440/24 Sartre, 22/08/2024, {oct, 26, 2024
nov, 3, 2025
the hand which I grasp with my other hand is not apprehended as a hand which is grasping but as an apprehensible object
oct, 26, 2024
it will not qualify facticity as the pure existed of the non-thetic consciousness but rather facticity as the quasi-object apprehended by reflection.
the shy man after he has recognized the uselessness of these attempts will be to suppress his body-for-the-Other. When he longs “not to have a body anymore,” to be “invisible,” etc., it is not his body-for-himself which he wants to annihilate, but this inapprehensible dimension of the body-alienated.
Sartre: "We resign ourselves to seeing ourselves through the Other’s eyes; this means that we attempt to learn our being through the revelations of language." Being and Nothingness.
philosophical references
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