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373∆24 Brasil and the world in crisis (draft)

    Temas: Brasil and the world in crisis  ( draft ) Sumário: Miríade e Distopia   (2004-2024)  Em construção: Coletânea de Poesias -   draf...

terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2022

"real facts": urgent but silenced

 "What is far more worrisome is the phenomenon that there are 

    “real facts” 

        that cry out for our attention, 

        that demand urgent action, 

        and that our politicians and media treat as non-existent or marginal, e.g. 

exorbitant military expenses, 

skewed national budgets, 

xenophobic war-mongering, 

structural violence, 

military aggression, 

unilateral coercive measures, 

financial blockades, 

the homologation of the media, 

manifestly unjust laws, 

the corruption of the “rule of law”  through legal scams and “lawfare”, 

the penetration of public institutions by intelligence services, 

the “weaponization” of human rights, 

the imprisonment of whistleblowers like Julian Assange, 

unjust taxation, 

tax havens, 

tax evasion, 

corporate bribery, 

economic exploitation, 


extreme poverty, 

man-made famine, 

social exclusion, 


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