last four years in coalition with New Democracy, according to The AP. 

Hungary 09/12/2021 

Macedonia 13/12

Euroscepticism rises in North Macedonia amid EU membership delays

The country -- which was previously called the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia -- agreed to change its name in 2018 to settle a long dispute with its southern neighbour Greece, who vetoed EU membership talks starting.

Since changing its name to the Republic of North Macedonia, its accession has been blocked at the EU leader level and then by its eastern neighbour, Bulgaria.

Sofia has disputed the existence of the country's cultural and historical identity. The Bulgarian side claims North Macedonia’s history and language are not separate or distinct from that of Bulgaria.

Could North Macedonia be the graveyard of the EU's ideals?

 Ukrayne  10/12/2021

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said, on Friday, that he would not rule out the possibility of a referendum on the status of two breakaway regions, in the east of his country, or direct negotiations with Moscow.... The two eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk had declared independence from Ukraine in 2014, after the elected government in Kiev was violently overthrown. While Russia does not recognise their status, it does support both regions." (RT)


Turkey 09/12/2021 12/12 12/12


 13/12 Turkey: Can Erdogan survive his latest crisis?  Andrew Hammond Elections set for 2023 are already looming large, as economic mismanagement puts AKP rule in jeopardy. {a victory in 2023) would also consolidate the AKP as a permanent party of power, saving Erdogan personally from what would likely be a spectacular fall from grace involving corruption trials, a possible purge of the Islamist movement, and reversals on a host of domestic and foreign policies. ... The truth is, Erdogan is winging it. The government will make much of continued growth, blame the suffering on a range of nefarious actors, and - contrary to speculation before the lira tumbled again recently - delay elections for as long as possible in hopes of a turnaround, or resort to another manufactured foreign policy crisis with which to rally the president’s base.
pkk/kurdish states -  


Middle East AlJaz

Israel 10/12/2021

Four former Mossad chiefs – Tamir Pardo, Efraim Halevy, Danny Yatom and Shabtai Shavit – think that Israel must show some humility in the face of a country of 85 million people, with dozens of nuclear sites spread out over an area the size of a subcontinent which could fit much of Europe inside it, and which has already mastered almost the entire nuclear uranium enrichment cycle.

 Former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen made it clear during his 2016-June 2021 term that he disagreed. Cohen felt strongly that Jerusalem has outgrown the earlier concept that Iran creates matchup problems for it for using force and that it must always wait for US approval to act.

[current Mossad chief] Barnea’s Hanukkah (...) believes the Jewish state has the power to use force against Iran whenever it feels necessary and personally promised he would do so to block a nuclear weapon on his watch.

Israel opposed the Iran nuclear deal, but former Israeli officials increasingly say U.S. pullout was a mistake WaPo


Iraq 13/12/2021

Biden has viewedattacks by Iraqi militias on U.S. troops as having been ordered or approved by Iran, even though U.S. officials have admitted that Iran’s control over these same militias diminished sharply after the January 2020 assassinations of the IRGC’s Qods Force commander, Gen. Qassem Soleimani, and Abu Mahdi al-Mohandis, the head of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces.


Afghanistan 12/12/2021

The Secret History of the U.S. Diplomatic Failure in Afghanistan New Yorker 




Africa 12/12

China in Africa: no more hard cash as debt-hit nations battle Covid-19 disruptions South China Morning Post


Ethiopia 09/12/2021

Kenya 10/12/2021

Lybia 10/12/2021

Libya has been wracked by chaos since a NATO-backed uprising toppled longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi in 2011. The oil-rich nation had for years been split between a government in the east, backed by Hifter, and a U.N.-supported administration in Tripoli, aided by western-based Libyan militias. Each side has also had the support of mercenaries and foreign forces from Turkey, Russia and Syria and different regional powers.

The Dec. 24 vote also faces other challenges, including occasional infighting among armed groups, and the deep rift that remains between the country’s east and west, split for years by the war, and the presence of thousands of foreign fighters and troops.

 Uganda 09/12/2021


Sites and blogs

moon of alabama

Naked Capitalism 


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