terça-feira, 4 de março de 2025

thailand strolls @vanres74 198p02mar25 [03abr26] {02mar25  
    Global news glimpses  @vanres74  189e27fev25 #poli [13abr26] {27fev25 thu 10:05} (27fev25)

Brasil News: 01-08 mar25 195p01mar25 [02mar25] {01mar25}

1 U.S. D

34.12 Thai Baht

1,063.76 Argentine Peso

R$ 5.8

Y Ch 7.8


"He expressed concern about the indirect impact of these tariffs. As Canada and Mexico grapple with increased tariffs, they may redirect their exports to other nations rather than the US, causing disturbances in the supply chain and potentially triggering a commodities price war, said Mr Chaichan.

Thailand enjoys a trade surplus with the US totalling $35 billion, but faces a trade deficit of $45 billion with China, leading to an unfavourable trade balance, he said."

... A surplus of Chinese goods is being redirected to Southeast Asian nations because of the tariffs, creating price competition and possibly harming small businesses, while increasing Thailand's trade deficit with China. He said

 limited access to soft loans, 

outdated manufacturing, 

insufficient investment in R&D, 

a shortage of skilled labour in tech-driven industries, and 

lack of a unified industrial policy 

all hinder growth..


93 sleep in jail after the court dismisses the petition, revealing that they volunteered to be part of a call center gang in exchange for a salary of 20,000 baht, dividing the work among 7 groups of scammers into a gang."


"sending [the 40 Uighurz] to a third country does not end there because it has huge consequences. When I said that no country is "determined to seriously accept", it means that there is no country that says that they

 will accept and 

are ready to help negotiate and lobby for China to be willing to accept Thailand to send to that third country 

or that they are ready to accept and if Thailand is retaliated by China, they are willing to lend a hand to help us. 

I believe that there are none. 

In my opinion, just saying they are ready to accept is not enough. Or in a sense, just saying is like not saying at all because it can't really be done"


Top 10 Best Vegetables in the World

Watercress – 100.00 points

Chinese Cabbage – 91.99 points

Chard – 89.27 points

Beet Greens – 87.08 points

Spinach – 86.43 points

Chicory Greens – 73.36 points

Lettuce – 70.73 points

Parsley – 65.59 points

Romaine Lettuce – 63.48 points

Collard Greens – 62.49 pointsTo get the most out of these vegetables, choose to eat them fresh or cook them in a way that preserves their nutritional value, such as boiling, blanching, stir-frying, or eating them raw . And don't forget to wash them thoroughly before eating!

Green leafy vegetables dominated the list, with watercress taking the top spot with a score of 100. Other greens included include cabbage, chard, turnip greens and spinach, all of which are high in nutrients but low in calories.


The government plans 3 phases to stimulate the economy to achieve GDP growth of 3-3.5%. PM talks with Pichai, 

lays out economic stimulus plans to increase GDP by 3-3.5%, 
opens short-medium-long-term plans,
speeds up closing deals on large investment projects,
ready to discuss with private sector,
increase economic stimulus plans within 2 weeks
Accelerate the closing of large-scale infrastructure investment deals, such as water systems, to meet the needs of agriculture, industry, and consumption, 
the Land Bridge project, a train connecting with China, 
expanding airports and ports to make Thailand a transportation hub, in line with the Ignite Thailand policy
Accelerate agricultural reform in the Sandbox format using the market as a leader, starting with main agricultural products such as rice, cassava, rubber, palm oil, and sugarcane,
emphasizing the balance of demand and supply, 
developing capital factors such as soil, seeds, water, 
increasing productivity. 

... อ่านข่าวต้นฉบับได้ที่ : https://www.prachachat.net/politics/news-1765146

Summary of 6 main issues, the opposition is preparing to debate the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Paethongtarn.

Mr. Nattapong mentioned the issues in the motion of no confidence against Ms. Paethongtarn that she
lacks qualifications and knowledge,
lacks the will to solve the people’s problems,
is not responsible for being the prime minister,
has failed in economic management,
the country’s GDP is growing at the bottom of ASEAN countries,
appoints people who were [note capable] to be ministers,
lacks leadership in commanding subordinates,
allows subordinates to have power over her,
and allows her father to lead, motivate, and be involved in the administration of the country, including
allowing corruption.

The ultimate story of 'Kanya Charoensuphakul', a national artist on her 77th birthday

If Mother Earth were to be compared to a human woman, her body would be like a seriously ill patient. Her skin would be covered in wounds that could not be healed. It is time for all of us to embrace and care for her. Therefore, the teacher created this piece of art and named it “The Pain of Mother Earth .”

Chinese Imperialism!?!?

"“It is concerning because Mr. Liu Zhongyi’s  [Cinese anti - call center gang authority] visit is considered to be too frequent, which reflects that the Chinese government is beginning to 
control, and 
play a stronger role
in both the contexts of Thailand and Burma. This can be seen from his ability to enter and exit both countries easily. Although there may have been coordination at the ministry or police unit level, it has led news followers to question whether Mr. Liu Zhongyi has played too much of a role.”"

Slow work but fast claims! The government is lying and claiming the results of the crackdown on the Myawaddy call center gang.

"The crackdown on the call center gang began to show results after the Chinese government sent "Liu Zhongyi" to deal with it himself. And as expected, the "Ung Ing" government immediately claimed credit for the work, citing a survey from a no-name poll that the public admired the serious and decisive action taken, even though before this they had passed the buck back and forth before cutting off the electricity and signal to the Burmese side"
first trial from February 14 to 19. In the transnational crime case, the defendants Ming Guoping, Ming Zhenzhen, Bi Huijun, Ming Julan, Wu Hongming and 23 others were charged with crimes of fraud, intentional homicide, intentional assault, illegal detention, extortion, operating a gambling den, engaging in prostitution, drug trafficking, illegal people smuggling, illegal crossing, and infringing on citizens' personal information, including cases that resulted in the deaths of 14 Chinese nationals and injuries of 6 others.

[allowed many capital groups to set up bases to invest in illegal businesses such as cross-border telecommunications fraud, murder, gambling dens, drug trafficking and prostitution, with the protection of the military. The turnover was more than 10 billion yuan (about 50 billion baht).]


"In fact, the overall economy in Q4 2024, our GDP increased by 3.2%. The whole year, GDP increased by 2.5%. Just Q4 alone increased quite a bit.

It is caused by the visa-free policy, government investment, and investment from the Board of Investment (BOI).

"PM Yingluck asks not to be discouraged by GDP lagging behind ASEAN, promises foreigners to stay until the end of their terms, pushes for investment, criticizes not to play political games, does not invest abroad, insists that being PM will take care of the people all over the country the best, does not choose only which provinces her father used to do."


"when asking about the satisfaction of the people with the work of the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Paethongtarn Shinawatra in the past 6 months, it was found that 34.58 percent of the sample [1310 adults] said they were not very satisfied, followed by 32.60 percent who said they were quite satisfied, 20.00 percent who said they were not at all satisfied, and 12.82 percent who said they were very satisfied."


"Jakrapob said the press conference was a “war of ideas” between a big and a small nation, staged to allow conservative media outlets to ask questions that would benefit Trump, while Zelensky was provoked with accusations about his posture and attire, leading to angry responses, especially when Vice President J.D. Vance said Trump was the one who brought Ukraine closer to peace amid a three-year war. Zelensky was furious, and he shot back, saying “what is the diplomacy left?” when Ukraine was devastated and millions of people were killed."


Thailand has been condemned by international rights groups, the U.S. and the United Nations after deporting at least 40 Uyghur men held in Thailand for the past decade back to China.

📹 Reporter(s): Joseph Wu/Joyce Tseng



"Thai contractors are in trouble as 'Chinese capital' seizes the beachhead for complete construction work in prime EEC locations

The phenomenon of “Chinese capital” invading Thai businesses in various industries has begun to show clear and continuous impacts.

Whether it is a tour business, hotel, restaurant, real estate, or construction contracting, which has now become a one-stop business, from upstream to downstream."


Google News: thailand 

 "Por: Chiranan Pitpreecha

First Rain

The first rains in May

Stream down, red

Steel rains, violent

Bodies-piercing, blood-flowing

Like water, flooding the streets

A rank stream of blood.

How many stars fell and crashed?

How many hearts are broken and crushed?

The wound of our native soil

When will it ever heal?

What devilish power

Dare kill the people?

Fighting blood lives on,

Death rousing people

The soul enduring,

Protecting the justice of the people.

The first rains seep into the ground and disappear into the earth

Leaving meaning and memory

Enriching the earth with their moisture

Nourishing the crops of democracy.

Chiranan Pitpreecha was born in Thailand in 1955. She was a well known figure in the 1970s student movement in Thailand. Following the violent suppression in 1976, she, along with thousands of Thai students, fled to the jungle and joined the Communist insurrection. Almost immediately after she returned from the jungle in 1981, under the protection of amnesty law, her poem, Cracked Pebble was selected "The best Poem of 1981" by P.E.N"


Twisted Vines

Originally composed by: Sunthorn Phu

Poetic Translation: Ken Mathis Lohatepanont

 Do not trust others, he said:                     

be afraid of the human mind.
Even the most twisted of vines                 
seems benign compared to the soul.
Two people do have pure intent:              
Your parents, who love with hearts whole.
But destiny’s yours to control                    
It’s your role to think on your own.
Beware of even the friendly                      
Cautiously think through all you’ve known.
Knowledge is not enough, alone:
The capstone is learning to survive

Tradução do tailandês via google translate

E ensina que não se deve confiar nos humanos.

 Tão profundo e indescritível,
 As videiras retorcidas e emaranhadas
 Não são tão tortas quanto um dos corações humanos.

 Este ser humano que ama
vive em dois lugares

 O amor parental é muitas vezes frutífero
 Um refúgio torna-se o próprio corpo.
Nascido como sujeito,
pense e depois fale.

 Se alguém te ama, você vai amá-lo.
Se alguém te odeia, você vai odiá-lo de volta.

 Pense bem, meu neto.
 Conhecer alguma coisa
não é tão bom quanto o saber.
 Saber como se proteger
melhor coisa a fazer.

Giawkhao Thailand'd Harvester Sings

Preformed by Musicians from Fine Arts Department of THAILAND



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