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373∆24 Brasil and the world in crisis (draft)

    Temas: Brasil and the world in crisis  ( draft ) Sumário: Miríade e Distopia   (2004-2024)  Em construção: Coletânea de Poesias -   draf...

segunda-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2024

119e{24 ENEM 2020 - A mother in a refugee camp (1971), by Chinua Achebe;

A Mother in a Refugee Camp

No Madonna and Child could touch 

Her tenderness for a son 

She soon would have to forget... 

Fazendo questões ENEM:

Regra 1 - Infelizmente, pare de ler o texto na hora de fazer questões do ENEM ou provas (leia depois da prova, para estudar);

Regra 2 - Leia 3 vezes o comando da questão;

Regra 3 - Destaque o gênero textual/ literário e a função social dele, que o ENEM explora:


ok! Depois de responder a questão, leia o poema extraordinário do Nigeriano Chinua Achebe:

A Mother in a Refugee Camp

No Madonna and Child could touch 

Her tenderness for a son 

She soon would have to forget... 

The air was heavy with odors of diarrhea, 

Of unwashed children with washed-out ribs 

And dried-up bottoms waddling in labored steps 

Behind blown-empty bellies. 

Other mothers there 

Had long ceased to care, but not this one:

She held a ghost-smile between her teeth, 

and in her eyes the memory 

Of a mother's pride... 

She had bathed him 

And rubbed him down with bare palms. 

She took from their bundle of possessions 

A broken comb and combed 

The rust-colored hair left on his skull 

And then — humming in her eyes — began carefully (to part it. 

In their former life this was perhaps 

A little daily act of no consequence 

Before his breakfast and school; 

now she did it

Like putting flowers on a tiny grave.

Adapted from: ACHEBE. C Collected Poems New York Anchof Books. 2004.

O escritor nigeriano Chinua Achebe traz uma reflexão sobre a situação dos refugiados em um cenário pós-guerra civil em seu país. Essa reflexão é construída no poema por meio da representação de uma mãe, explorando a(s)


A demonstração de orgulho por não precisar pedir doações.

B descrições artísticas detalhadas de uma obra conhecida.

C aceitação de um diagnóstico de doença terminal do filho.

D consternação ao visitar o túmulo do filho recém-falecido.

E impressões sensoriais experimentadas no ambiente."

Do the question online at:,experimentadas%20no%20ambiente.

Poem available at: 

Last acess: 26/04/2019

Ano: 2020 Banca: INEP Órgão: ENEM Prova: INEP - 2020 - ENEM - Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio - Primeiro Dia e Segundo Dia - Edital 2020

know more:

"The poem was first published in the book Beware, Soul Brother, 1971. Chinua Achebe changed the form of the poem (structure) and certain phrases in lines for his book Christmas in Biafra And Other Poems (1972). In it, the poem is split into two stanzas and has a total of 21 lines instead of 20. The title was also changed to 'Refugee Mother and Child'.",Mother%20and%20Child%27.

"Chinua Achebe’s poem “A Mother in a Refugee Camp” focuses on the pitiful situation of a mother with her dead child, whom she is about to bury and soon she will force herself to forget her dead son. This poem with brilliant imagery has compared the situation with that of the ideal icon of Madonna and Christ. The idea of desperate tragic loss prevails throughout the poem and through this the poet hopes to convey the emotional bond between a mother and her child",and%20her%20child

Poem close reading available at: Last acess: 26fev2024

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