quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2025

XTwitter/Bluesky Sharing Strategy

30dec     time   posts  visualizations            where           which                     programmed
Editing: 07:15-07:50    -

07:50-09:00   20x2  6+32+13+4+4+1+0+2 X Rep      2024November's  (1 reply 1 programed quote) 
14:40-14:40   15x2  9+19+5+5+13              X Wlif      2024December'  (1 rep 1 prog qu) 
14:40-15:00     3x5                                 X Wlif      2024December' -
19:00-19:05     7                                     X Comm; 2024December [7 last poems publicized]
19:10 20:12     25x2  55+37                   B Rep WLif    2024November'  
                                                                                    (1 reply + 1 quote each  reposter) 
                                                                                    (1 reply with daily poem + quotes with Nov's)
Bluesky: 286 followers164 following
1.6K posts
X-Twitter: xxx
Following    220 Followers    2,974 posts
total blog visualizations 30/dez - 260

30dec     time   posts  visualizations            where           which                     programmed
08:00-09:15   14x2  11-20-4-8-5-5-6-12 X Rep      2024December'  (1 reply 1 programed quote) 
14:20-14:40   15x2  29+8+6                   X Wlif      2024December'  (1 rep 1 prog qu) 
14:40-15:00     3x5                                 X Wlif      2024December' -15 rep: 3 last poems: 5 in 5h**
17:40-18:00     7      4+12                       X Comm; 2024December [7 last poems publicized]
19:00 20:40     20x2  19+41                   B WLif     2024November's  (1 reply + 1 quote each Wlifter) 
total blog visualizations 30/dez - 202

** add tactics - the last 3 poems were published in extra burst, with each one publised 5 times, 1 time each 5 hours:
poem 1 - 16-21-2-7-12    Poem 2 (17-22-3-8-13)    Poem 3 - 18-23-4-9-14]

29dec     time   posts  visualizations    where           which                     programmed
08:00-09:15   28x2    52+6          X W            2024November's   (1 rep 1 qu -30dec - 10:00
10:20-10:50       7      14+6          X Comm;   2024November's
15:35 17:00    15x2    8+20+5      X W           2024Octobers's    (1rep + qu prog. until - 30dec 10:00 *
17:30 18:55    23x2    59 +9          Bluesky  W R Q   2024December'  (1 rep 1 qu) 
total blog visualizations 29/dez - 267

*Change of tactics: 
        Reply to and Quote 24 XLIFTERS, even without previous repost 
                (but preferably scroll down searching previous reposter; 
        Each poem: Immediate as Reply;  Scheduled as quote, one per hour. 
Goes as such: 
    Poem 1: quote scheduled 1 h later, at WLif A; and posted as immediate reply to WLif B; 
    Poem 2: quote scheduled 2 h later, at WLif B; and posted as immediate reply to WLif C; 
    Poem 3:                              3                            C;                                                                     D   ,,,  
Same process with Bluesky, but without schedulling tool

28dec     time        posts        visualizations    where                       which 

                19:00    15              17                   X     Reposters               2024December's published
                20:00    15              40                    X     WLifter                  2024December's published
total blog visualizations 28/dez - 141


27dec    time        posts        visualizations    where                       which 
        07:30 -09:00   8                15+6                X Communities;           2024Octobers's published 
        10:30 - 11:40    15              17+22+12+6  X     Reposters               2024November's published
        15:30 - 16:00    27            47+14+8           X     WLifter                  2024December's published
        18:00 - 18:30    15            25+28              Blue Rep Wlifters          2024November's published        
total blog visualizations 27/dez - 267

        07:30 - 8 posts                  28+19+7       X Communities;                2024November's published    
        10:45 - 9 posts                   14+5             blue Rep and likers         2024Octobers's published,
        16:00 - 22 posts                  41+3             X Reposters and WLifters 2024December's published
        19:05 - 15 posts                   7+30           Blue WriterLifters             2024Octobers's published
total blog visualizations 26/dez - 242

25/dez 07:30 - 8 posts     21+8        vis.   X Communities; 2024october's published
25/dez 10:00 - 15 posts   46+7        vis.   X Reposters           2024November's published
25/dez 15:30 - 25 posts   15+31+6      vis.  X Writerslifters     2024December's published
25/dez 18:30 - 10 posts    14+17     vis.  Blue Repost and Writerslift 2024october's published
total blog visualizations 25/dez - 246

24/dez 07:30 - 8 posts     18+6            vis.   X Communities;    
24/dez 09:00 - 10 posts - 08                vis    X Reposters           
24/dez 11:00 - 10 posts - 15                vis     B Reposters           
24/dez 15:30 - 24 posts - 20+18         vis      X Writerslifters     2024 Decembers's published  
24/dez 19:00 - 15 posts - 27               vis      Bluesky Writerslifters
total blog  visualizations 24/dez - 197

23/dez 07:30 - 10 posts   23+18+6   vis.   X Reposters    
23/dez 10:30 - 5posts       16+7           vis.  B Reposters    
23/dez 13:00 - 8 posts     22+10+4      vis.   X Communities;    
23/dez 15:30 - 15 posts - 17+231+5   vis       Bluesky Writerslifters
23/dez 19:00 - 24 posts - 10+29          vis       X Writerslifters 
total blog  visualizations 24/dez - 245

08:00 Share at X COMMUNITIES - poems from Draft-2024Octobers's published,
                    Edit and Review and add the last not added
10:00 Quote reposters from X writerslifters
                    Add poem to Draft-2024November's published
15:30 Quote reposters from Bluesky Writerslifters  
                    Edit, Review another poem at Draft 2024January's published
                             add and schedule at least one preferably 2
                                                        at Blogger Draft 2025January's published,  and X (day later)
                                    tuesday     Draft october's fragments 
                                    friday        Draft Old fragments
                                    saturday    Draft - Myriad, Dystopia, 
                     from Draft - 2024 December's published     
                            5 mainly reposters;
                            5 > 500 views;
                            5 Not followed or few followers Writerslifters), 
            14:30 Edit, review another poem from 
                        add it to blogger at a especific file, schedule at blogger and X
19:00 Share at Bluesky WRITERSLIFTERS (5)
            17:30 -  Edit, Review last poem not strikethough from December's published
                                archive the poem's post at blogger

after publish a new poem 
or old not published yet
or republish one
copy the X link

share it
via a reply, write a new one 
another text/poem, which will be slowly built dialoguing with published poem and those who I share with to:
        4th - #writerslifters  
                     nov 4
         1st - search [ + poem + "main or secundary theme""] 
                  nov 4
        2nd - "poetslifter" list (poets who share other poets) 
                  nov 4
                            post new at a repost of an unknown / not followed poet [because will link both]
        3rd - poets comunities 
                    nov 4
share at the lists 
sunday            poets with few reposts 
                         reposters of mine
monday          more 20k followers      
tuesday           likers of previous
wednesday     more 5k followers
thursday         repliers of previous
friday              more 10k followers                      
saturday          "most viewed replies" when i post 

4th "most viewed reply" list (10)
5th "reposter list" (20)

This last 
composed of those 
who previously reposted
some of my previous poems

Oct, 31, 2024
daily post
15 replies in portuguese
34 replies in english

{nov, 31, 2024, thu, B} 

draft 516e-24  X-Twitter Sharing Strategy, oct, 26, 2024, {nov, 31, 2024, thu, B} [nov, 24, 2024, Sun]

oct, 31, 2024

after publish a new poem 
or old not published yet
or republish one
copy the X link

share it
via a reply
1st at #writerslift (10)
2nd at "poetslifter" list (10)
- preferably at the repost of an unknown / not followed poet [will link both]
3rd search ["theme" + poem"] (10)
4th "most viewed reply" list (10)
5th at my "reposter list" (20)

This last 
composed of those 
who previously reposted
some of my previous poems

Oct, 31, 2024
daily post
15 replies in portuguese
34 replies in english

{nov, 31, 2024, thu, B} 

Poetslift: 1st Antology, 26, out, 2024

Gratitude for sharing!

Share a poem
about "Nature"
at this writerslift!

Nature: 2nd Poetslift Antology

copy the poem's link
+ paste at the post comments:

+ press reply

Would you share
your cherished

I hope so!
If followed, I follow back!

#Nature: 2nd #Poetslift #Antology

Share a poem about #Nature 

at this #WritersLift!

copy yours' #poem link

+ paste at the post comments of


+ press reply

Would you

share your





I hope so!

Gratitude for sharing!

#Medication: 2nd Poetslift Antology

Gratitude for sharing!

And Would you share this poem which deals with "Medication" at this #Poetslift#Antology?

It is only:

copy yours' poem link
+ paste at the post
+ reply

Would you
share this

I hope so!

#Poetslift: 1st #Poetry #Antology

- most liked #poem

A new #writerslift

but focused 

in #poems

It would be 

really amazing 

if you could join

at my 1st #PoetsLift post

open at my personal timeline

Would you share now?

your most 




for the sharing!

Direct message

Hi, gratitude for sharing!

This did touch me

Would you mind

if i quote part of this poem?

It will be in a post at my X timeline.

I will call the post PoetsLift Antology.

I will share my most liked poems? 

If you


I will quote 

and refer providing 

your X handler and 

the link to the original post.

Hope to hear from you soon!

07 de mar. de 2025 FRI                            abstinency:#travel_logs @vanres74 019e12jan25 [07mar25  fri] {06mar25 thu 14:55}

abstinency:#travel_logs @vanres74 019e12jan25 

look around
more intensively
than for a long time
after years of viciously use of,,,

,,, smartphone

entangled in the web
of a so intense virtual life
at least
,,, appears so 

but this disentanglement
has been actually
pretty hard
to keep
as a feeling
of abstinency
almost overcomes
the desire to live more disconected

so many easy stuff
has been now
so hard
to do
or even beyond reach
because could not acess a simple app

the tickets for the show
with first lot
for the app

with a simple series
of click flowing swiftly
as passwords and data
complete automatically

now will be able
to get the ticket
or at physical
or at the website
but without preference

and going around the global city
not the uber or 99 options
but now or taxi or by bus
as every event occurs 
faraway from 
where stand

of course
a bus ride would b
much more adventurous

and remember 
to live more intensively
has been one of declared goal

much time
until next bus
how many stops
until destination point
there is not an app
to inform

will need to talk

to find
a charger
for the bus card

the long plain avenue
could not rent the bike or "patinete"
as they are only rented
through the bank app

will need to walk

grinding my tooth
lose a high discount
for those who connect
at the supermarket wi-fi network

not so
distant past
had thought
would like to try
actually disconnect entirelly

do not use the web 
even in notebook

last days
has showed
how unprepared
to full disconnection 

only three days without smartphone

even if
surely has allowed
more actual connections

do not remember when was the last time
wrote so much and talked so much
with unknown bystanders
at bus point or bench
or even at

would not be able
to manage the abstinency

limited experience
of disconnection
has generated
a feeling 
of a gigantic hole

It would be
beyond too much
to totally disconnect

and even
the privation
of the smartphone
seems a so drastic measure

why deprive the self
of the easy day ride

with the smartphone
would even be able
to write or do
would not need
to type the writings
late at the night
or earlier in the morning

the texts
would not accumulate
at the scrap notebook

how much longer
would be abl
to resiste
the urge


will resiste
another day
and be able 
"to go gentle into"
this dark days ahead 



10 de abr. de 2025  thu   2025 march's summary @vanres74 194p01mar25 [10abr25]; {01mar25 sat 20:15}

07 de mar. de 2025 FRI                            abstinency:#travel_logs @vanres74 019e12jan25 [07mar25  fri] {06mar25 thu 14:55}
07 de mar. de 2025 SEX         abstinência: travel_logs @vanres74 019p12jan25 [07mar25 sex] {06mar25 qui 15:50-16:07}

07 de mar. de 2025 FRI                            abstinency:#travel_logs @vanres74 019e12jan25 [07mar25  fri] {12jan25 SAT 22:20}

abstinency @vanres74 019e12JAN25 

and after years of viciously use of smartphone
i live
i write
i look around
more intensively
than for a long time
entangled in the web
of a so intense virtual life
at least

 appears so 

but the disentanglement has been actually pretty hard
a feeling of abstinency
almost overcomes
the desire to live

so many
easy stuff
has been now
so hard to do
or even beyond reach
as could not acess a simple app

the tickets for the show
with first lot for the app reservation
at a simple series of clicks
flowing swiftly
as the passwords
and data complete automatically
now will need to get the ticket at the site
but without preference

and going around the global city
not a option between bus or uber 
but now by bus
as every event occurs faraway from where i stand

of course
a bus ride is much more adventurous
an to live intensively is declared goal

how much time
until the next bus
how many stops
until the destination point
there is not an app
to inform

where to find
a charger machine
for the bus card

at the long plain avenue
could not rent the bike 
or "patinete"
as they are only rented through the bank app

grinding my tooth
lose a discount
for those who connect
at the supermarket wi-fi network

in the not so distant past
had thought
i would like to try
disconnect entirelly

do not use the web 
even in my notebook

but this last few days
has showed me i am not prepared
to totally disconnect 

only three days without smartphone

even if i am sure would allow me more presential connections

do not remember
when was the last time
i wrote so much
and talked so much
with unknown bystanders
at the bus point or bench at the market queue at

but i feel
would not be able
to manage the abstinency

even my present experience
of disconnection
has made me feel
a gigantic hole

It would be too much
to totally disconnect

and even
the privation of the smartphone
seems a so drastic measure

why deprive me of the easy ride

with the smartphone
would even be able to write or do the dictations immediatly 
would not need to type the writings at late night or early morning
and the texts would not accumulate at the scrap notebook

how much longer
i would be able to resiste
the urge


will resiste another day
and be able 
"to go gentle into" this dark days ahead 

13 de JuN. de 2025 FRI                             abstinency @vanres74 019e12JAN25 #travel_logs {12JAN25 SAT 22:20} 14 de JuN. de 2025 FRI 09:00


lets share back

Global news glimpses  @vanres74  189e27fev25 #poli [13abr26] {27fev25 thu 10:05} (27fev25)

Brasil News: 01-08 mar25 195p01mar25 [02mar25] {01mar25}
thailand strolls @vanres74 198p02mar25 [03abr26] {02mar25
main souces: 
naked capitalism

"Afinal, como disse Donald Trump, tudo isso “está apenas começando”. O presidente dos EUA, um dos países mais infelizes do mundo nesse momento, voltou a defender nesse novo velho discurso, as políticas antieconômicas de taxas alfandegárias impostas ao Canadá, México e China; seguiu falando do seu desejo de anexar a Groenlândia e retomar o Panamá. Aproveitou para xingar o governo Biden como um “pesadelo inflacionário”. Ele também defendeu seu garoto propaganda, seu boneco de ventríloquo que é o Elon Musk. Como bom macho nazifascista ele falou contra a população LGBTQIA+ e que os EUA “não será mais woke”, afinal a retórica psicopolítica precisa desses artifícios para criar ódio contra uma minoria tratada como inimiga. Não há nazifascismo sem inimigos criados à maneira populista.

Por fim, Trump falou como um Hitler na linha da dominação do planeta. A megalomania delirante compõe o discurso grotesco que tem efeitos de poder."

“Germany’s Merz unveils huge borrowing plan…

“On Tuesday the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader announced an unorthodox plan to recall the old Bundestag parliament later this month. It will be asked to set aside debt rules temporarily and back borrowing of at least €900 billion for urgent security and infrastructure spending.”

“Americans Borrow Estimated $74 Billion for Medical Bills in 2024.

“Twelve percent of U.S. adults — or about 31 million Americans — report they had to borrow an estimated total of $74 billion in the past 12 months to pay for healthcare for themselves or a household member.”

“Extra 1 million people could be engulfed in Somalia hunger crisis, WFP says.

“In 2022, the Horn of Africa faced the driest conditions in more than four decades after consecutive rainy season failures, killing as many as 43,000 people, according to one study… below-average rains are forecast between April and June 2025…”


“Iran’s economic crisis has reached a critical point, overshadowing its geopolitical manoeuvering in the region.

“The recent dismissal of Economy and Finance Minister Abdolnaser Hemmati by the Iranian parliament reflects the gravity of the country’s financial collapse.”


Europe Is Getting Ready for the End of NATO.
“… if we formally withdraw from the alliance, pulling our nearly 100,000 troops out of Europe… or “defund NATO,” the organization will collapse. US warships based in Europe, a huge operational geographic advantage for the Navy, would return to US ports. Squadrons of fighters, transports and surveillance planes would also withdraw.”

"“US faces fiscal ‘heart attack’ under Trump, warns hedge fund chief…

“Ray Dalio, the founder of hedge fund giant Bridgewater Associates, said the combination of tax cuts and soaring government spending would push US debt to unsustainable levels and trigger a major financial meltdown before the end of the incumbent president’s term.”


 "“Donald Trump’s tariffs will bring ‘nothing but pain’ to rural America, farmers say.

“US farmers reacted with fury to President Donald Trump’s tariffs on imports from Canada, Mexico and China, saying a trade war will threaten their markets, push up the cost of inputs such as fertiliser and “take a toll on rural America”.”


"China aumentará importações de alimentos da América Latina e Europa com escalada da guerra comercial pelos EUA
"Haverá um redirecionamento do comércio após as tarifas de importação da China sobre os produtos norte-americanos", disse Pan Chenjun, analista do Rabobank
05 de março de 2025,"

"O triste é observar grande parte da intelectualidade de esquerda, inclusive no Brasil, tomar partido pela Rússia de Vladimir Putin, de forma aberta ou velada, sem sequer uma crítica à repressão e à ditadura russas. Não se importam com a catástrofe moral em curso, presente em todas as guerras. Nenhuma palavra sobre as chacinas e os traumas suportados por ucranianos e russos. Raciocinam como pretensos especialistas em geopolítica internacional, observando o cenário como jogadores de xadrez, do alto e de longe."

Al-Gharbi notes that in New York and other politically blue American cities these services are mostly provided by “minorities and immigrants from particular racial and ethnic backgrounds.” The cities operate as “well-oiled machines for casually exploiting and discarding the vulnerable, desperate, and disadvantaged. And it’s largely Democratic-voting professionals who take advantage of them.”


Such professionals are the “new elite” mentioned in the subtitle of the book.02mar25

"Trump and the US administration have pushed ahead with talks with Russia, while keeping Europe and Ukraine at the negotiating table, amid concerns that Ukraine will be forced to accept a major power deal over which it has no say, reflecting the changing relationship between the US and Europe, which plays a key role in NATO. 

 In addition, the relationship between the United States and Ukraine has reached a critical crossroads after the two countries failed to conclude a deal on rare earths. Furthermore, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was criticized by Trump in front of the media, causing the meeting between the two leaders to end in tension. European leaders have urgently come out to show their support for Ukraine, with the United Kingdom and France being the main supporters in drafting the Ukrainian peace negotiation plan, which will push for an initial ceasefire, including peacekeeping missions and additional financial support for Ukraine, and aiming to present this plan to Trump for consideration in order to seek support from the United States. "


Trump’s threatened 25% tariffs on EU imports could trigger ‘economic turmoil’…

“Donald Trump’s threatened 25% tariffs on EU imports could trigger “economic turmoil”, sharply push down growth and send inflation soaring, according to a German thinktank.”



"Durante um período de três anos, 1.700 ovelhas Merino foram divididas em dois grupos: um grupo pastava em pastagens tradicionais e o outro entre os painéis solares da instalação. Fatores como o crescimento da lã, a resistência da fibra e o peso das ovelhas foram examinados.

Os resultados sugerem que o pastoreio sob painéis solares não afeta negativamente a qualidade da lã; na verdade, alguns parâmetros até apresentaram melhorias."


Washington’s so-called “small yard, high fence” approach to curbing China’s access to specific US technologies such as semiconductors and AI has largely failed. Ironically, the restrictions have catalysed collaboration between China’s public and private sectors to address bottlenecks and cut reliance on imported technologies. China has thus become less reliant on US technologies, and it is doing just fine.

This in turn has bolstered China’s confidence in its own talent, supply chain and organisation.

The country’s deep talent pool in scientific research – a product of its rigorous education system that focuses on science, technology, engineering and mathematics – is one major advantage.https://www.scmp.com/opinion/china-opinion/article/3299908/china-gets-taste-victory-us-tech-war-thanks-talent-supply-chains-organisation
