30dec time posts visualizations where which programmed
Editing: 07:15-07:50 -
07:50-09:00 20x2 6+32+13+4+4+1+0+2 X Rep 2024November's (1 reply 1 programed quote) 14:40-14:40 15x2 9+19+5+5+13 X Wlif 2024December' (1 rep 1 prog qu) 19:00-19:05 7 X Comm; 2024December [7 last poems publicized] (1 reply + 1 quote each reposter)
(1 reply with daily poem + quotes with Nov's)
total blog visualizations 30/dez - 260
30dec time posts visualizations where which programmed
08:00-09:15 14x2 11-20-4-8-5-5-6-12 X Rep 2024December' (1 reply 1 programed quote) 14:40-15:00 3x5 X Wlif 2024December' -15 rep: 3 last poems: 5 in 5h** 17:40-18:00 7 4+12 X Comm; 2024December [7 last poems publicized] 19:00 20:40 20x2 19+41 B WLif 2024November's (1 reply + 1 quote each Wlifter) total blog visualizations 30/dez - 202
** add tactics - the last 3 poems were published in extra burst, with each one publised 5 times, 1 time each 5 hours:
poem 1 - 16-21-2-7-12 Poem 2 (17-22-3-8-13) Poem 3 - 18-23-4-9-14]
29dec time posts visualizations where which programmed
15:35 17:00 15x2 8+20+5 X W 2024Octobers's (1rep + qu prog. until - 30dec 10:00 * total blog visualizations 29/dez - 267
*Change of tactics:
Reply to and Quote 24 XLIFTERS, even without previous repost
(but preferably scroll down searching previous reposter;
Each poem: Immediate as Reply; Scheduled as quote, one per hour.
Goes as such:
Poem 1: quote scheduled 1 h later, at WLif A; and posted as immediate reply to WLif B;
Poem 2: quote scheduled 2 h later, at WLif B; and posted as immediate reply to WLif C;
Poem 3: 3 C; D ,,,
Same process with Bluesky, but without schedulling tool
28dec time posts visualizations where which
total blog visualizations 28/dez - 141
27dec time posts visualizations where which
total blog visualizations 27/dez - 267
total blog visualizations 26/dez - 242
25/dez 07:30 - 8 posts 21+8 vis. X Communities; 2024october's published
25/dez 15:30 - 25 posts 15+31+6 vis. X Writerslifters 2024December's published
25/dez 18:30 - 10 posts 14+17 vis. Blue Repost and Writerslift 2024october's published
total blog visualizations 25/dez - 246
24/dez 07:30 - 8 posts 18+6 vis. X Communities;
24/dez 09:00 - 10 posts - 08 vis X Reposters
24/dez 11:00 - 10 posts - 15 vis B Reposters
24/dez 15:30 - 24 posts - 20+18 vis X Writerslifters 2024 Decembers's published
24/dez 19:00 - 15 posts - 27 vis Bluesky Writerslifters
total blog visualizations 24/dez - 197
23/dez 07:30 - 10 posts 23+18+6 vis. X Reposters
23/dez 10:30 - 5posts 16+7 vis. B Reposters
23/dez 13:00 - 8 posts 22+10+4 vis. X Communities;
23/dez 15:30 - 15 posts - 17+231+5 vis Bluesky Writerslifters
23/dez 19:00 - 24 posts - 10+29 vis X Writerslifters
total blog visualizations 24/dez - 245
Edit and Review and add the last not added
10:00 Quote reposters from X writerslifters
15:30 Quote reposters from Bluesky Writerslifters
add and schedule at least one preferably 2
5 mainly reposters;
5 > 500 views;
5 Not followed or few followers Writerslifters),
14:30 Edit, review another poem from
add it to blogger at a especific file, schedule at blogger and X
19:00 Share at Bluesky WRITERSLIFTERS (5)
archive the poem's post at blogger
after publish a new poem or old not published yet
or republish one
copy the X link
share it
via a reply, write a new one
another text/poem, which will be slowly built dialoguing with published poem and those who I share with to:
4th - #writerslifters
nov 4
1st - search [ + poem + "main or secundary theme""]
nov 4
2nd - "poetslifter" list (poets who share other poets)
nov 4
post new at a repost of an unknown / not followed poet [because will link both]
3rd - poets comunities
nov 4
share at the lists
sunday poets with few reposts
reposters of mine
monday more 20k followers
tuesday likers of previous
wednesday more 5k followers
thursday repliers of previous
friday more 10k followers
saturday "most viewed replies" when i post
4th "most viewed reply" list (10)
5th "reposter list" (20)
This last
composed of those
who previously reposted
some of my previous poems
Oct, 31, 2024
daily post
15 replies in portuguese
34 replies in english
{nov, 31, 2024, thu, B}
draft 516e-24 X-Twitter Sharing Strategy, oct, 26, 2024, {nov, 31, 2024, thu, B} [nov, 24, 2024, Sun]
oct, 31, 2024
after publish a new poem
or old not published yet
or republish one
copy the X link
share it
via a reply
1st at #writerslift (10)
2nd at "poetslifter" list (10)
- preferably at the repost of an unknown / not followed poet [will link both]
3rd search ["theme" + poem"] (10)
4th "most viewed reply" list (10)
5th at my "reposter list" (20)
This last
composed of those
who previously reposted
some of my previous poems
Oct, 31, 2024
daily post
15 replies in portuguese
34 replies in english
{nov, 31, 2024, thu, B}
Poetslift: 1st Antology, 26, out, 2024
Gratitude for sharing!
Share a poem
about "Nature"
at this writerslift!
Nature: 2nd Poetslift Antology
copy the poem's link
+ paste at the post comments:
+ press reply
Would you share
your cherished
I hope so!
If followed, I follow back!
#Nature: 2nd #Poetslift #Antology
Share a poem about #Nature
at this #WritersLift!
copy yours' #poem link
+ paste at the post comments of
+ press reply
Would you
share your
I hope so!
Gratitude for sharing!
#Medication: 2nd Poetslift Antology
Gratitude for sharing!
And Would you share this poem which deals with "Medication" at this #Poetslift: #Antology?
It is only:
copy yours' poem link
+ paste at the post
+ reply
Would you
share this
I hope so!
#Poetslift: 1st #Poetry #Antology
- most liked #poem
A new #writerslift
but focused
in #poems
It would be
really amazing
if you could join
at my 1st #PoetsLift post
open at my personal timeline
Would you share now?
your most
for the sharing!
Direct message
Hi, gratitude for sharing!
This did touch me
Would you mind
if i quote part of this poem?
It will be in a post at my X timeline.
I will call the post PoetsLift Antology.
I will share my most liked poems?
If you
I will quote
and refer providing
your X handler and
the link to the original post.
Hope to hear from you soon!