318e{24 - Recuperação bimestral: 2nd grade, 1st term - Recovery, by vanres2023
Portfólio de recuperação bimestral: para alunos que não entregarem portfolio até 09 Abril
Value: 15 points
delivery date: April, 16th, 2023
No blog, clique nos links relativos a cada texto, para acessar as questões a responder, para cada texto!
1 - High School and Favorite Field of Study: Personal report- Page 3/4
2 - Creative Text: express your hate: poem, drawing, ..., pg. 5/6
3 - Gender Violence against Women: dissertative-argumentative, pg. 7/8
4 - English Language Use, pg. 9/10
5 - Series about School and Gender violence: Review, pg. 11/12
Extra texto: Human Rights - Gender stereotypes and bias - dissertative-argumentative text, pg 13/14
Good Works: 15 points
Abril, 16th, 2023
Clique nos links acima, para acessar as questões relativas a cada texto!
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