303 >24 AGREGADOR - 22-29 mar 24, por @Vanres2004
Artificial inteligence what is It?
220323 GAFAM encantamento com os novos objetos trazidos, ATER
180324 approximately 5000 Nato military dead in Ukraine, widely exceeds the 3500 NATO military who died in the 20 year long Afghanistan occupation by NATO, G. Doctorow
O caminho que leva Bolsonaro à prisão
O que significa o "Sem Anistia"
160324 Ministério da Justiça quer que Torres devolva salários que recebeu no período em que estava preso. o Bastidor
Fixo: 109F >24 DANOS MORAES - Agregador
FIXO: 109/24 - Danos "Moraes": 131 condenados, mais 15, pelo 8Jan23: criação de "Conflito de interesses" entre indiciados, por Vander Resende, em 13/03/24, 07:52."
160324 "Pela 1ª vez, STF forma maioria para inocentar réu do 8 de Janeiro
288∆24 VIOLÊNCIA extrema do Dia
Estatais Mineiras
130324 Queda na aprovação de Lula: ‘É problema de governo, camarada’
Fixo: 120323 284 ∆ 24 : RENDA e EDUCAÇÃO: É a questão de CLASSE, estúpido?, por Vanres 2023.
140324 "Aliados manifestam preocupação com rumos do governo Lula, por Daniela Lima, G1
News: investimentos GN
140324 - "Estados Unidos ampliam investimentos no Brasil, band.com
NEWS Industrialização
29022024 hipocrisia de empresários: estado-mínimo para pequenos; máximo para grandes
NEWS: agricultura familiar GN
NEWS: refinanciamento agrícola GN
140324 Plano de resgate após onda de falências no agronegócio, por Bloomberg
NEWS: Agropecuária
- medidas compensatórias para os produtores de leite nacionais,
- plano para renegociação das dívidas dos produtores e
- inserção permanente do leite nos programas sociais do governo
FIXO 2 68 ∆ 24 RECUPERAÇÃO DE PASTAGENS in- sustentabilidade - Agregador
235 ∆ 24 entrepoderes
150324 "Descriminalização da posse de quantidade ínfima de maconha: Congresso reclama das decisões do STF,
Troca-troca: sucessão por anistia
150324 apoio nas sucessões da Câmara e do Senado a anistia em caso de condenação
140324 "Pauta Bolsonarista na CCJ do valorizado Davi Alcolumbre
NEWS Impeachment de Lula
050324 139 Deputados que assinam impeachment de Lula não podem votar no processo, diz ex-ministro
180324 MICHAEL HUDSON: democracy traditionally is to prevent an oligarchy from developing
- oligarchy in America and Europe are libertarian, meaning get rid of government,
266b ∆ 24 Extreme Right Agregador FarRight alt right extrema direita
NEWS: far extreme Right
- “white working class”,
- the “left behind” or
- the “losers of globalisation”.
080324 Portuguese election: 6 things to know
FIXO: 266 ∆ 24 Parties: FarRight proto fascist Extreme Direita alt-right
news: Descriminalização de porte de maconha
150324 Supremo, sua decisão será ignorada!
Vínculo trabalhista: Pejotização e Uberização130324 decisão que reconheceu vínculo anuladaCNJ E A VIRTUALIZAÇÃO DA JUSTIÇA140324 mau uso da inteligência artificial durante o processo eleitoral.
Eleições e fraudes via NTR.
283∆24 ABIN e espionados
news ABIN
160324 , "FIRST MILE pesquisadora que mapeou páginas bolsonaristas foi rastreada pela agência , BdFato
100324 "Governo mantém sigilo da justificativa para uso do FirstMile pela Abin
"217∆24 Br Econfin Economia e Finanças, agregador
News juros Selic
‘210324 Insuficiente’: ritmo é insuficiente e penalizará a atividade econômica. Veja “A situação da inflação no Brasil já permite uma redução mais intensa dos juros reais”, diz.
Eleições e fraudes via NTR.
283∆24 ABIN e espionados
news ABIN
160324 , "FIRST MILE pesquisadora que mapeou páginas bolsonaristas foi rastreada pela agência , BdFato
100324 "Governo mantém sigilo da justificativa para uso do FirstMile pela Abin
"217∆24 Br Econfin Economia e Finanças, agregador
News juros Selic
‘210324 Insuficiente’: ritmo é insuficiente e penalizará a atividade econômica. Veja
- transição energética e da
- regulamentação da reforma tributária para
- ambiente de negócios;
- sustentabilidade;
- comércio exterior; e
- transformação digital.
- a tributação dos fundos exclusivos e no exterior:
- melhora da atividade [que afeta] coleta do PIS/Pasep e da Cofins, que cresceu 21,4% e somou 39,1 bilhão em fevereiro:
- aumento real
- 6,80% no volume de vendas do comércio
- 4,5% no volume de serviços entre janeiro de 2024 e janeiro de 2023
- acréscimo da arrecadação relativa ao setor de combustíveis, trazido pela
- retomada parcial da tributação do referido setor”, apontou a Receita em relatório.
- O mercado de trabalho aquecido e os
- salários em crescimento também foram apontados como fatores que ajudaram na
- arrecadação previdenciária - cresceu 4,74% ante fevereiro do ano passado
news: novo PAC
180324 Governo cria emenda cashback para turbinar Novo PAC, por Valor
140324 "Novo PAC: investimento de R$11,6 bilhões para ações em nove categorias da área de saúde, gov.br
130324"Variaram as ressalvas ao crescimento muito acima do esperado,
- O crescimento deve mesmo desacelerar em 2024,
- a agropecuária e a indústria extrativa mineral responderam mesmo por quase metade da expansão em 2023,
- e o investimento recuou 3% no ano
A questão dos precatórios
050423 Pagamento dos precatórios beneficiou os grandes investidores, GGN
Investimentos Externo InvExt
080224 "Entenda por que as montadoras decidiram investir bilhões no Brasil
Banco Central In-dependente
050324 "Crescimento do país surpreende e inflação está convergindo para a meta, diz Campos Neto
PIB Brasil no Top 10
090324 "Brasil volta a ser top 10 das maiores economias do mundo com PIB de 2023, SBT NEWS
050324 Italy's GDP grew by 0.9% in 2023, Istat said on Friday. (ANSA) - ROME, MAR 1
293∆24 LOGÍSTICA Supply Chain Agregador
NEWS: ferrovia transoceânica
070324 A Ferrovia Transoceânica e a parceria estratégica com a China:
NEWS: Balança comercial
030224 "China representa 31,5% das exportações brasileiras, contra apenas 13,3% da União Europeia e 10,9% dos Estados Unidos, por GGN
NEWS: Revisões de previsão
- Crescimento maior que o esperado de serviços em janeiro
- varejo forte e
- bom momento do mercado de trabalho e
- aumento da massa salarial.
- estímulos fiscais, como o pagamento de precatórios
"MCTI anuncia tema da 21ª Semana Nacional da Ciência e Tecnologia
FIXO: 266c ∆24 DiEsq - Pautas extrema direita e conservadoras Agregador @vanres2023
acesso a informação e pautas conservadoras
- declarações de Lula que compara as ações do Estado de Israel às de Hitler, proferidas na viagem à Adis Abeba, na Etiópia.
- notícias sobre o exacerbamento da violência em grandes cidades como São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, além da fuga de presos em Mossoró,
- milhares de seguidores do ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro se reuniram na Avenida Paulista para prestar-lhe apoio,
"080324 Far-right kingmaker: Portuguese Chega
110324 Chega: 18% - 48 deputados
130324 "Tribunal dos EUA veta lei da Flórida que proíbe aulas sobre raça e gênero
210 > Gender Troubles GT > Agregador
Abortion rights
170324 LGB, welcome. For T, the trans issue is something else.
Le Figaro. From its English translation:
Q: Over time, haven't you become a bit of a reactionary?Emmanuel Todd: I was brought up by a grandmother who told me that, sexually speaking, all tastes are part of nature, and I'm faithful to my ancestors. So, LGB, welcome. For T, the trans issue is something else. The individuals concerned must of course be protected. But the fixation of the Western middle classes on this ultra-minority issue raises a sociological and historical question. To establish as a social horizon the idea that a man can really become a woman and a woman a man is to assert something that is biologically impossible, it is to deny the reality of the world, it is to assert the false.
Trans ideology is therefore, in my opinion, one of the flags of this nihilism that now defines the West, this drive to destroy not just things and people but reality. But, once again, I am in no way overwhelmed here by indignation or emotion. This ideology exists and I have to integrate it into a historical model. In the age of the metaverse, I can't say whether my attachment to reality makes me a reactionary
Iniquidade inequality desigualdade Racial
Necropolítica em SP
210324 morte 85 pessoas, ou seja, 42 mortos para cada policial assassinado
Essas duas iniciativas [operacão Escudo e Verão, pela morte de 1 soldado em Santos e 1 em Guarujá] levaram à morte 85 pessoas, ou seja, 42 mortos para cada policial assassinado; superando em proporção as ações genocidas de Israel. Além disso, se praticou o encarceramento em massa, que já atingiu a cifra de 1.521 detidos, maximizando a indefensável “política de combate às drogas”, que transformou o Brasil no terceiro país com mais prisioneiros no mundo, sem nenhum impacto na diminuição da criminalidade.
a necessária e contundente resposta não esteja vindo das celebridades televisivas e das ONGs e sim do movimento real das ruas, de massas, organizado e com lideranças escolhidas de maneira legítima pela militância, e não forjadas de maneira artificial como resultado da exposição midiática. A resposta está vindo de Claudio Silva, ouvidor das policiais do estado de São Paulo, liderança que chegou ao cargo com apoio desse movimento e tem enfrentado, quase solitário, a máquina de morte implementada pelo governador.
A resposta está vindo das mães negras das comunidades que sofrem a violência estatal diariamente e reclamam justiça para seus filhos, está vindo das religiosas e religiosos de matriz africana, que desde sempre representam seu povo, está vindo da juventude preta que, assim como os jovens palestinos em Gaza, tem como prioridade se manterem vivos.
*Ramatis Jacino é doutor em Histórica Econômica pela USP e professor da Unifesp/ ABC,
160324 [AI] growing more covertly racist, They Guardian
"As AI tools get smarter, they’re [AI] growing more covertly racist, experts find
ChatGPT and Gemini discriminate against those who speak African American Vernacular English, report shows
Ava Sasani
Sat 16 Mar 2024 14.00"
222 > 24 RELIGIÃO EM QUESTÃO: Agregador
120324 Avanço neopentecostal e destruição da Teologia da libertação
252 > 24 - MEAMB E GLOWAR Agregador - Meio Ambiente e aquecimento global
no year has confounded climate scientists’ predictive capabilities more than 2023 has.
For the past nine months, mean land and sea surface temperatures have overshot previous records each month by up to 0.2 °C — a huge margin at the planetary scale. A general warming trend is expected because of rising greenhouse-gas emissions, but this sudden heat spike greatly exceeds predictions made by statistical climate models that rely on past observations. Many reasons for this discrepancy have been proposed but, as yet, no combination of them has been able to reconcile our theories with what has happened.
- as mudanças de uso da terra e
- a prevalência do desmatamento ilegal na Amazônia brasileira, como
- a intensidade da aplicação da lei,
- a eficiência da fiscalização,
- alterações no processo legal, e, por último,
- mudanças na capacidade institucional e militarização da fiscalização."
La Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) lo confirmó: 2023 fue el año más cálido desde que existen registros. Y, por si fuera poco, varios indicadores del cambio climático alcanzaron niveles sin precedentes el año pasado. A través del minucioso informe publicado este martes, la organización deja claro que el escenario actual que vive el planeta es alarmante:
- solo en 2023 el aumento del nivel medio global del mar alcanzó un máximo histórico – con una tasa de aumento en los últimos diez años que se duplicó desde la década de 1993 a 2002;
- las temperaturas medias mundiales de los océanos alcanzaron los máximos históricos en 65 años;
- la extensión del hielo marino antártico logró un mínimo jamás registrado en febrero
- y un conjunto de glaciares que sirven como referencia para saber qué pasó a nivel hidrológico en el periodo 2022-2023 experimentaron la mayor pérdida de hielo.
160324 - Court revokes environmental permit for Poland’s Turów coal mine, Notes from Poland
A Polish court has overturned an environmental permit issued to one of Poland’s largest coal mines, Turów, finding that it was issued in violation of an agreement with the Czech Republic, on whose border the mine is located.
The ruling has been hailed by the environmental groups that brought the case. But for now the mine – coal from which generates around 7% of Poland’s electricity – will continue to function while a separate case is also heard. However, its operation beyond 2026 remains in the balance."
289 ∆ 24 NTRevol Nova Revolução Tecnológica - New Tech Revolution
"além de não existirem baterias com capacidade suficiente para exercer o papel das térmicas, são muito caras e com isso vão encarecer mais ainda o preço da energia.
A verdade é que o consumo de energia elétrica mesmo em países desenvolvidos está crescendo. Diante disso, não podemos abrir das térmicas, seja a gás natural, nuclear ou carvão, sob pena da aceleração da inflação. Nos Estados Unidos, depois de duas décadas de consumo de energia flat, as projeções são da volta do crescimento. E a explicação são a - explosão do número de data centers que fazem parte do mundo moderno pós-pandemia e
- as leis que incentivam a compra de carros elétricos.
No mundo, outro fator é- a mineração de bitcoins intensiva no uso de energia elétric"
"“Outra ação interessante por meio da IA é a reprodução de sabores, como as empresas que produzem alimentos que normalmente envolvem proteína animal, mas com ingredientes vegetais. A empresa chilena NotCo, fundada em 2015, utiliza a IA para elaborar fórmulas de alimentos conhecidos, baseando-se apenas em ingredientes vegetais, imitando o sabor e a textura dos alimentos a serem replicados”, analisam os autores. As empresas que abraçam efetivamente a inteligência artificial aumentam sua eficiência e criam laços mais estreitos com seus clientes, como prevê o Consumer Trends 2024, da Opinion Box"
170324 humanoid robots for ‘low skill, repetitive’ tasks, The verge"Mercedes [car maker] is trialing humanoid robots for ‘low skill, repetitive’ tasks / Mercedes will initially examine how well Apptronik’s Apollo robot delivers parts to human production line workers.By Jess Weatherbed," 140324 - Data Leak: the BSW has collected 3.1 million euros
- explosão do número de data centers que fazem parte do mundo moderno pós-pandemia e
- as leis que incentivam a compra de carros elétricos.
- a mineração de bitcoins intensiva no uso de energia elétric"
140324 mau uso da inteligência artificial durante o processo eleitoral. [TSE]
100324 Protests and facial recognition
254 > 24 Transição Energética Energy Transition EnerTrans
transição energética - Gnews
"200324 desconhecimento do papel das térmicas.
"Essa turma acha que o papel das térmicas é só atender a ponta do sistema, ou seja, as horas de pico quando não tem sol e às vezes não tem vento. Com isso, afirmam que as térmicas seriam as responsáveis pelo aumento dos preços. Mas não contam que os países nos quais a energia é mais cara são justamente aqueles que privilegiaram o crescimento das fontes intermitentes nas suas matrizes elétricas.
"O curioso é que com tantos dados e acontecimentos reais, esses mesmos especialistas não entendam (ou não querem entender) que
- inércia,
- estabilidade e
- segurança ao sistema
só as térmicas e hidrelétricas que tenham reservatório podem assegurar. Sendo assim, não há sistema elétrico no mundo que consiga funcionar só com fontes intermitentes.
"O gás natural é o melhor backup para a eólica e a solar. E plantas a gás são muitas vezes mais fáceis de construir (6 a 8 meses em ciclo aberto) do que as renováveis. O melhor: não necessitam da construção de novas linhas de transmissão de longa distância, que acabam por aumentar o preço da energia como ocorre no Brasil.
Vamos parar de desinformar a sociedade brasileira e colocar na mesa uma discussão séria sem radicalismos, mostrando a importância das térmicas. Caso contrário, estaremos, no Brasil, renunciando à segurança energética e estando entre os preços de energia mais caros do mundo. Isso, num país onde a oferta é superior à demanda"
278/ ∆ 24 Sowing doubt
110324 Science itself is the best weapon of the enemies of science.
Shellenberger, Bari Weiss, Lee Fang, and other Twitter Files reporters discovered the key elements of the Twitter Files reports, from
- the “industry calls” held between the FBI and Internet platforms like Twitter,
- to the role of Stanford’s Election Integrity Partnership,
- to the role of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center in sponsoring “anti-disinformation” work, in the first two weeks of research.
- Our central thesis about state-sponsored censorship was online months before we met Benz.
241 ∆ 24 Segurança pública SegPub
130324 fim das “saidinhas”
120324 Não é Descriminalização das drogas, mas do porte de pequenas quantidade de maconha para uso pessoal
253>24 SAÚDE PÚBLICA Agregador SauPub
hábitos saudáveis
- baixa escolaridade
- , perda de audição,
- traumatismo cranioencefálico,
- hipertensão,
- consumo excessivo de álcool,
- obesidade,
- tabagismo,
- depressão,
- isolamento social,
- inatividade física,
- diabetes e
- exposição à poluição do ar
170324 evolução no consumo de alimentos nas últimas duas décadas
"Publicação da USP traz análise sobre evolução no consumo de alimentos nas últimas duas décadas
A revista “Hortifruti Brasil”, publicação de pesquisadores da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (Esalq) da USP, faz uma análise detalhada sobre a evolução de consumo de alimentos nas últimas décadas, além de tendências e projeções para os próximos anos, até 2040
170324 Infant mortality, excerpt from NYT, via moon of alabama
Mr. Todd does believe that certain of our values are “deeply negative.” He presents evidence that the West does not value the lives of its young. Infant mortality, the telltale metric that led him to predict the Soviet collapse half a century ago, is higher in Mr. Biden’s America (5.4 per thousand) than in Mr. Putin’s Russia — and three times higher than in the Japan of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.
World data of infanty mortality: CIA factbook: https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/infant-mortality-rate/country-comparison/
Chart: US Infanty mortality - https://www.statista.com/chart/31166/infant-deaths-per-1000-live-births-in-the-us/
272 ∆[24. DENGUE agregador
140324 "Dengue: apenas 2 de cada 10 vacinas entregues pelo SUS foram aplicadas
140324 -dos nove estados com maior incidência da doença, seis empenharam menos de 70% do montante enviado pelo governo federal.
270 ∆ 24 nuclear weapons : agregator
666-2024 #escuridão na #cidade: midnight clock
62c>24 - PROTESTS Agregator - up down north south
- one calling for a hostage deal,
- one for new elections —
120324 - Fico's veered too close to Russia
140324 Belgium: protest against environmental rules140324 India's farmers: guarantee minimum crop prices, , "NEW DELHI (AP) —
215/:23 IMPERIUM AMERICANUM: Lenta decadência Empire Império
Defense and OTAN NATO
261 > 24 US Economics
FIXO: 070324 "The Sham “The Economy Is Awful” Story, BY DEAN BAKER
210324 Bidenomics : largely failed to resonate with votersBiden (D): “US Vote Pitches Bidenomics Against Celebrity” [Bloomberg]. “President Joe Biden has centered his campaign on his flagship industrial policy, dubbed Bidenomics, which involves pumping billions of dollars into creating US manufacturing jobs in industries of the future like chipmaking and clean technology…. But, as Akayla Gardner reports, it’s a theme that has largely failed to resonate with voters so far — even in places like Bethlehem [Northampton County] whose geographical and political landscape has been shaped by heavy industry…. The uncomfortable truth for Biden is that many voters are preoccupied with the rising cost of living and have yet to feel the upswing from his policies. Even where they do, they don’t necessarily credit the president for the jobs that are on offer. With the US economy booming, there may yet be time for Bidenomics to cut through.”"
190324 Economics. As it turns out, “the economy” is actually worse in swing states than it is in the country as a whole. From Bloomberg:
The Bloomberg Economics Misery II index — an analysis of cumulative inflation rates over four years, plus the latest unemployment rate — illustrates how differing economic conditions across the US can impact the electoral vote.
The index is higher in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin than in those that reliably vote either Republican or Democratic in presidential elections.
There also are lots of different ways voters might think about the economy. Biden’s team doubtlessly is hoping a soft landing will help voters forget about the surge in costs for their weekly shopping.
Our suspicion, though, is that voters have long memories on inflation. If that’s right, our Misery II index should be a good guide to how economic conditions will shape the vote.
— Stuart Paul, US Economist
I’ll say. Joe Biden owes me six hundred bucks. Bloomberg provides a handy chart:
Over the past 60 years, the national Misery II index has averaged 17.95% in election years when the incumbent party retained the presidency. It’s now just over 23%.
18032024 RADHIKA DESAI: U.S. GDP growth and the absolute level of U.S. GDP are heavily financialized. The financial sector, which actually is not a force for good in general in the U.S. economy, it is out of which the indebtedness comes, out of which the productive weakening comes. The growth of the financial sector is counted as GDP in the United States and massively inflates U.S. GDP, which would not be as high as this.
And this is particularly important given that President Biden, for example, is congratulating himself now for having the strongest economy in the world or the Western world or whatever it is. Well, that’s what the U.S.’s boast is based on.
US Elections
it's class, fools
210324 working-class backgrounds who campaigned on economic policies, pluralistic
Jacobin teamed up with the Center for Working-Class Politics, Yougov and the Center for Work and Democracy at ASU and analyzed [the 2022 midterms]: Their conclusion: candidates from working-class backgrounds who campaigned on economic policies like
- high-quality jobs,
- higher minimum wages,
- a jobs guarantee,
- ending offshoring and outsourcing,
- building infrastructure and
- bringing manufacturing back to the US won with a 50% share of the vote in rural and working-class districts.
Black votes
200324 Why are Black voters backing Donald Trump in record numbers?, Al Jazeera
Latest polls show 17 percent of Black voters would vote for former president today – more than twice the number in 2016.
Similar to the Democratic strategy in the mid-19th century, Trump is trying to pull away disaffected Black voters from the Democratic Party.
Trump has also claimed that Black Americans fared better economically under his presidency with record-low unemployment. Some experts have argued, however, that this was a continuation of a downward trend that started with the Obama administration.
"200324 - 10 facts about Black Republicans, by Pew
The relationship between Black Americans and the Republican Party has drawn considerable attention in recent years. Discussions have ranged from why Black men voted for Donald Trump at higher rates than Black women in the 2020 presidential election to more recent debates about Black pop culture and the appeal of GOP-aligned candidates in both national and local politics.
The partisan balance among Black adults in the United States is little changed over the last several decades, but it shifted substantially in the mid-20th century. "
- Black Republicans are younger than Black Democrats, as well as White Republicans
- Black Republicans have a similar income profile to Black Democrats
- As is the case among Black Democrats, roughly half of Black Republicans live in the South
- Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats to attend Black churches
- Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats to say being Black is a significant part of their personal identity.
- Black Republicans are about as likely as Black Democrats to see their ancestry as important to how they see themselves.
- Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats to express a sense of “linked fate” with Black people in the U.S.
- Black Republicans are about as likely as Black Democrats to report frequent experiences of discrimination
- Black Republicans differ from Black Democrats in their views on racial discrimination as a barrier to progress.
- Black Republicans are just as skeptical as Black Democrats about the prospects for equality
- average wages and
- unemployment levels,
- real incomes and
- social stability.
- ...
- the unemployment rate for those in their late teens and early 20s has averaged near its lowest in at least a half-century, according to the Labor Department.
- Student debt has fallen as a share of income, with the Biden administration canceling $138 billion in federal student loans. More under-35-year-olds
- own homes than before the pandemic. Young people have been
- hit by inflation, but by some measures, less than other age groups, according to a survey of consumers by the University of Michigan.
- credit card and
- auto loan delinquencies are increasing.
- Savings have dwindled since reaching pandemic highs.
- Rent has more than doubled since 2000, far outpacing the growth of incomes over the same period, according to Moody’s Analytics. More young people spend 30% or more of their income on rent than any other age group.
- wrong direction—a greater share than any other age group. Nearly one-third of voters under 30 have an
- unfavorable view of both Biden and Trump, a higher number than all older voters. Sixty-three percent of young voters think neither party adequately represents them."
140324 another shattered monument to America’s military madness, Naked Capitalism
120324 melhora da economia norte-americana, List Vieira
290/24 VanRes2023: Quando vejo a crítica da esquerda classista (como PCO) ao governo "democrata" de Biden, penso muito em dados contraditórios a narrativa dicotômica do Império do Mal vs os anti-colonizados do bem
260 > 24 - USA 2024 ELECTION Agregator
Amazingly, not everybody agrees which states are really swing states. From the Telegraph:
The classification of “swing state” is not official, and pollsters disagree over which states are most important for candidates going into each race. Broadly speaking, a swing state is where both major parties enjoy similar levels of support among the voting population – with the Democrats and Republicans within a few percentage points of each other in polls.
In this presidential race, the critical states are likely to be Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
So that is eight states: The estimable Cook Political Report has six, not eight: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin (but not North Carolina or Florida. Infinite are the arguments of mages). Meanwhile, RealClearPolitics (RCP) goes with seven:
So at RCP, we have states from the Northeast (Pennsylvania), the Great Lakes (Michigan, Wisconsin), the South (Georgia, North Carolina), and the West (Arizona, Nevada). That’s a pleasing grouping! I think the RCP list is the best, because it does not include Florida (making Florida a swing state implies facts not in evidence, i.e., a functioning Democrat Party), and does include North Carolina (Democrats there seem to be making a fight of it). As you can see from the RCP chart, Trump is leading, which worries the Democrats (they worry a lot), even though poll quality is low (except perhaps for internal polling, which costs a lot of money, and which we will never see).
Here are RCP’s seven swing states in the form of a handy map:
- Compare this prosecution to that of former Senator John Edwards, the North Carolina Democrat who was acquitted in a similar case
- Argue selective prosecution (the District Attorney routinely brings these kinds of business fraud cases).
- Argue that the District Attorney is using a “novel” interpretation of the law, which many anti-Trump legal experts believe to be true.
- Refer to a decision by the Federal Election Commission (then dominated by Republicans) to clear Trump.
- Refer to federal prosecutors’ concerns about the credibility of former Trump henchman Michael Cohen, the key prosecution witness in the case, or their decision to drop their investigation.
- Introduce into evidence a book by Mark Pomerantz, a former top prosecutor in the District Attorney’s office, that criticizes the Hush Money prosecution.
- Invoke the advice-of-counsel defense, Trump’s familiar excuse that he was just listening to his lawyers and, therefore, isn’t guilty."
Europe’s credibility will be destroyed if Russia is allowed to win in Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron has warned, as he defended his refusal to rule out sending troops to the country. ... The war in Ukraine is “existential for our Europe and for France”, Mr Macron said in the interview on France 2 and TF1.“Do you think that the Poles, the Lithuanians, the Estonians, the Romanians and the Bulgarians could remain at peace for a second [in the event of a Russian victory in Ukraine]?” he asked. “If Russia wins this war, Europe’s credibility would be reduced to zero.”
Portuguese election alt-right
120324 causas do descontentamento
100324 "Solidarity with ex-RAF terrorist:
276 ∆ 24 Alemanha; New Trad Left
Party- BSW- Aliance Sahra Wagenknecht
Poland News
New Prime-minister balancing act
0603204 Tusk faces a delicate balancing act, seeking to
06032024 How much grain is Poland importing from Ukraine and Russia? MAR 4, 2024 |
From Ukraine - ~1,000,000 tonnes
From Russia - ~ 12,700 tomes (~ 1,3%)
"225 ∆ 24 BRICS
Sistema de pgto alternativo ao dólar
070324 NBD op financeiras sem a necessidade do dólar.
"225 ∆ 24 BRICS
Sistema de pgto alternativo ao dólar
070324 NBD op financeiras sem a necessidade do dólar.
216∆24 RUSSIAN AGREGATOR - Nation, war and Geopolitics
NEWS Russian Elections180324 opponents are either in jail or in exile;, by AP"The election holds little suspense since Putin, 71, is running for his fifth term virtually unchallenged. His political opponents are either in jail or in exile; Navalny, the fiercest of them, died in an Arctic penal colony last month. The three other candidates on the ballot are low-profile politicians from token opposition parties that support the Kremlin’s line."
180324 prisão de opositores políticos e à censura.", por CNN"O Kremlin saudou nesta segunda-feira o resultado, com uma participação recorde de 77,4%, como uma demonstração de que o povo russo se “consolidou” em torno de Putin, e afirmou que as tentativas ocidentais de retratar a eleição como ilegítima eram absurdas.Os Estados Unidos, a Alemanha, o Reino Unido e outros afirmaram que a votação não foi livre nem justa devido à prisão de opositores políticos e à censura."140324 "Putin wins despite everything -140324 The re-election of Vladimir Putin ,
- Boris Nemtsov (dead),
- Alexei Navalny (dead) and
- Vladimir Kara-Murza (in a remote prison colony). Then there was the one survivor of Putin’s terror:
- Ksenia Sobchak, who filled in for Navalny in the 2018 elections after he was barred from running and has represented Russia’s chattering classes in the various movements to overthrow the regime ever since. Ksenia is still free "
NEWS: Navalny's death
Rússia + China
News Rússia vs Ukraine
140324 "Ukrainian shortages of ammunition and other war materiel140324 drone strikes targeting Rostov Oblast
090324 using “tactical or battlefield” nuclear weapons in Ukraine in 2022 –
Russia's war crimes
120324 Novorossiya is rising from the ashes, by Indian Punchline
110324 Over 1,000 civilian ships have transited Ukraine’s “grain corridor” in the Black Sea
[contexto: UKRAINE exports to Poland in 2023: > 1000 Million tons]
110324 - “Courage to raise the white flag” – Pope's statements meet with sharp criticism
090324 using “tactical or battlefield” nuclear weapons in Ukraine in 2022 –
Russia's war crimes
120324 Novorossiya is rising from the ashes, by Indian Punchline
110324 Over 1,000 civilian ships have transited Ukraine’s “grain corridor” in the Black Sea
[contexto: UKRAINE exports to Poland in 2023: > 1000 Million tons]
110324 - “Courage to raise the white flag” – Pope's statements meet with sharp criticism
244 ∆ 24 China - Agregador ChImp
180324 Record number of graduates set to enter China’s workforce amid economic headwinds Channel News Asia Record number of graduates set to enter China’s workforce amid economic headwinds Channel News Asia
180324 China’s economic plans make a trade war likely whether Biden or Trump wins the presidency Business Insider -
- China's surge in exports means a trade conflict is likely under either presidential candidate, Capital Economics said.;
- The nation now makes up 15% of global manufacturing exports, which it will have to unload onto US consumers.;
- China is looking to achieve healthier growth through its manufacturing. "They're worried about the reckless credit expansion, ...," Miller told CNBC this month. "They want to ... build a domestic chip ecosystem, you know, solidify the core of the economy, concentrate on advanced manufacturing."
- No matter who takes over the White House, an overlooked boom in China's exporting power is setting the stage for another trade clash with Washington, Capital Economics warned this week.
110324 China’s ‘two sessions’ 2024: new mandate, party control push central bank beyond
ordinary role
China vs USA Imperial trade wars
Extreme poverty reduction
China's development
China's growth target of 4.5% for 2024.
264>24 INDIA > Agregator
NEWS India
Indias Farmer's protests
Political Economy
020324 India’s economy grows at its fastest pace in six quarters
India's Election
180324 Electoral Bonds Blow Giant Holes in Modi’s Anti-Corruption Plank The Wire
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s big claim that no corruption charge has ever tarnished his government lies in tatters after the Supreme Court declared the electoral bonds scheme ‘illegal’ and ‘unconstitutional’.The anti-corruption plank is dramatically slipping from under Modi’s feet as revelations about the real nature of anonymous contributions to political parties via electoral bonds, with the BJP being the largest beneficiary, are coming thick and fast.Every official claim made before the launch of the murky scheme in 2017 stands totally discredited. Remember, the then Finance Minister Arun Jaitley boasted that established Indian corporates wanted this scheme to bring in white money into the electoral system and that they just wanted their identities protected.This argument becomes laughable on a cursory scrutiny of the list which has largely small unknown companies, many acting as fronts of big corporates, pumping 10 to 100 times their net profit via electoral bonds.Why would a company want to be so generous as to give 100 times its profits to a political party?
140324: regulate AI ahead of India's national elections
020324 In election boost for Modi Channel News Asia
Political Economy
020324 India’s economy grows at its fastest pace in six quarters
India's Election
180324 Electoral Bonds Blow Giant Holes in Modi’s Anti-Corruption Plank The Wire
020324 In election boost for Modi Channel News Asia
265 > 24 Iran Agregator
GNews Iran
160324 "Secret talks between Washington and Tehran... to calm its armed factions
Dubai - Al Arabiya.net
"Although Iran denied holding talks with America about Gaza or the operations of its “agents” and the factions supported by it in the Middle East, especially the Houthis in Yemen, several sources confirmed that they had taken place.
Iranian sources and informed American officials explained that the two countries held secret and indirect talks in the Sultanate of Oman on January 10, which discussed the escalating threat posed by the Houthis to maritime shipping operations in the Red Sea, as well as the attacks by armed factions in Iraq and Syria that targeted American bases."
060324 Hardline majority in parliament: Iranian hardline factions are expected to retain their majority in parliament.[1]
Africa File, March 7, 2024:
070324 The sale of Egyptian land to Gulf states
“Look at the 287 students kidnapped from their school in Kaduna, they have still not been found, and [Presidente Tinubu and Armed Force chiefs] they are sitting in the comfort of their air-conditioned offices doing nothing. They should relocate to the forests and flush out these criminals so that we can have peace in our country”, he noted"
070324 The Nigerian and Russian foreign ministers met in Moscow ...
G News Argentina
053323 nova desvalorização do dólar paralelo na Argentina,
Venezuela: Political Parties, Interested Groups Sign Electoral Agreement,
Venezuelan Opposition Seeks Viable Path for Presidential Elections /
- a rejeição
- dos conceitos tradicionais de mímesis e verossimilhança e
- valorização de procedimentos antiilusionistas,
- contrários à linguagem realista;
- a rejeição
- de formas acadêmicas preestabelecidas e
- dos modos de expressão importados de Portugal;
- a assimilação
- da linguagem oral e
- das formas de expressão típicas do povo brasileiro,
- consideradas erros do ponto de vista da gramática normativa lusitana;
- a exploração de uma linguagem inventiva, que lida de maneira muito livre com a língua, explorando
- os cortes bruscos,
- a fragmentação,
- o simultaneísmo,
- a enumeração caótica;
- a adoção de uma visão de mundo próxima dos povos originários, que se denominava na época como primitivismo;
- o uso de associações metoníminas, imitando a linguagem
- cinematográfica,
- da ironia,
- do espírito crítico e
- do humor."
180324 luta contra a impunidade dos violadores de direitos humanos , por conjur
"Mudrovitsch destaca:
A luta contra a impunidade dos violadores de direitos humanos não é um fim em si mesmo, e sim serve ao propósito de prevenir futuras violações. [14]
Nesse sentido, o juiz destaca que a Corte Internacional de Justiça, ao aplicar a Convenção sobre Genocídio, tem apontado o efeito dissuasório e preventivo dos dispositivos sancionatórios [15].
Continua, aduzindo que, segundo entendimento da CIDH, impunidade é a falta de investigação, persecução, captura, acusação e condenação de possíveis responsáveis de violações de direitos humanos [16]. O voto concorrente esclarece, com base nas lições de Luís Greco, que a impunidade aqui deve ser entendida
- não como a ausência de sanção, mas,
- sim, como a ausência de punição onde era devida a sua incidência [17]."
220**_ 24 levantou-se ao redor das 11, por @vanres2004
173:/24 Emigrantes, repressão e secessão Texana, por Vanres2023
"47-24 ouvia as vozes
02-2013 Primavera (dos 0 aos 24), por vanres1995
6º/50 [18jun2009]
302/24 Séries and Movies: 2a semana de março, por @vanres2023
Destaque da semana: "Constellation".
Estou no 3° episódio, S01E03, ainda.
Quando a questão da física quântica é explicitada
Já baixei até o arquivo do 7° episódio...
Watched Movies and series
- saturday - 2001- A space Odissey (2nd part 0:30 to 01:00)
- sunday - Homeland S03E09
- monday - Constellation S01E03
- tuesday - Regle du jeu 1938 , by Jean Noir, 13th Sight and Sound
- (Oscar indication or winner)
- wednesday Titane 2021 (01h01m) French (Cannes indication or winner p'o)
- thursday - X-files s05e05 post-modern prometheus
- Friday
- 007 No Time to die, 2021 , Blockbuster
- 007 No Time to die, 2021 , Blockbuster
100% Tomatometer
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